Masked Orphan Matron

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Hallow's End
The subject of this article or section is part of Hallow's End, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
HordeMasked Orphan Matron
Image of Masked Orphan Matron
Gender Female
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Durotar; Eversong Woods; Tirisfal Glades

The Masked Orphan Matrons appear during Hallow's End.




The Headless Horseman's mind is plagued with dementia! During Hallow's End, he might attack this village at any moment.

Gossip Who is the Headless Horseman?

The Headless Horseman, once a knight of the Silver Hand and a hero among his fellow paladins, is cursed. Driven insane within the Scarlet Monastery, he believes that he is alive and we are dead.
Now, his fervor no longer serves the Light. With the coming of Hallow's End, he spreads gloom and fire across the villages of Azeroth.
During the attack
  • The Headless Horseman has set fire to the village! We must protect the children!
  • The Headless Horseman attacks! The fire threatens to consume the whole village! What will we do?

Patch changes

See also

External links