Razorfen Kraul (Classic)

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For the lore of the zone and its status after Warlords of Draenor, see Razorfen Kraul.
Razorfen Kraul
Razorfen Kraul loading screen.jpg
Razorfen Kraul loading graphic
Location Southern Barrens
Race(s) QuilboarQuilboar Quilboar
End boss IconSmall Quilboar Female.gif Charlga Razorflank
Level WoW Icon update.png29-38
Bc icon.gif24-29
Player limit 5

Razorfen Kraul is the ancestral home of the quilboar, heavily entrenched within the thorns that supposedly sprang from the corpse of the demigod Agamaggan. It is found in the Southern Barrens, at the far southern edge, west side.


From the World Dungeons page on the official World of Warcraft Community Site:

Ten thousand years ago - during the War of the Ancients, the mighty demigod, Agamaggan, came forth to battle the Burning Legion. Though the colossal boar fell in combat, his actions helped save Azeroth from ruin. Yet over time, in the areas where his blood fell, massive thorn-ridden vines sprouted from the earth. The quilboar - believed to be the mortal offspring of the mighty god, came to occupy these regions and hold them sacred. The heart of these thorn-colonies was known as the Razorfen. The great mass of Razorfen Kraul was conquered by the old crone, Charlga Razorflank. Under her rule, the shamanistic quilboar stage attacks on rival tribes as well as Horde villages. Some speculate that Charlga has even been negotiating with agents of the Scourge - aligning her unsuspecting tribe with the ranks of the Undead for some insidious purpose.

Adventure Guide

Legends state that where the demigod Agamaggan fell, his blood gave rise to great masses of thorny vines. Many quilboar have taken up residence in the largest cluster of giant thorns, the Razorfen, which they revere as Agamaggan's resting place. Recently, scouts have reported seeing undead milling about the region, engendering fears that the dreaded Scourge may be moving to conquer Kalimdor.



The entrance to Razorfen Kraul

Quest guide

Quest name Quest giver Zone location
Classic quests
H [34D] A Vengeful Fate Horde  Auld Stonespire Thunder Bluff
N [26D] Blueleaf Tubers Neutral  Mebok Mizzyrix Ratchet
H [33D] Going, Going, Guano! Horde  Master Apothecary Faranell Undercity
A [30D] Mortality Wanes Alliance  Heralath Fallowbrook In the instance
A [27D] The Crone of the Kraul Alliance  Falfindel Waywarder Thalanaar
N [30D] Willix the Importer Neutral  Willix the Importer In the instance
Cataclysm quests
N [10-30D] Going, Going, Guano! Neutral  Auld Stonespire Entrance
N [35D] Take Them Down! Neutral  Auld Stonespire Entrance
N [10-30D] Agamaggan Neutral  Auld Stonespire Entrance
N [10-30D] Agamaggan's Charge Neutral  Spirit of Agamaggan In the instance


Razorfen Kraul bosses
Bosses Monsters NPCs
Razorfen Tribe
Death's Head Tribe


Boss Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Back Other
Aggem Thorncurse


Death Speaker Jargba

 [Death Speaker Scepter]

 [Death Speaker Mantle]
 [Death Speaker Robes]

Overlord Ramtusk


 [Tusken Helm]

Earthcaller Halmgar (rare)

 [Wind Spirit Staff]

 [Whisperwind Headdress]

Agathelos the Raging

 [Swinetusk Shank]

 [Ferine Leggings]

Blind Hunter (rare)

 [Nightstalker Bow]

 [Batwing Mantle]

 [Stygian Bone Amulet]

Charlga Razorflank

 [Heart of Agamaggan]
 [Pronged Reaver]

 [Agamaggan's Clutch]

Trash Mobs

 [Pysan's Old Greatsword]
 [Staff of the Shade]
 [Sword of Decay]
 [Armor Piercer]

 [Mantle of Thieves]
 [Wolfclaw Gloves]

 [Avenger's Armor]
 [Pugilist Bracers]

 [Plains Ring]



Patch changes

  • WoD-Logo-Small.png Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Updated for Warlords of Draenor.
  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): The instance level range is increased to 32-35.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.4.0 (2008-03-25): Lowered level requirements for several quests to match the dungeon's new level.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Lowered the level range for the entire dungeon from 29-38 to 24-29.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.2.0 (2007-09-25): Additional graveyards were added.
    Previously, the closest graveyard was at Camp Taurajo, quite a long run.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.10.0 (2006-03-28): Now capped at five players.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Now capped at ten players.

External links