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Image of Kor'jus
Title <Mushroom Vendor>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Location Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar
Status Alive

Kor'jus is an orc fungus vendor found in his shop named Dark Earth in the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar. He is of middling years with pale green skin.

Reign and fall of Garrosh

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Malkorok and a few Kor'kron soldiers approached Kor'jus when his shop was closed, attacking him for not being 100% supportive of Garrosh Hellscream, even though he was a law-abiding citizen. They arrested and beat him and he returned to his shop after a few days.[1]

Kor'jus was briefly seen during the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Kor'jus was called as the second witness to the trial of Garrosh following the deposing of Garrosh. Using the  [Vision of Time], the court witnessed Malkorok's attack. Kor'jus was also revealed to have been at the inn in Razor Hill, hiding from the Kor'kron. When Malkorok entered the inn and started to threaten Frandis Farley and Kelantir Bloodblade, Kor'jus escaped. Baine Bloodhoof asked him whether Garrosh knew about these attacks or if Malkorok did on his own. Kor'jus, while believing Garrosh to be fully aware of Malkorok's actions, responded that no one ever mentioned Garrosh and thus conceded to Baine's point that it was possible that Garrosh was ignorant of Malkorok's action and would have put a halt to them had he known.[2]


Item Cost
5x  [Forest Mushroom Cap] 25c
5x  [Red-Speckled Mushroom] 1s 25c
5x  [Spongy Morel] 5s
5x  [Delicious Cave Mold] 20s
5x  [Raw Black Truffle] 20s
5x  [Dried King Bolete] 40s
5x  [Zangar Caps] 56s
5x  [Honey-Spiced Lichen] 85s
5x  [Sparkling Frostcap] 1s 60c
5x  [Violet Morel] 1s 80c
5x  [Scarlet Polypore] 2s
5x  [Peppered Puffball] 2s 24c
5x  [Humongous Fungus] 2s 56c



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