Thurman Agamand

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MobThurman Agamand
Image of Thurman Agamand
Gender Male
Race Zombie (Undead)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Agamand Mills, Tirisfal Glades
Status Killable
Relative(s) Agamands: Gregor (father), Nissa (mother), Devlin (younger brother)
Yvette Farthing (lover)

Thurman Agamand is a zombie roaming the Agamand Mills in Tirisfal Glades. In life, he was the eldest son of the Agamand family. Unlike his younger brother Devlin, who was weak and sharp tongued, Thurman was tall and gentle.[1] He was in a relationship with Yvette Farthing, the daughter of one of the family's employees. During the Scourging, Yvette begged Thurman to leave the Mills with her and her father, but his family loyalty was too strong and he instead stayed to defend the Mills against the Scourge.[2] When it became clear that the Agamands were doomed after they were betrayed by Devlin, Thurman wrote a letter to Yvette to inform her about his fate, warn her about Devlin, and profess his love for her, but the letter was never delivered.[3]

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es:Thurman Agamand pl:Thurman Agamand