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HordeAraesh Bladefall
Image of Araesh Bladefall
Title <Tiger of Durotar>
Gender Male
Race Orc
Class Monk, formerly Warrior and Blademaster
Affiliation(s) The Horde, Durotar. Huojin Pandaren, Order of the Broken Temple, Dragonscale Expedition
Former affiliation(s) Burning Blade Clan
Location Orgrimmar, Elsewhere
Status Active
Relative(s) Arashi Bladefall (father, deceased), Artox the Carver (brother, desceased)
Mentor(s) Ojom Bearbarrel (Monk trainer)
Companion(s) Sishu Wardancer (wife), Shomash'gora (Dragon Companion)

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The Son of Arashi Bladefall, a Blademaster of the Burning Blade Clan, Araesh has grown in a post-corruption orc world, spending his youth in the Badlands evading the gaze of the Alliance. He initially trained as a warrior and Blademaster like his father at the side of Artox, Araesh's brother. Yet he always knew of his father's shame of his past actions while Artox revered the past. The two served in the Horde's army until Araesh washed up on Pandaria where he healed and trained under the monk Ojom. Hoping to claim his own honour Araesh treaded a very different path and confronted his brother at the Siege of Orgrimmar, killing him and burying him in front of Orgrimmar.


Early Life

In service to the Horde, he rose through the ranks under Warchief Hellscream.

He was born after the Second War ended in the Badlands, where he was raised in hiding as he was part of a small Burning Blade group that were trying to evade detection of the Alliance and maintained a small way of life farming on difficult land and fishing from the near by ocean. Having evade humans for his early life led him to hate them as he felt as if he was being punished for crimes he and his brother did not commit. From his youth their father Arashi taught them the art of the Blademaster, hoping to instill in them the values and honour of the old Burning Blade Clan from before the demon blood. Their isolated life came to an end once some sailors saw the orc enclave and reported it to the Alliance, leading to a crack down by the Alliance. Many died including both of his parents while Araesh and his brother Artox were taken to the Interment Camps. He languished there for only a year before Thrall's New Horde destroyed the Interment Camps and freed the orcs, however despite his training Araesh and Artox were denied service on frontline battles due to their age and thus they sat out the Third War.

When they became of age they enrolled into the Horde army and put their Blademaster training to good use by fighting the enemies of the Horde. Yet while he was close to his brother they viewed their father's legacy differently, as while Araesh understood that their father was ashamed of the actions of the orcs during the Rise of the Horde Artox only saw the glory of it. The two served as grunts in the war in Northrend where they rose in ranks even catching the eyes of higher ups, with Araesh getting a chance to meet Saurfang while Artox met Garrosh. When Hellscream became Warchief and the war with the Alliance reached new heights during the Cataclysm the two brothers rose to distinguishment in service to Garrosh, Araesh becoming a Legionnaire while Artox rose to the rank of Centurion.

Araesh allowed himself to embrace the war, letting go of lessons his father taught him as he desired the Horde to win. He fought in battles from the Barrens, to Stonetalon all the way to Vashj'ir and Tol Barad, killing many Alliance on the way and earning honours from his superiors. He grew to hate the Alliance, a group he already dispised for the Interment Camps and his treatment as a child, but it bloomed into full blown hatred in fighting the Lions on the battlefield. He allowed fear and paranoia override his logic, believing the Alliance were out to destroy the Horde and they had to do anything to defeat them to secure the Horde's future on Azeroth. His loyalty was, however, shaken after seeing Theramore bombed on Hellscream's orders where's Artrox cheered in glee at the sight. He was later assigned to a fleet in the south sea that engaged in the Alliance in naval warfare where his ship was sunk and he found himself stranded on a mysterious land...

Path of the Monk

Learning the way of the Monk helped Araesh heal both body and soul, averting his dark path.

Having washed ashore near Sri-La Village Araesh was among those recovered by the local pandaren, with Araesh being taken in by a monk named Ojom Bearbarrel, a wandering monk who had recently returned to Pandaria after exploring Azeroth. Araesh was brought to his home where Ojom tended to his injuries and once Araesh awoke the two begun to talk. Ojom related his experiences and life to the injured orc who listened with great interest, and would ask pointed questions to the orc who often found himself without an answer true to what he believed. When Araesh learnt that Ojom was also taking care of an Alliance soldier named Kerper he demanded he face this human but when Ojom inquired on what exactly he wanted to do, if he would strangle a wounded soldier in his bed, Araesh relented and recinced his request to see him.