Dark Deeds

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HordeDark Deeds
Start Maximillion
End Maximillion
Level 3 (Requires 3)
Category Warlock
Experience 125
Reputation +75 Undercity
Rewards 25c (+60c at max level)
Previous  [Tainted Scroll]


Learn Immolate from Maximillion in Deathknell, then practice casting Immolate 5 times on a Training Dummy.


As you continue your career as a warlock, you'll find it helpful to keep your spellbook filled with the latest incantations. Lucky for you, I know these spells, and I'm willing to train you... for a price.


You will receive: 25c (+60c at max level)


Are you not interested in training?


Congratulations... you're one step closer to being a master of the dark arts. Go practice a bit, and return when you're stronger. I'll have more to teach you then.

Patch changes

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