Tirisfal Glades NPCs
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The following NPCs can be found in Tirisfal Glades.
A Scarlet Letter
[1-30] A Scarlet Letter
Agatha - Deathknell
[1-10] Fresh out of the Grave
Anette Williams <Bat Handler> - Brill
[1-30] Ride to the Undercity
Apothecary Dithers - The Bulwark
[1-30] Grisly Grizzlies
[1-30] A Little Oomph
[15-30] Latent Disease
[15-30] Who Needs Cauldrons?
Apothecary Jerrod - Garren's Haunt
[1-30] Doom Weed
[1-30] Off the Scales
[1-30] Head for the Mills
Apothecary Johaan <Royal Apothecary Society> - Calston Estate
[1-30] Fields of Grief
[1-30] Variety is the Spice of Death
[1-30] Johaan's Experiment
Apprentice Crispin - Garren's Haunt
[1-30] Graverobbers
[1-30] Maggot Eye
[1-30] Planting the Seed of Fear
Bountiful Feast Hostess (Pilgrim's Bounty)
Caretaker Caice - Deathknell
[1-10] The Wakening
[1-10] Beyond the Grave
Coleman Farthing - Agamand Mills
[1-30] The Family Crypt
[1-30] Deaths in the Family
[1-30] The Mills Overrun
[1-30] Speak with Sevren
Dannal Stern <Warrior Trainer> - Deathknell
[3] Charging into Battle
[1-10] Novice Elreth
Dargol's Skull
[1-30] The Haunted Mills
Dark Cleric Duesten <Priest Trainer> - Deathknell
[3] Of Light and Shadows
[1-10] Novice Elreth
Darkcaller Yanka (Hallow's End) - west of the Ruins of Lordaeron
[80P] Rotten Eggs (PvP) (Hallow's End)
[60P] Stinking Up Southshore (PvP)
Darnell - Deathknell
David Trias <Rogue Trainer> - Deathknell
[3] Stab!
[1-10] Novice Elreth
Deathguard Dillinger - Cold Hearth Manor
[1-30] A Putrid Task
[1-30] The New Forsaken
Deathguard Linnea - Death's Watch Waystation
[1-30] Return to the Magistrate
Deathguard Morris - Brill
[1-30] Supplying Brill
Deathguard Saltain - Deathknell
[1-10] Recruitment
[1-10] Shadow Priest Sarvis
Deathguard Simmer - Calston Estate
[1-30] Reaping the Reapers
[1-30] The Scarlet Palisade
Deathguard Tor (Love is in the Air)
Executor Arren - Deathknell
[1-10] The Damned
[1-10] Night Web's Hollow
[1-10] No Better Than the Zombies
Executor Zygand - Brill
[1-30] A Thorn in our Side
[1-30] Annihilate the Worgen
[5-30] Warchief's Command: Silverpine Forest!
Gordo - Calston Estate
[1-30] Gordo's Task
Gretchen Dedmar - Death's Watch Waystation
[1-30] The Chill of Death
High Executor Derrington - The Bulwark
[1-30] At War With The Scarlet Crusade
[1-30] A Deadly New Ally
[1-30] To Bigger and Better Things
[15-30] The Battle for Andorhal
[15-30] After the Crusade
[15-30] Lower the Boom
[15-30] Strange New Faces
Isabella <Mage Trainer> - Deathknell
[3] Magic Training
[1-10] Novice Elreth
Junior Apothecary Holland <Royal Apothecary Society> - Brill
[1-30] Darkhound Pounding
[1-30] Holland's Experiment
[1-30] Garren's Haunt
Lieutenant Sanders - Venomweb Vale
[1-30] A Daughter's Embrace
Magistrate Sevren - Brill Town Hall
[1-30] Forsaken Duties
[1-30] The Grasp Weakens
[1-30] East... Always to the East
Masked Orphan Matron (Hallow's End)
- Fire Brigade Practice (Hallow's End)
[1-80 Daily] Stop the Fires! (Hallow's End)
- Fire Brigade Practice (Hallow's End)
Maximillion <Warlock Trainer> - Deathknell
[3] Dark Deeds
[1-10] Novice Elreth
Novice Elreth - Deathknell
[1-10] The Truth of the Grave
[1-10] The Executor In the Field
Sedrick Calston - The Calston Estate
[1-30] Ever So Lonely
Shadow Priest Sarvis - Deathknell
[3] Encrypted Scroll
[3] Glyphic Scroll
[3] Hallowed Scroll
[3] Simple Scroll
[3] Tainted Scroll
[3] Trail-Worn Scroll
[1-10] Scourge on our Perimeter
[1-10] Vital Intelligence
Shadow Priestess Vandis - The Bulwark
[15-30] Foxes and Hounds
[15-30] Foes Before Hoes
Timothy Cunningham <Bat Handler> - The Bulwark
[1-30] Take to the Skies
Undertaker Mordo - Deathknell
[1-10] The Shadow Grave
[1-10] Those That Couldn't Be Saved
[1-10] Caretaker Caice
Xavier the Huntsman <Hunter Trainer> - Deathknell
[3] The Thrill of the Hunt
[1-10] Novice Elreth
[10-45] Priestly Matters
[10-45] A Legend You Can Hold
[10-45] Blade in Twilight
[10-45] The Light and the Void
[98-110] Artifacts Need Artificers
Argent Officer Garush <The Argent Crusade> - The Bulwark
Elder Graveborn (Lunar Festival)
[1-80] Graveborn the Elder (Lunar Festival)
Wonderform Operator <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
[1-80] Winter's Presents (Feast of Winter Veil)
[1-80] New Year Celebrations! (New Year's Eve)
Class Trainers
Austil de Mon <Warrior Trainer>
Karla Fain <Warrior Trainer>
Dannal Stern <Warrior Trainer>
Cain Firesong <Mage Trainer>
Larah Firesong <Mage Trainer>
Isabella <Mage Trainer>
Dark Cleric Beryl <Priest Trainer>
Dark Cleric Claressa <Priest Trainer>
Dark Cleric Duesten <Priest Trainer>
Dedlow Wormwood <Hunter Trainer>
Darna Woad <Hunter Trainer>
Xavier the Huntsman <Hunter Trainer>
Marion Call <Rogue Trainer>
Shernon the Footpad <Rogue Trainer>
David Trias <Rogue Trainer>
Rupert Boch <Warlock Trainer>
Maressa Milner <Warlock Trainer>
Maximillion <Warlock Trainer>
Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers
Bowen Brisboise <Tailoring Trainer>
Carolai Anise <Alchemy Trainer>
Clyde Kellen <Fishing Trainer>
Faruza <Herbalism Trainer>
Nedric Sallow <Profession Trainer>
Nurse Neela <First Aid Trainer>
Rand Rhobart <Skinning Trainer>
Shelene Rhobart <Leatherworking Trainer>
The Chef <Cooking Trainer>
Therisa Sallow <Profession Trainer>
Vance Undergloom <Enchanting Trainer>
William Saldean <Bread & Feed Vendor> (Herbalism Trainer)
Abe Winters <Apprentice Armorer>
Abigail Shiel <Trade Supplies>
Apprentice Crispin (Herbalism Supplies)
Archibald Kava <Cloth & Leather Armor Merchant>
Audrid Grenich <Poison & Reagent Supplies>
Blacksmith Rand <Apprentice Armorer>
Constance Brisboise <Apprentice Clothier>
Eliza Callen <Leather Armor Merchant>
Franklin Brinklestein <General Goods>
Gordo (Mushroom Vendor)
Hamlin Atkins <Mushroom Farmer>
Harold Raims <Apprentice Weaponsmith>
Innkeeper Renee <Innkeeper>
Joshua Kien <General Supplies>
Kramlod Farsight <Bowyer & Gunsmith>
Martine Tramblay <Fishing Supplies>
Mrs. Winters <General Supplies>
Oliver Dwor <Apprentice Weaponsmith>
Provisioner Elda <Innkeeper>
Selina Weston <Alchemy & Herbalism Supplies>
Snack-O-Matic IV
Werg Thickblade <Leatherworking Supplies>
Vend-O-Tron D-Luxe
William Saldean <Bread & Feed Vendor>
Zachariah Post <Undead Horse Merchant>
Various Services
Anette Williams <Bat Handler>
Deathguard Bartholomew - (Directions)
Deathguard Burgess - (Directions)
Deathguard Cyrus - (Directions)
Deathguard Dillinger - (Directions)
Deathguard Gavin - (Directions)
Deathguard Lawrence - (Directions)
Deathguard Lundmark - (Directions)
Deathguard Morris - (Directions)
Deathguard Mort - (Directions)
Deathguard Royann - (Directions)
Deathguard Terrence - (Directions)
Gina Lang <Demon Trainer>
Hin Denburg <Zeppelin Master> (Grom'Gol Directions)
Innkeeper Renee <Innkeeper>
Kayla Smithe <Demon Trainer>
Meefi Farthrottle <Zeppelin Master> (Vengeance Landing Directions)
Morganus <Stable Master>
Provisioner Elda <Innkeeper>
Velma Warnam <Riding Trainer>
Zapetta <Zeppelin Master> (Orgrimmar Directions)
Wonderform Operator <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
Other Notable NPCs
Ageron Kargal
Bardu Sharpeye
Calvin Montague
Captured Mountaineer
Captured Scarlet Zealot
Chief Officer Coppernut <The Thundercaller>
Chief Officer Hammerflange <The Purple Princess>
Claire Willower
Crewman Boltshine <The Purple Princess>
Crewman Coilspan <The Cloudkisser>
Crewman Cutpipe <The Purple Princess>
Crewman Quickfix <The Thundercaller>
Crewman Rusthammer <The Thundercaller>
Crewman Sparkfly <The Thundercaller>
Crewman Spinwheel <The Cloudkisser>
Crewman Spinshaft <The Purple Princess>
Crewman Stembolt <The Cloudkisser>
Deathguard Abraham
Deathguard Balteus
Deathguard Barth <The Cloudkisser>
Deathguard Bartrand
Deathguard Darnell
Deathguard Fowles <The Thundercaller>
Deathguard Hansel
Deathguard Hicks <The Cloudkisser>
Deathguard Kel
Deathguard Lawson <The Thundercaller>
Deathguard Oliver
Deathguard Phillip
Deathguard Randolph
Deathguard Swallon
Doreen Beltis
Gunther Arcanus
Howler <Dedlow's Pet>
Jamie Nore
Lilian Voss
Maquell Ebonwood
Marshal Redpath
Mehlar Dawnblade
Mickey Levine
Navigator Fairweather <The Thundercaller>
Navigator Hatch <The Purple Princess>
Pavlova <Xavier the Huntsman's Pet>
Ratslin Maime
Sahvan Bloodshadow
Shadow Priestess Malia
Sky-Captain Cableclamp <The Purple Princess>
Sky-Captain Cloudkicker <The Thundercaller>
Sky-Captain Cryoflight <The Cloudkisser>
Thomas Arlento
Valdred Moray
Venya Marthand
Watcher Du'una
Watcher Umjin
Yvette Farthing
Bayne (Rare)
Captain Dargol
Captain Melrache
Captain Perrine
Captain Vachon
Daniel Ulfman
Deeb (Rare)
Devlin Agamand
Farmer Solliden (Rare)
Fellicent's Shade (Rare)
Gregor Agamand
High Priest Benedictus Voss
Karrel Grayves
Lost Soul (Rare)
Maggot Eye
Marshal Redpath
Meven Korgal
Muad (Rare)
Nissa Agamand
Ressan the Needler (Rare)
Samuel Fipps
Scarlet Lieutenant Gebler
Sri'skulk (Rare)
Stephen Bhartec
Thurman Agamand
Tormented Spirit (Rare)