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HordeWarlord Nevek
Image of Warlord Nevek
Title <The Crazy>
Gender Male
Race Orc
Class Warrior, Gladiator
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Warsong Clan
Former affiliation(s) Bloodsworn Brothers
Location Buried in the Valley of Trials
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Tarak (mother, deceased), Dojan Warsaw (father)
Companion(s) Gruffe Raintotem, Sai'jin (Blood Brothers)

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Born in the Interment Camps, his mother died when he was a babe and he did not know who his father was. He was raised a gladiator as he was seemingly filled with rage and was not affected by the Lethargy that sent most orcs into an apathetic laziness and got him named "the Crazy" by the guards as their explantion. After the Camps were liberated he was sidelined as he was merely thirteen, and he was fifteen when the Third War happpened. When twenty he met Sai'jin and Gruffe and the three formed the Bloodsworn Brothers together as the three adventured across Azeroth working together. When he sided with Garrosh in the civil war it broke the bond the three had and it would not mend until well into the War in Draenor where he learnt about his parents and reforged his bond. They fought together until he finally died on Argus, his body buried in the Valley of Trials.


His parents were Tarak and Dojan Warsaw of the Warsong Clan while the clan lived in exile in Lordaeron. Tarak was caught by humans when returning from one of these secret meetings and was thrown into one of the Camps where she learnt she was pregnant and gave birth to Nevek. She died not long after he was born due to abuse at the hands of the Camp guards, and Nevek was raised communally by lethargic orcs knowing only that his mother died through abuse and that she was a Warsong orc, with no other orc learning her name. He was used as a gladiator as he did not seem as affected by the lethargy as others, earning the nick name "the Crazy" for seeming unhinged in comparison, however when the Camps were liberated by Thrall Nevek was sidelined as he was still young and deemed not fit to fight as a grunt. This sidelining carried on through the Third War when he was fifteen, serving instead as a grunt for the civilian compound and did not partake in any of the notable battles of the Third War, something that he always hated as he felt denied the glory of fighting the Legion.

When he was twenty he finished training in the Valley of Trials and left the Valley to make his way as a mercenary of the Horde. He traveled across Durotar, the Barrens and Stonetalon earning pay as a sword-for-hire when he met with a troll named Sai'ju and a tauren named Gruffe. The three were hired to deal with a warlock of the Emerald Flame, a warlock cult, named Felmaul, and it led to them unraveling a plot of the Emerald Flame in the region. After working together so well the three chose to travel together for a time and ventured across the rest of Azeroth, exploring northern Kalimdor, Lordaeron and beyond, forging a bond between the three of them. They would once more confront the Emerald Flame, this time facing their leader Wyrmlock of the Emerald Flame and once again foiled their plan, dismantling the order and getting Wyrmlock executed by Warchief Thrall as he was a traitor to the Horde. With their bond strong the three of them swore to each over over a firepit to be Blood Brothers, and named themselves the Bloodsworn Brothers. The three would go on to earn more honours and glory for the Horde becoming renown to the commonfolk of the Horde as modern heroes.

When the Dark Portal opened Nevek went to Outland with his brothers and got to explore the ruined homeworld of his people and fought the Legion and the Illidari. He connected with the Mag'har and saw the son of his clan's chieftain, Garrosh Hellscream, helping secure the Mag'har from the various threats plaguing them across Nagrand and beyond. He helped reunite Greatmother Geyah with her grandson Thrall, the Warchief, and saw Garrosh's spirit ingited once more once he learnt how his father had died years prior in the Third War. He also learnt of the Naaru and other strange creatures he's never seen before, feeling more insecure about the security of the Horde from such threats. He was not pleased at the addition of the Blood Elves to the Horde viewing them as too magicl reliant and untrustworthy as former enemies however it was by interacting with the Blood Knight Athais Sunhawk that he came to accept him as a friend and invited him to the Bloodsworn, which had expanded to include several others. Raiding strongholds and develging into dungeons to gain power and treasures for the Horde, and he partook in battlegrounds against the Alliance. After the defeat of Kil'jaeden at the Sun Well Nevek heard news of potential war with the Scourge, a foe he was mostly unfamiliar with.

In Northrend Nevek enjoyed fighting under the more aggressive Garrosh Hellscream and the Warsong Offensive, his hatred of the Alliance emboldened by various actions such as Varian's declaration of war in the Undercity. He clashed with the Lion's Veterans, such as the paladin Aturis Darkhammer, though his focus was always on the Scourge itself. He valued the Argent Crusade as he knew of the Dawn's previous actions and that its founder Tirion Fordring saved Eitrigg at the cost of his standing.

Nevek Warsaw

HordeNevek Warsaw
Image of Nevek Warsaw
Title <Warsaw the Younger>
Gender Male
Race Mag'har orc
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Horde
Mag'har Clans
Warsong Clan, Frostwolf Orcs
Location Orgrimmar, elsewhere
Status Alive
Relative(s) Tarak (mother, deceased), General Warsaw (father, deceased)
Companion(s) Shorjak (Garn)

Coming from the Alternate Draenor after many of the Mag'har fled the Lightbound onslaught, Warsaw the Younger struggles to settle in as he lives in the shadow of this world's Nevek. Although he shares his name and heritage, Warsaw is not strictly speaking the alternate version of Nevek as both of their births was after the timeline divergence, however most see him as such, he was even named after the original Nevek. His desire to not live in the shadow of Nevek led to him usually referring to himself as Warsaw and refusing membership to the Bloodsworn.