Reaping the Reapers

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HordeReaping the Reapers
Start Deathguard Simmer [44.8, 53.7]
End Deathguard Simmer [44.8, 53.7]
Level 1-30
Category Tirisfal Glades
Experience 200
Reputation +250 Undercity
Rewards  [Simmer's Bracers]
or  [Scythe Blade]
or  [Simmer's Dirk]
or  [Simmer's Cudgel]
Previous H [1-10] Vital Intelligence (optional)
Next H [1-30] The Scarlet Palisade


Kill 10 Tirisfal Farmers or Tirisfal Farmhands.

  • Tirisfal Farmer slain (10)


Humans are notoriously fickle creatures. The farmers to the west are no exception. Sure, they may be plowing their fields peacefully now, but tomorrow, they may be raising their scythes against us. The Alliance looms close by in Gilneas, and the power of Stormwind looms to the south... any of these could recruit these tillers and use them as a wedge against us.

I want them dead. See to it that it's done.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv bracer 73.png [Simmer's Bracers] Inv sword 04.png [Scythe Blade]
Inv weapon shortblade 05.png [Simmer's Dirk] Inv mace 07.png [Simmer's Cudgel]

You will also receive:


You've not completed my task, <name>. It is time for the harvesters to become the harvested!


You've makings of a mighty <class>, <race>. I heard the cries of those humans from all the way over here. Perhaps soon we will be rid of this human blight.


Pick up H [1-30] Fields of Grief before heading out. Also, Sedrick Calston offers H [1-30] Ever So Lonely upstairs.

Exit the estate and head west-northwest to reach the farmstead, then go killing and looting. After that, head to the north to reach the beach and capture a murloc by wounding one down to below 50% health and using the leash on it. Then head back to the estate.


  1. Complete all of
    • Scarlets
    1. H [1-30] Reaping the Reapers
    2. H [1-30] The Scarlet Palisade & H [1-30] A Scarlet Letter
    • New Plague
    1. H [1-30] Fields of Grief
    2. H [1-30] Variety is the Spice of Death
    3. H [1-30] Johaan's Experiment
  2. H [1-30] Gordo's Task
  3. Flight Path side chain:
    1. H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif [1-30] Supplying Brill
    2. H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif [1-30] Ride to the Undercity
    3. H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif [1-30] Michael Garrett
    4. H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif [1-30] Return to Morris
  4. H [1-30] The New Forsaken
    1. Side quest: H [1-30] A Putrid Task
  5. H [1-30] Forsaken Duties
  6. H [1-30] The Chill of Death
  7. H [1-30] Return to the Magistrate
  8. H [1-30] Darkhound Pounding
  9. H [1-30] Holland's Experiment

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