The Grasp Weakens

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HordeThe Grasp Weakens
Start Magistrate Sevren [61.0, 50.6]
End Magistrate Sevren [61.0, 50.6]
Level 1-30
Category Tirisfal Glades
Experience 200
Reputation +350 Undercity
Rewards  [Devlin's Shirt]
or  [Boots of Brill]
or  [Treads of Brill]
1s 10c
Previous H [1-30] Speak with Sevren
Next H [1-30] East... Always to the East


Speak with Shadow Priestess Malia in Brill and participate in the extraction of Devlin Agamand.


While the Frozen Throne lies dormant, the grasp that the Lich King once held over the Scourge grows ever-weaker. His grip on a weakling like Devlin Agamand should be weak enough that we can remove it entirely.

Speak with Shadow Priestess Malia in the manor on the east side of town. She will assist you in the procedure.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest cloth 84v2.png [Devlin's Shirt] Inv boots leather 10v4.png [Boots of Brill]
Inv boots leather 10v4.png [Treads of Brill]

You will also receive:


What did you find out?


Ah, how unfortunate. Perhaps the Scourge's dominion over Devlin's mind remained too strong. Or perhaps our methods are simply not strong enough. It's also possible that Devlin was too simple-minded to comprehend what we were asking him.


Speak with Malia, who can be found at [62.0, 53.0] in the building to the east to proceed:

Are you ready to begin the procedure?
Gossip I am ready.
Shadow Priestess Malia says: Very well. Follow me.
Malia walks up the stairs and stops at a bed upstairs.
Shadow Priestess Malia says: Now it is time for us to begin.
Shadow Priestess Malia yells: Devlin Agamand! Listen to my voice!
Shadow Priestess Malia yells: Your mortal remains have been gathered, here in this place where you spent your childhood!
Shadow Priestess Malia yells: Resist the Lich King's will, Devlin! Come to us!
The Spirit of Devlin Agamand appears.
Spirit of Devlin Agamand says: What's going on here?
Spirit of Devlin Agamand says: Wait, am I... home?
Spirit of Devlin Agamand says: You people... what are you doing here? Why are you in my house?
Spirit of Devlin Agamand says: Mother... father... Thurman... where are you?
Spirit of Devlin Agamand says: No... I remember. My family is dead. And so am I.
Spirit of Devlin Agamand says: And my soul.... my soul belongs to the Scourge!
Spirit of Devlin Agamand yells: DIE, YOU WRETCHES!
The Spirit turns into the hostile Shadow of Agamand and starts attacking. It has a Mind Flay spell but is easily killed.
Shadow Priestess Malia says: I had better return to my post. You can find me downstairs if you need anything.


  1. H [1-30] Garren's Haunt
  2. H [1-30] Doom Weed
  3. H [1-30] Off the Scales & H [1-30] Planting the Seed of Fear
  4. H [1-30] Head for the Mills (optional)
  5. H [1-30] The Family Crypt
  6. H [1-30] The Mills Overrun & H [1-30] Deaths in the Family
  7. H [1-30] Speak with Sevren
  8. H [1-30] The Grasp Weakens
  9. H [1-30] East... Always to the East
  10. H [1-30] At War With The Scarlet Crusade
  11. H [1-30] A Deadly New Ally
  12. H [1-30] A Daughter's Embrace
  13. H [1-30] To Bigger and Better Things
  14. H [1-30] Take to the Skies

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