Aggem Thorncurse (Classic)

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For information about the modern encounter, see Aggem Thorncurse.
BossAggem Thorncurse
Image of Aggem Thorncurse
Title <Death's Head Prophet>
Gender Male
Race Quilboar (Humanoid)
Level 30 Elite
Class Shaman
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Death's Head tribe
Occupation Prophet
Location Razorfen Kraul
Status Killable

Aggem Thorncurse was a named quilboar found in Razorfen Kraul.

Adventure Guide

Quilboar society has long favored shamanism, and a tribe's greatest shaman are named prophets of Agamaggan. Calling upon the power of their demigod ancestor, these prophets may summon boar spirits to aid them in battle much as other shaman call upon spirit wolves.


  • Ability warrior battleshout.png Battle Shout — The warrior shouts, increasing attack power of all raid and party members within 30 yards by 55. Lasts 2 min.
  • Spell nature healingwavegreater.png Chain Heal Interruptible — Infuses a wounded ally with healing energy that spreads to another nearby ally. The spell affects up to 3 targets, but the healing energy is diminished by 50% for each successive target.
  • Spell magic polymorphpig.png Summon Boar Spirit — Summons 1 Boar Spirit to aid the caster in battle for 4 min.
    • Boar Spirit — Boar Spirit defends Aggem Thorncurse in battle.


Objective of

Cata-Logo-Small.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 6.0.2 but is present in Cataclysm Classic.

Patch changes

External links