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Image of Naros
Title <Plate Armor Merchant>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 45 / 120
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Location Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar
Status Alive

Naros is an orc armor vendor located at the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar. He controls Naros' Armory found in the valley.

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

He can be seen in the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

After the battle of the Broken Shore, he could be found alongside other concerned citizens of the Horde in front of Grommash Hold. After Vol'jin's death, he was speaking with Punra and Sana.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

He appears in the Vision of Orgrimmar. After killing him, the player receives the Inv hammer 07.png Smith's Strength buff.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv boots 04.png [Brawler's Boots]
Inv pants 02.png [Brawler's Pants]
Inv chest leather 04.png [Brawler's Vest]
Inv shield 06.png [Crested Heater Shield]
3s 61c
Inv belt 03.png [Grunt's Chain Belt]
1s 97c
Inv boots 01.png [Grunt's Chain Boots]
2s 94c
Inv bracer 07.png [Grunt's Chain Bracers]
1s 98c
Inv helmet 03.png [Grunt's Chain Circlet]
3s 7c
Inv gauntlets 04.png [Grunt's Chain Gloves]
1s 99c
Inv pants 03.png [Grunt's Chain Leggings]
3s 98c
Inv chest plate13.png [Grunt's Chain Vest]
3s 99c
Inv chest plate04.png [Grunt's Plate Armor]
4s 21c
Inv belt 15.png [Grunt's Plate Belt]
2s 12c
Inv boots plate 08.png [Grunt's Plate Boots]
3s 18c
Inv bracer 14.png [Grunt's Plate Bracers]
1s 94c
Inv gauntlets 29.png [Grunt's Plate Gloves]
1s 94c
Inv helmet 03.png [Grunt's Plate Helm]
2s 92c
Inv pants 04.png [Grunt's Plate Leggings]
3s 88c
Inv boots chain 01.png [Initiate's Boots]
Inv pants mail 08.png [Initiate's Pants]
Inv pants mail 08.png [Initiate's Pants]
Inv chest chain 13.png [Initiate's Vest]
Inv chest chain 13.png [Initiate's Vest]
Inv shield 10.png [Ornate Buckler]
3s 49c
Inv boots 06.png [Recruit's Boots]
Inv boots 06.png [Recruit's Boots]
Inv pants 02.png [Recruit's Pants]
Inv pants 02.png [Recruit's Pants]
Inv chest chain 13.png [Recruit's Tunic]
Inv shirt 05.png [Recruit's Vest]


Vision of Orgrimmar
  • Ability warrior secondwind.png Armor Dent — Smashes the target, inflicting 75% weapon damage and reducing armor by 10% for 15 sec.
  • Ability warrior endlessrage.png Enrage — Enrages when brought below 50% health, increasing all damage done by 50%.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Forge Breath — Inflicts 40003 Fire damage to enemies in front of the caster.
  • Spell priest shadow mend.png Shadow Brand — Mark a target with shadow energy for 8 sec. Successful attacks against a marked target heal the caster for 4% of their maximum health.


Vision of Orgrimmar
  • You are not repaired!

Patch changes

External links

Orgrimmar Vision of Orgrimmar