Heralath Fallowbrook

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AllianceHeralath Fallowbrook
Image of Heralath Fallowbrook
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level    Retail: 10-58
Classic: 25
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Razorfen Kraul (Classic); Soryn's Meadow, Ardenweald[65.41, 45.52]
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Treshala (wife)

Heralath Fallowbrook is a night elf quest giver located in Razorfen Kraul. His wife is Treshala Fallowbrook.


Uncovering Agamaggan

Heralath was a night elf druid who was sent to examine the rumors of the fallen boar god Agamaggan, and to discover the source of the corruption of Razorfen Kraul. During his journey, he was captured by quilboar of the Razorfen tribe, who repeatedly whipped him and locked him inside a hut in the Kraul. Some time thereafter, the dwarf Henrig Lonebrow was also captured by the quilboar and thrown in the same cell. The dying Heralath, suffering from his grave wounds and a growing fever, slipped in an out of consciousness but managed to tell Henrig what he knew about Agamaggan. As his condition worsened, he told Henrig to deliver word to Falfindel Waywarder in Thalanaar that the quilboar leader, Charlga Razorflank, was rousing her minions in the southern Barrens.[1]

When adventurers entered Razorfen Kraul, Henrig had escaped but Heralath remained behind, close to death. With his last words, he asked the adventurers to retrieve his wife Treshala's pendant from the quilboar and return it to her in Darnassus along with word of his death. Treshala was distraught by the news, but decided not to let Heralath's work die with him.[2]


Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Heralath's soul in Ardenweald.

Upon his death, Heralath's soul entered Ardenweald and assumed the soulshape of a shadowstalker. He can be found sleeping in Soryn's Meadow, still dreaming of his wife, Treshala.


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


Ardenweald gossip
Zzz... return... Treshala... Darnassus... Zzzz...

Patch changes


External links

Retail Classic

es:Heralath Arroyobarbecho