Kor'kron Overseer (Siege of Orgrimmar)

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For other Kor'kron Overseers, see Kor'kron Overseer (disambiguation).
MobKor'kron Overseer
Image of Kor'kron Overseer
Gender Both
Race(s) Orc, Mag'har orc (Humanoid)
Level 36, 37 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) True Horde, Kor'kron
Location Valley of Strength & The Siegeworks; Siege of Orgrimmar
Status Killable

Kor'kron Overseers are orcs and Mag'har orcs found in the Valley of Strength and The Siegeworks during the Siege of Orgrimmar.


  • Ability warrior charge.png Charge — Charges an enemy, inflicting normal damage plus a bonus.
  • Ability warrior savageblow.png Mortal Strike — Inflicts 300% weapon damage and leaves the target wounded, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 50% for 5 sec.
  • Ability warrior endlessrage.png Threatening Shout — Increase the melee attack speed of the caster and nearby allies by 20% for 30 sec.


Patch changes

External links

Valley of Strength The Siegeworks