User:Ximothy/Ojom Bearbarrel

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NeutralOjom Bearbarrel
Image of Ojom Bearbarrel
Gender Male
Race Pandaren
Class Windwalker Monk
Affiliation(s) Pandaren Empire
Golden Lotus
Location Pandaria, Wandering Isle
Status Alive
Relative(s) San and Li (Parents), Bu Bearbarrel (brother), Xana, Taosh (sisters)
Mentor(s) High Elder Cloudfall
Student(s) Araesh Bladefall, Kerper
Companion(s) Swabu (Red Panda); Ming Blossom, Meeko, Rushoon, Jardo Fire-Fist (travelling companions)

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The Hero of Pandaria, Ojom is a Monk who reveres the August Celestials, a travelling story teller who is often heard off in bars and on the road talking to random people he comes across.


Ojom Kindfelt, of the large Bearbarrel clan that dwells in the sleepy fishing village along the north eastern shore of the lovely Jade Forest called Sri-La Village. His father, San Kindfelt, was a member of the local Anglers and would spend all day fishing, passing this trait upon his children, while his mother, Li Kindfelt was a former Tillers member from Halfhill in the Valley of Four Winds, however after marrying San she moved to the village and took up gardening. Growing up as the second youngest in the Bearbarrel family, Ojom was close to his siblings growing up, the four of them would play games together and pretend to be various heroes from the Lorewalkers' legends. His only younger sibling, the sister Taosh, was always a rather mature kid who would later go on to join the Order of the Cloud Serpent as a Serpent rider. His elder brother be two years, Bu, was also a good friend, he was lively and jolly all the time, and he eventually applied to join the Lorewalkers. Finally there was Xana, the eldest but least mature sibling, she was quick to join a wandering merc band across Pandaria though kept a messenger bird to keep in touch with family.

As a cub he often played with his siblings, playing out battles of ages past with toys of the August Celestial, Pandaren and Mogu. He still fondly remembers the simplicity of these times even as the world descends into darkness. He often went to Halfhill for the sake of the trip alone, he made friends with many children who he kept in contact with via hawk messages. Overall he had a normal early childhood with nothing overly dramatic happened. He received a Turtle baby as a present for his seventh birthday, named Kang, and he raised it as his trusty steed.

Ojom, upon reaching of age, went off to the Tian Monastery to study the ways of the Monk, where he worked hard and tirelessly to become the best he could possibly be. He worked in a small group that consisted of himself, a female Pandaren named Ming Blossom, twin male pandaren nicked name Fist and Foot, and a Jinyu named Jaaron. The Head Masters were very impressed, and opted to send both Ojom and Ming out to receive the blessing of Yu'lon the Jade Serpent. The two travelled from Tian Academy over too the Temple of the Jade Serpent, discussing their childhoods on the way to the temple. They met some Jinyu traders and helped them chase off some sprites that were harassing them.

Arriving at the Temple of the Jade Serpent, they were heartily greeted by the Monks and Priests that worship the Jade Serpent. Being presented before Yu'lon, the Great Serpent happily greeted the duo, stating she has seen them in her dreams. Confused, Ojom inquired about these dreams, and Yu'lon says that she does fear a burning shadow hangs over the world, but she states that it's something for older minds. She says that she has caught wind of their training, and believes that while she has no doubt they would make excellent Jade Serpent students, she can tell their passions lie elsewhere. She has seen their fierceness of battle, and their peace in mind. She believes they could be students of the White Tiger or Jade Serpent, and suggests they travel over to the Temple of the White Tiger and spend three months there to determine if they wish to stay or return. Ming asks if they will be flown there, but Yu'lon instead suggested they travel by foot, stating that the path of a Monk is far more than simply studying, but to go out in the world, and travelling to the White Tiger is a good chance to get to know Pandaria better.

Adventuring across Pandaria

Ojom and Ming accept this small quest, giving their farewells to their families and gathering supplies for their journey across Pandaria's central continent. Leaving together, both with their own Yaks to carry them and their things they have taken with them, they begun their travel from the gates of the Tian Academy, travelling south to find the road that reaches the Valley of Four Winds. When passing through the city of Dawn's Blossom, a pandaren asked them if they were heading somewhere close to Pearlfin Village, as they have a small package to deliever to them. Deciding the detour was an acceptable one.

Along the way to Pearlfin Village, Ojom and Ming encountered the hozen Meeko the hozen, a Slingtail scout and pathfinder that likes flowers, after they saved him from a tiger that he provoked when he picked a flower near it as he slept. After saving him, Meeko decides that he shall join them on their journey, much to both of their uncertainty but they allowed after being told they were going to Kun Lai and it didn't deter the hozen in the slightest. Reaching the edge of Pearlfin village, they were stopped by some Jinyu who state they are not allowed into the village. Accepting this, Ojom states that they were asked to drop this package off on their way to Kun Lai. Catching their interest, one of the guards state that there's an Inkgill Jinyu in Jade Forest seeking company to Kun Lai, and if they are interested in helping her they can find her practicing near by at a lake.

Encountering Rushmire, the Inkgill Water Dancer who was practicing with her blade by the lakeside, introducing all three of them, including their travel to Kun-Lai, she thinks on it, and says that she's been stuck in Jade Forest for weeks because none of the Jinyu want to guide her back to Kun-Lai, and that while she would prefer to travel with her own kin, she is homesick and will gladly travel with Pandaren and even a hozen. Ojom and Meek travelled on Ojom's yak, while Ming and Rushmire travelled on Ming's yak, the group reached the edge of the boarder to the Valley of Four Winds.

The four reach the pass through the Veiled Stair, however are shocked to discover some of the elusive Golden Lotus standing guard, explaining there was a small problem but to not worry as the Shado-Pan and Golden Lotus were dealing with the matter. Until then however the Stair is closed, they advise they head to Halfhill where most other traders and travellers have gone too until the Stair is fully cleansed. Arriving at Halfhill there were many disgrunted travellers, including some Grummels, about the closed Stair completely cutting Kun-Lai off from the rest of Pandaria. They also learn that there is a yaungol harassing the virmen, though most travellers would prefer to let the yaungol fight the virmen and not them, Ojom decides to investigates. He had never seen a yaungol before and wandered why one of their kind was here and hassling the local rabbit men.

Heading into the edge of the valley, Ojom and his group discovered the yaungol in an abandoned den eating food he had stolen. Although initially cautious of the pandaren, the yaungol relented when Ojom assured him that he was merely curious and once sitting with him the bull man introduced himself as Jardo. Apparently he was an exiled Fire Speaker and had managed to make it south after being driven from his tribe, however he wanted to avoid pandaren settlements. When learning that his raids on the virmen was driving them into pandaren farms Jardo was apologetic and assured Ojom that he would move on. However Ojom instead invited him to join his small group, they were heading back north and Ojom would like to help resolve any issue Fardo had with his people.

The Adventurer's Guild

Arriving at Halfhill while they wait for the Stair to become accessable they learn that there is a saurok band raiding and pillaging farms across the entire region, a farmer named Tina requests that they scare them away. Venturing into the edges of the Valley, they fought and killed several saurok raiders, where they followed their trail of wreckage to a cave in the Wilds to the south. Learning the name of this group of saurok is called the Shadowscale saurok, they travel to the Temple of the Red Crane, where Ming becomes very absorbed by the teachings of the Red Crane. The Shadowscale saurok have settled in an area not too far from the Red Crane temple, in the small marsh just north. Going out, the group fight and deal with the saurok, their leader Darkhatch was driven from the region, badly wounded with a broken arm, missing eye and scars across his body.

With the saurok dealt with they continued on their way up past Halfhill, where they were hailed as heroes, and ventured into the Veiled Stair which was finally cleared for them to enter. Passing the Inn located there, Ming mentioned that some students at the Monastery believe that black market dealings are done there however the Shado-Pan done seem to do anything about it, making Ojom believe they were just rumours as he can't imagine Lord Zhu allowing such dealings to be left alone. Heading through the cave they once more tangoed with saurok who attempted to kill them as they sailed down the cave where their boat as struck and sunk. Some saurok attacked them and stole their food, fleeing into the deeper parts of the cave. Heading after them Ojom and the others were attacked once more by Darkhatched who desired revenge and had come to this cave, who believed they had come to finish the job. fighting the saurok once more they find him stronger and wielding strange blood magic. Ojom was finally finished off the saurok warlord and the other saurok scattered into the cave, allowing the group of friends to recover their supplies and reassume their trek to Brinan Village.

They arrived at the village and were able to rest at the Inn for the night, the knowledge that his journey would come to an end soon loomed over him. In the morning Rushoon left to complete her tasks at her home village of Inkgill near by before returning, stating she desired to see this journey reached its end. Before they left the village to find Jardo's tribe they were approached by the mayor of the village. The mayor of Brinan spoke of kidnapped pandaren cubs being held in a near by settlement, he believes hozen maybe involved but they haven't been seen in a while now. Meeko questions what hozen would even do with pandaren cubs. Travelling north towards the last location known for the lost cubs, where they enter the depths of a very large cave, crawling with mountain Hozen, more hostile than their forest kin, and the group fight their way through the monkey men. A large hozen called Doo Doo Grookim attacked them, he was powerful, causing rocks to fall from the roof, however Rushoon kept his attention while Jardo kept them healed. Once Doo Doo was defeated, they moved deeper, and they came into a strange, dark deep ruins.

Meeko set off some traps, activating statues of Mogu to attack them yet which were quickly dispatched by the group despite the size and . Ojom led the pary further into the depths, where the Mogu themselves appeared, battling the five adventurers as they began following the trail of the lost children, where they over heard Hjeng the Bone Cracker talk about sacrificing pandaren children to fuel a machine, referring to it as the Blood Engine. The Adventurers venture through Mogu guards, and some stone warriors that are in the service of the Mogu that were called back to life by the Bone Cracker. What little of the hozen mercenaries were left fled the caves while Ojom engaged Hjeng and his guard, finally bringing the Mogu down who in his dying moments shares a threat "The mist will part... the thunder will return... and pride will be undone...". The five friends discussed what they had seen as none of them had encountered a live Mogu before now, and Ojom was especially unnerved by his final words. With the cubs rescued they were returned to Brinan Village much to the gratitude of the parents and community. With the cubs saved, Ojom resolved to head to find Jardo's tribe despite the yaungol telling the young pandaren to forget the promise and just go to the White Tiger Temple.