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HordeSoraen Enarius
Image of Soraen Enarius
Gender Male
Race Blood Elf
Class Demon Hunter, formerly Ranger
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Quel'Thalas (kingdom)
Former affiliation(s) Farstrider, Venthyr, Alliance of Lordaeron
Location Quel'thalas, elsewhere
Status Alive
Relative(s) Tueth Enarius (brother)
Mentor(s) Alandien, Netharel, Theras

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Soraen Enarius hailed from House Enarius, one of the noble families of Silvermoon that maintained influence and a seat on the Convocation of Silvermoon. He became a Ranger of the Farstriders as was tradition in his family, save for his brother who instead pursued the path of a mage, and he would eventually rise to the rank of Ranger-Captain within the Ranger Corps. Following the Fall of Quel'thalas he joined Kael'thas' forces in Outland under Lord Illidan. He was chosen as a canidate to become a Demon Hunter, traininng under Aladien, Nethaarel and Theras, before he was entrusted with the mission to Mardum. After the death of Illidan he was imprisoned by the Wardens on the Broken Isles only to be freed with the Legion's return.

Having returned to his people, he found his House largely restored under his younger brother who he shared a joyus reunion with and found Quel'thalas had joined the Horde. Having worked with demons under Illidan he did not care for the past actions of the Horde and found himself agreeing with his people's decision to join the Horde. As such he offered his own blade to the cause when the Fourth War erupted after the War of Thorns. He continued to work for both the Illidari and the Horde before later joining the Venthyr in the Shadowlands.


Early Life

Born in Silvermoon City to House Enarius he was raised to become the next Lord of the House, to follow the steps of his ancestor Taetheres Enarius that founded the House thousands of years ago. He followed the path laid out by his mother, the Lord of the House at the time, to become a Ranger and join the Farstriders as House Enarius had long walked the road after Taetheres forswore magic in favour of becoming a ranger and living off the land. Despite this family tradition Soraen's younger brother desired to follow the path of Arcane against his mother's wishes though Soraen supported him going his own road. After Tueth left for Dalaran for training as he wanted to get away from his parent's over bearing influence Soraen felt somewhat jealous as he felt his life's path was laid out the moment he was born. Still he rose through the ranks of the Ranger Corps with zeal and made many life time friends and allies over the many years. He would raise to the rank of Ranger-Captain and led his own squadron in various missions against elves, gnolls or the odd human bandit band that entered Quel'thalas.

When the Second War came Soraen, who served under Lor'themar Theron, found himself on the front lines of the conflict. Many orcs and trolls fell to his blades and arrows over the course of the war and he saw battles from Quel'thalas, to Lordaeron's Capital City and even Black Rock Spire itself as he was part of the detachment sent to support the Alliance's efforts. His work with the Alliance ended at the last battle over the Dark Portal against the Black Tooth Grin orcs where he would return to Quel'thalas. For the next two decades his life returned to what it was before the Second War however this peace would come to an end as rumours and word of a plague gripping Lordaeron reached them. More alarming was the rising tide of undead and the news of Prince Arthas murdering his father. For Soraen this conflict climaxed when the Third War came to Quel'thalas in the form of the Scourge Invasion of Quel'thalas.

Soraen fought on the frontlines and lost many of his friends against the endless tide. He was seperated from Lor'themar's unit and found himself drastically out of position so he headed back north. He arrived to learn Ranger-General Sylvanas was dead and Silvermoon was under siege. Despite Soraen's and the other elves' best efforts the Scourge washed over Silvermoon and assaulted the Sunwell, corrupting it to revive Kel'thuzad. Soraen would find his house in ruins and his parents both dead, raised as mindless undead that attacked Soraen forcing him to put them down. He met up with Prince Kael'thas as he arrived to Quel'thalas after learning of its fall with many other elves, including Soraen's brother Tueth. After Kael'thas destroyed the corrupted Sunwell and declared his people the Blood elves, Soraen gladly took up this new identity. Soraen stayed under Kael's command and he joined the Alliance remnants which he worked for a time until Garithos' orders left the elves with nothing to defeat the undead with and forced them to accept the aid of the near by Naga. After Kael's alliance with the Naga was learnt by Garithos the Grand Marshal had them all arrested, Soraen and Tueth among them, to be executed. To escape the elves once more accepted the aid of the naga and they escaped to Outland.

Dark Covenants

Soraen became one of Illidan's greatest hunters in his war against the Legion.

Soraen found the dusty and broken realm of Outland beautiful in a strange way. Perhaps he felt similarly broken failing to save his home and being forced to kill the undead forms of his own family. Now serving under Lord Illidan he fought demons and fel orcs across the fel scarred wastes of Outland, securing it for his new master in hopes of finding salvation for his broken people. He fought at the battle to take the Black Temple from Magtheridon where he witnessed Illidan talk to Kil'jaeden the Deceiver. He was at the time unaware of the connection the Deceiver had to the Scourge and so did not question Illidan working for him. Soraen was not taken back to Azeroth when Illidan laid siege to the Frozen Throne and was instead left to guard the holdings on Outland much to his frustration especially as his lords returned in defeat.

As Illidan established himself as Lord of Outland Soraen entered service to the Eclispeon detachment of elves loyal to him directly. He became seperated from his brother as Tueth was attached to the forces returning to Quel'thalas alongside Grand Magister Rommanth to help Regent-Lord Lor'themar Theron. During his time in the Eclipse he proved a highly capable fighter with a strong mind as such when Illidan's Demon Hunters searched for potential recruits Soraen was selected. He under went the training with vigor and rapidly earned the comedation of each of the three night elf trainers as one of the most promising recruits. When Kael'thas turned on Illidan and joined the Legion Soraen did not hesitate in his loyalty to Illidan as he by now learned of Kil'jaeden's and the Legion's role in the creation of the Scourge and the Invasion of Quel'thalas and determined that anyone who would side with them was a monster.

When Illidan searched for canidates for the raid on Mardum Soraen was a natural selection for him, sending him on the vanguard even as the Black Temple was besieged. Fighting across the blasted Mardum Soraen killed scores of demons and helped secure the Sargerite Keystone from the Legion's hands as well as taking the Fel Hammer. Once it was secured he rushed back to the Black Temple to try and aid Illidan in the siege only to arrive too late as Illidan had been killed and his body taken by the Wardens. In a blind attempt to avenge him Soraen was captured by Maiev Shadowsong who transported them back to Azeroth to be sealed within the Vault of the Wardens on the Broken Isles. There he remained for the next several years, with his brother Tueth believing him to have died, or worse joined Kael'thas in the Legion.

The Third Invasion

Soraen's path led him to the destroyed world of Argus.

His imprisonment was interupted by Maiev as the Legion assaulted the Vault to retrieve the body of Illidan Stormrage. Once he was freed he, along with the rest of the Illidari, fought alongside their warden captures against the invading Demons before finally reaching their freedom though they failed to save the body of Illidan. Once they escaped the Broken Isles Soraen arrived to Orgrimmar to offer his services to the Horde to foster relations between the Horde and Illidari as the two sides warred in the past. Once Soraen served on battlefronts across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms he returned home to Quel'thalas for the first time since its fall during the Third War. There he discovered a rejunivated homeland and a rebuilt Silvermoon City with a people who have seemingly embraced their membership with the mongrel Horde. Having worked alongside demons, fel orcs and other monsterous races the Horde did not repulse Soraen as it may have once had, instead he found himself supporting his people's membership with it.

In Silvermoon he reunited with his brother Tueth in a warm embrace, the two having come to a dire conclusion the other was dead years ago and were overjoyed to be wrong. Tueth revealed the restored House Enarius, though still a shadow of what it once was it a functioning Household once more with Tueth owning some buisnesses within Silvermoon to fill the Enarius vaults. He also met Tueth's half-elf daughter during this time and bore no ill towards her, Soraen's time on Outland had beaten any prejudices out of him and he cared more for someone's personality and values over race or anything else as frivolous. The two brothers would join one another in journeying to Dalaran once it moved the Broken Isles where they were separated due to different orders demanding their attention; Tueth joined the renewed Tirisgarde while Soraen returned to service among the Illidari onboard the Fel Hammer that was awaiting the return of the demon hunters since the end of the War over Outland.

Soraen would see service across not just the Broken Isles, but all of Azeroth and beyond as he fought across worlds such as Niskara against the Legion. He would aid the Illidari in recovering the body and soul of their master Illidan although Enarius himself had begun to harbour doubts about his supposed messiah, he came to conclude that the reason the Alliance and Horde struck him down as because when they arrived to Outland they saw no difference between him and the Legion; a demon lording over slaves and attrocities. The belief they were serving the greater good only goes so far. Still it was believed Illidan was needed for the war effort and faced down many challenges, including facing Helya, to recover his soul and finally face Gul'dan at the Nighthold to bring the Betrayer back to life. In the ensuring second battle over the Broken Shore the Armies of Legionfall united the class orders, Soraen among them, and they took back the Broken Shore from the Legion, storming the Tomb of Sargeras and ending Kil'jaeden himself. Soraen bore witness to the Deciever's end and Illidan opening a portal to Argus over Azeroth itself.

The fighting on Argus was some of the harshest in the war yet Soraen truly found himself in his element. Vengeance drove him and he fought at the side of many heroes, most notably the draenei Draay and his brother Tueth, across the broken Argus. Finally the war came to the heart of the Legion and beyond, confronting the corrupted World Soul of Argus itself in the Seat of the Pantheon where Soraen would die and be revived over and over again to defeat the Death Titan. Once the crazed Argus was slain the reborn Titan Pantheon ended the Burning Crusade by imprisoning Sargeras himself at the Seat and the armies of Azeroth returned home, with Soraen spending the return trip incapable of grasping what his future was to be.

After the Legion

Many Demon Hunters felt lost after the end of the Legion, some took to hunting remnants however Soraen instead sought to return home to Quel'Thalas. His quest of vengeance was about avenging the fallen of his home and now he wanted to see that home protected. He would officially rejoin his former House as a member and help Tueth secure their family's place among the elite, however the call of war was rising again as the Horde sought new allies for the inventiable war with the Alliance. Tueth and Soraen would help bring the Nightborne into the Horde, both having fought in Suramar and were familiar with the elven people there and valued them as potential allies. Soraen saw the restored Sunwell for the first time though shrank back from its radiance as the Light harmed the demon side of him. However any moral concerns about that were cast aside when the Void asailed them due to Alleria's presence there, sparking Soraen to distrust the use of Void and he agreed with Grand Magister Rommath about being cautious with the void less it corrupts the Sunwell and undo much of what had been done for the Sin'dorei.

Soraen would be attached to the army that was to march to Silithus only to be redirected to northern Kalimdor for the War of the Thorns the spark of the renewed war between factions. Soraen didn't hate night elves however neither did he particularly care for them; Illidan didn't consider himself one anymore. Still he found the fighting empty and emotionless, it was merely work he was doing to ensure Quel'Thalas' place in the Horde remained uncontested. However he did find the Burning of Teldrassil an appalling waste of life and questioned if anything of the Sylvanas even still existed anymore. Soraen would fight on frontlines across Azeroth against the Alliance now holding a fiercer fight as he feared a vengeful Alliance and what the void elves could do if their faction conquered Quel'Thalas. He would even clash with his former comrades from the Illidari, most notably Selentia who was a more hardcore Illidan fanatic and was driven by vengeance for Teldrassil, a motive that caused Soraen to look at what the Horde did to the Kaldorei in a similar light as to what the Scourge did to Quel'Thalas.

These doubts made him an easy recruit into the second Horde rebellion brewing under Saurfang, recruited for the upcoming battle by Tueth who was an early rebel already ready to turn on Sylvanas long before Soraen was. Soraen perhaps hoped more of his Ranger-General still existed in her heart however whatever hope he had was ash and he was determined to see her deposed. Her brutal and unrelenting methods reminded him of Illidan as well, who was determined to do anything to win against impossible odds and it made Soraen wonder if Sylvanas was truly fighting to preserve the Horde or perhaps she knew of something else. Still the potential civil war was stopped by Saurfang challenging Sylvanas to Mak'gora and reveled her true thoughts before the united forces, ending a potential war before it truly started and ending the Fourth War. Yet one war ending was another war beginning as the Veil between Life and Death was broken by Sylvanas.

Heading into the Shadowlands much of what Soraen assumed about the cosmos was questioned as he fought various forces of the afterlives. He would pledged his blade to the Venthyr as their goal of redeeming souls perhaps spoke to the ever lost Demon Hunter. He saw himself as every bit the demon he accused Illidan of being and sought some sort of penance, a quest made even more turbulent by the appearance of Kael'thas as a soul under the Venthyr's care. Dealing with the Venthyr helped him come to terms with being a mortal again and once the conflict over the Shadowlands was over he returned to Quel'Thalas more determined than ever to see his people prosper. He spent the next few years at his brother's side restoring their House, now unified with their distant Nightborne counterparts. He reassumed old duties of patrolling Quel'Thalas and fighting forest trolls, a return to normalcy that surprised Soraen as he truly thought that life was far behind him.