Siege of Orgrimmar (instance)

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This article is about the raid instance. For the lore of the battle, see Siege of Orgrimmar. For the patch, see patch 5.4.0.
Siege of Orgrimmar
Siege of Orgrimmar loading screen.jpg
Location Vale of Eternal Blossoms (stage one, entrance)
Orgrimmar, Durotar (stage two)
Race(s) OrcOrc Orc
GoblinGoblin Goblin
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
MoguMogu Mogu
MantidMantid Mantid
Jinyu Jinyu
Sha Sha
Yaungol Yaungol
Saurok Saurok
End boss IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream
Instance info
Type Raid
Level 90
Player limit 10-30
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed

The Siege of Orgrimmar is a raid instance released in patch 5.4, consisting of two major stages. The first stage focuses on dealing with the aftermath of the Sha contamination of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms caused by Garrosh Hellscream's revival of the Heart of Y'Shaarj, and a confrontation with the last Sha prime that has manifested inside the Vault of Y'Shaarj, the Sha of Pride. The second stage focuses on the fight in Durotar, where the Darkspear Rebellion and the Alliance army make a final push to the Horde capital city, Orgrimmar, in order to take down the Horde Warchief Garrosh Hellscream and put an end to the Alliance-Horde war, as well as Hellscream's intent to take over the world of Azeroth by force.

This is the first raid to implement the Flexible Raid system, which allow groups of anywhere between 10 and 30 players to raid the instance. Flexible raid was originally its own difficulty between Raid Finder and normal (now called heroic). With the release of patch 6.0, the difficulties were renamed and scaled to match the new standard.

The Raid Finder version (and the original flexible version) of the Siege of Orgrimmar is divided into 4 different wings, with each wing originally opening a week (or two) after the previous. See the list of opening dates for details.

Opening dates

Difficulties are listed as they were called prior to the launch of patch 6.0.

Date opened (US) Mode Wing/bosses Required achievement
10 September 2013 Normal All bosses None
10 September 2013 Flexible  [Vale of Eternal Sorrows] None
17 September 2013 Heroic All bosses Downfall
17 September 2013 Flexible  [Gates of Retribution] Vale of Eternal Sorrows
17 September 2013 Raid Finder  [Vale of Eternal Sorrows] None
24 September 2013 Raid Finder  [Gates of Retribution] Vale of Eternal Sorrows
1 October 2013 Flexible  [The Underhold] Gates of Retribution
8 October 2013 Raid Finder  [The Underhold] Gates of Retribution
15 October 2013 Flexible  [Downfall] The Underhold
22 October 2013 Raid Finder  [Downfall] The Underhold


Community site

Heroes of the Alliance and the Horde have tested their mettle against the might of the sha, the Thunder King, and each other, but neither side could have predicted the boundless atrocities the Horde's warchief would commit.

Garrosh Hellscream's reckless thirst for power has led him to do the unthinkable: from beneath the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, he has seized the desiccated heart of an Old God to use as a tool of war, unleashing horrors upon the sacred valley. The brazen warchief has also turned against other members of the Horde to create a purely orcish force of his own. Now this "true Horde" is amassing strength within Orgrimmar's iron ramparts. With Garrosh bent on total victory, he plans to demonstrate the potency of the true Horde by conquering not just the Alliance but the whole of Azeroth.

It is up to you to purify the vale and bring Garrosh to justice. Should you fail, the frenzied legions of his true Horde will raze all you have ever known and mutate Azeroth into a hellish new Outland.[1]

Adventure Guide

The tensions stoked by Garrosh Hellscream's arrogance have reached a boiling point with the destruction unleashed upon the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Leaders of the Alliance and Horde lay siege to Hellscream's capital in order to topple the ruthless Warchief once and for all!


Vale of Eternal Sorrows

Venture through the scarred Vale of Eternal Blossoms, exploring unearthed mogu ruins to discover the source of the destruction.

Gates of Retribution

War has come to the gates of Orgrimmar, as Alliance forces and the Darkspear Rebellion seek revenge against Garrosh Hellscream.

The Underhold

Within a secret Kor'kron base carved into the sweltering caverns beneath Orgrimmar, Garrosh is assembling his ultimate army.


Wielding the dark power that lay dormant beneath Pandaria, Garrosh seeks to bring a new order to Azeroth. He must be stopped!

Instance entrance area at past time at Vale of Eternal Blossom
Instance entrance since patch 8.3.0.


Main article: Siege of Orgrimmar

Getting there

The actual instance entrance is located at the bottom of what was the central lake at [74, 42] in the Summer Fields of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. A meeting stone is situated outside, next to The Emperor's Burden - Part 8 at [69, 45] at the southwestern end of what was the lake.

In the Battle for Azeroth phase of the Vale introduced by patch 8.3.0, the Siege of Orgrimmar portal is located underwater at the same coordinates.

Added in patch 10.1.5, a Scroll of Past Deeds is visible next to Lorewalker Cho just inside the instance, which allows players to skip directly to Garrosh Hellscream.


Maps and subregions

Vale of Eternal Blossoms



The Underhold

Realm of Y'Shaarj


Wing Bosses Mobs Notable NPCs

Pools of Power

Scarred Vale

Chamber of Purification

Vault of Y'Shaarj


Dranosh'ar Landing

The Darkspear Offensive

Before the Gates

Gates of Orgrimmar

Valley of Strength

The Drag

Cleft of Shadow

Ragefire Chasm


Kor'kron Barracks

Underhold Nexus

Artifact Storage

The Menagerie



Chamber of the Paragons

Rough-Hewn Passage

The Inner Sanctum


In addition to the loot in the tables below, the first eight bosses (Immerseus to General Nazgrim) have a chance to drop a  [Sigil of Power],  [Sigil of Wisdom],  [Secrets of the Empire], or  [Titan Runestone] for players on the appropriate step in the legendary questline.

Vale of Eternal Sorrows

Item Type Description
Cloth hands Spirit
Leather wrist Spirit
Plate wrist Strength tank
Plate wrist Strength DPS
Plate chest Strength DPS
Back Intellect DPS
Plate hands Strength DPS
Mace (1H) Strength tank
Plate waist Spirit
Leather head Agility DPS
Cloth head Intellect DPS
Cloth shoulder Spirit
Neck Agility DPS
Plate shoulder Strength tank
Mail feet Agility DPS
Trinket Intellect DPS
Leather feet Spirit
Finger Spirit
Mail hands Spirit
Plate feet Strength tank
Staff Agility DPS
Plate feet Intellect
The Fallen Protectors
Item Type Description
Plate shoulder Strength DPS
Crossbow Agility DPS
Plate head Spirit
Back Strength tank
Plate hands Spirit
Mail hands Agility DPS
Cloth wrist Spirit
Finger Intellect DPS
Plate waist Strength DPS
Held In Off-hand Spirit
Cloth chest Intellect DPS
Trinket -AoE damage
Mail feet Spirit
Cloth feet Intellect DPS
Plate hands Strength tank
Mail shoulder Spirit
Cloth shoulder Intellect DPS
Leather shoulder Spirit
Fist weapon (1H) Agility DPS
Finger Strength DPS
Leather feet Agility DPS
Item Type Description
Cloth hands Intellect DPS
Leather feet Spirit
Plate wrist Strength DPS
Cloth wrist Intellect DPS
Mail wrist Spirit
Leather hands Intellect DPS
Back Strength DPS
Trinket Strength DPS
Leather hands Agility DPS
Mail legs Agility DPS
Shield Spirit
Dagger Agility DPS
Mail shoulder Agility DPS
Plate head Strength tank
Ring Agility DPS
Cloth shoulder Intellect DPS
Leather chest Agility DPS
Cloth waist Spirit
Mail legs Spirit
Neck Intellect DPS
Plate wrist Spirit
Sword (1H) Strength DPS
Sha of Pride
Item Type Description
Chest T16 token
Chest T16 token
Chest T16 token
Trinket Agility DPS
Neck Strength tank
Plate head Spirit
Staff Intellect DPS
Sword (2H) Strength DPS
Plate feet Strength DPS
Neck Spirit
Trinket Healer
Leather head Spirit
Shield Strength tank
 [Droplet of Y'Shaarj] Companion
 [Gooey Sha-ling] Companion

Gates of Retribution

Item Type Description
Plate wrist Strength tank
Cloth feet Intellect DPS
Mail waist Agility DPS
Bow Agility DPS
Mail wrist Agility DPS
Leather wrist Spirit
Staff Spirit
Trinket Strength DPS
Finger Intellect DPS
Cloth head Intellect DPS
Finger Strength tank
Mail hands Intellect DPS
Leather hands Agility DPS
Plate shoulder Strength DPS
Cloth wrist Intellect DPS
Cloth shoulder Spirit
Cloth feet Spirit
Plate wrist Spirit
Finger Agility DPS
Plate head Strength DPS
Leather feet Agility DPS
Plate legs Spirit
Iron Juggernaut
Item Type Description
Cloth waist Intellect DPS
Plate feet Spirit
Cloth wrist Spirit
Leather wrist Spirit
Mail wrist Spirit
Plate waist Strength DPS
Plate chest Strength tank
Cloth hands Spirit
Trinket Tank
Neck Strength DPS
Held In Off-hand Intellect DPS
Leather wrist Agility DPS
Finger Spirit
Cloth legs Intellect DPS
Mail feet Agility DPS
Mail hands Agility DPS
Leather shoulder Agility DPS
Mace (1H) Agility DPS
Cloth chest Spirit
Plate hands Strength DPS
Mail feet Spirit
Plate wrist Strength DPS
Kor'kron Dark Shaman
Item Type Description
Plate waist Strength DPS
Neck Intellect DPS
Mail waist Spirit
Finger Strength DPS
Plate chest Strength DPS
Leather waist Agility DPS
Leather head Intellect DPS
Axe (1H) Strength tank
Mail head Agility DPS
Trinket Agility DPS
Cloth head Spirit
Mace (1H) Spirit
Trinket Intellect DPS
Back Agility DPS
Finger Strength tank
Leather legs Agility DPS
Plate waist Spirit
Mail shoulder Spirit
Plate shoulder Spirit
Cloth feet Intellect DPS
Plate feet Strength DPS
General Nazgrim
Item Type Description
Hands T16 token
Hands T16 token
Hands T16 token
Sword (1H) Intellect DPS
Shield Strength DPS
Mail head Spirit
Mace (2H) Strength DPS
Trinket Healer
Dagger Agility DPS
Mail feet Agility DPS
Leather chest Spirit
Cloth feet Spirit
Leather shoulder Agility DPS
Cloth shoulder Intellect DPS

The Underhold

Item Type Description
Cloak Spirit
Plate wrist Strength tank
Leather feet Intellect DPS
Leather wrist Spirit
Mail chest Spirit
Trinket Intellect DPS
Polearm Agility DPS
Cloth head Spirit
Gun Agility DPS
Leather chest Agility DPS
Plate legs Strength DPS
Plate feet Strength tank
Axe (1H) Strength DPS
Neck Strength DPS
Cloth waist Intellect DPS
Finger Agility DPS
Cloth chest Spirit
Finger Spirit
Plate chest Spirit
Trinket Tank
Shield Spirit
Mail wrist Agility DPS
Spoils of Pandaria
Item Type Description
Mail chest Agility DPS
Shield Strength tank
Mail waist Agility DPS
Cloth wrist Intellect DPS
Mail wrist Spirit
Mail waist Spirit
Sword (1H) Agility DPS
Plate head Strength DPS
Wand Intellect DPS
Leather hands Spirit
Neck Spirit
Leather wrist Agility DPS
Cloth chest Intellect DPS
Plate feet Intellect
Plate feet Strength tank
Leather feet Agility DPS
Plate waist Spirit
Finger Strength DPS
Leather legs Spirit
Trinket Agility DPS
Plate waist Strength tank
Thok the Bloodthirsty
Item Type Description
Head T16 token
Head T16 token
Head T16 token
Cloth chest Intellect DPS
Polearm Strength DPS
Finger Strength DPS
Held In Off-hand Intellect DPS
Neck Agility DPS
Dagger Agility DPS
Plate chest Tank
Cloth hands Intellect DPS
Finger Intellect DPS
Trinket Healing
Trinket Strength DPS


Siegecrafter Blackfuse
Item Type Description
Shoulders T16 token
Shoulders T16 token
Shoulders T16 token
Finger Strength DPS
Neck Strength tank
Leather wrist Agility DPS
Mail wrist Agility DPS
Plate hands Strength tank
Trinket Healer
Cloth hands Intellect DPS
Staff Intellect DPS
Mail feet Intellect DPS
Mace (1H) Strength DPS
Trinket Agility DPS
Paragons of the Klaxxi
Item Type Description
Legs T16 token
Legs T16 token
Legs T16 token
Leather chest Spirit
Cloth wrist Intellect DPS
Mail chest Spirit
Plate hands Intellect
Bow Agility DPS
Finger Intellect DPS
Finger Agility DPS
Sword (1H) Strength DPS
Axe (1H) Agility DPS
Dagger Intellect DPS
Trinket Melee DPS
Garrosh Hellscream
Item Type Description
 [Kor'kron Juggernaut] Mount Mythic only
Cloth wast Spirit
Trinket Intellect DPS
Mail chest Agility DPS
Plate chest Spirit
Leather waist Agility DPS
Mail head Spirit
Trinket Stamina/crit
Cloth head Intellect DPS
Armor token Paladin, Priest, Warlock
Armor token Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warrior
Armor token Death Knight, Druid, Mage, Rogue
Plate head Strength tank
Leather shoulder Spirit
Mace (1H) Spirit
Leather helm Agility DPS
Staff Agility DPS
Plate legs Strength DPS
Plate shoulder Spirit
Mail head Agility DPS
Held In Off-hand Intellect DPS
Leather waist Spirit
Mail shoulder Agility DPS
Plate shoulder Strength DPS
 [Tusks of Mannoroth] (M) Plate shoulder Strength DPS
Axe (2H) Strength DPS


Tom Chilton on redesigning Orgrimmar

WoW Insider had the opportunity to chat with Lead Game Designer Tom Chilton regarding the Siege of Orgrimmar:

The Siege of Orgrimmar marks the first time we've seen an endgame raid on a capital city. What were some of the challenges of putting that raid together?

Certainly some of the biggest challenges were that Orgrimmar as a layout was never really designed to be somewhere that people fight -- same case with Stormwind or Undercity or anywhere else. We architected those way back ten years ago, there's not really a whole lot of thought that went into the layout as a raid zone.

I think with a raid in Stormwind, I'd spend most of my time falling in the canal.

(laughs) Yeah, no doubt. So there were really two big challenges -- one of them was that the layout wasn't designed for raiding. And then the second challenge was that we wanted players to feel like they were sieging a capital city, yet at the same time we know that players want to experience new content. If the whole thing were literally just a romp around Orgrimmar, it would feel like, you know we hear a lot of that "Oh Blizzard's just lazy, they just wanted to re-hash content, they didn't want to give us new stuff, blah blah blah" -- all that kind of stuff.
So we knew that -- and to be fair, players do want to see new stuff right, they want to see new environments, they want to be inspired by locations. It's really cool to have that epic dungeon crawl feeling in a raid. So we wanted to make sure we delivered on both of those fantasies -- both the raiding of Orgrimmar itself, and then also delivering a new section that they have never seen before, that felt really epic and awe-inspiring.[2]



  • As of 18 March 2014, (or later in the week for non-US regions), the raid was made available for cross-realm groups with BattleTag or Real ID friends.[3]

Patch changes

  • Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5 (2023-07-11): Players that have defeated Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar may now skip directly to The Inner Sanctum on all characters on the account by reading the scroll hanging on the wall near Loremaster Cho[sic] at the entrance.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-20): Raid Leader's lockout state will now always be used when entering a Siege of Orgrimmar Raid instance.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-17): Resolved an issue that could cause Raid Finder, Heroic, and Mythic items from Siege of Orgrimmar to become Normal quality items.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-15): Resolved an issue where an excessive number of items could drop at once from non-boss enemies in Siege of Orgrimmar when Personal Loot was enabled.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-14): Auction house NPCs in Siege of Orgrimmar's should no longer be level 100.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar achievements have been renamed to Mythic according to the new difficulty structure (e.g. "Heroic: Malkorok" will now be "Mythic: Malkorok"). Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements are unobtainable.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2014-03-18): Cross-realm raid groups have been enabled for Siege of Orgrimmar on both Normal and Heroic difficulty.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-12-16):
    • Cross-Realm raid browser (located in the Social Pane under Other Raids on the Raid tab) now has a minimum item level requirement for players attempting to list for Siege of Orgrimmar on Flexible raid difficulty.
    • Vale of Eternal Sorrows requires a minimum item level of 510.
    • Gates of Retribution requires a minimum item level of 517.
    • The Underhold requires a minimum item level of 524.
    • Downfall requires a minimum item level of 531.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-17):
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Added.


External links
