The New Forsaken

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HordeThe New Forsaken
Start Deathguard Dillinger [52.5, 54.8]
End Magistrate Sevren [61.0, 50.6]
Level 1-30
Category Tirisfal Glades
Experience 65
Reputation +10 Undercity
Rewards 17c
Previous H [1-30] Gordo's Task (optional)
Next H [1-30] Forsaken Duties


Report to Magistrate Sevren at Brill in Tirisfal Glades.


Speaking frankly, the Forsaken of yesteryear were a sniveling, pathetic group. We huddled together in decrepit old human buildings, hiding from the Scourge, cowering from the Alliance, and groveling at the foot of the Horde.

Look before you now, and see the product of the new Forsaken. We have made our mark here on Azeroth, and that mark will grow. Our dominion will soon blanket the world!

You want my advice? Speak with Magistrate Sevren in Brill, down this road. He runs that town.


You will receive:


Yes, I'm Brill's local magistrate, reporting directly to the Dark Lady. Impress me, and you may end up meeting the Banshee Queen herself. Now, onto your first task...


On the path to Brill after collecting the three  [Gloom Weed] for H [1-30] Gordo's Task, players come across Deathguard Dillinger at Cold Hearth Manor offering this quest and H [1-30] A Putrid Task. Complete A Putrid Task then keep heading toward Brill. Make sure to pick up the flight path and talk to the innkeeper!

Sveren can be found upstairs behind the innkeeper.


  1. H [1-30] The New Forsaken
    1. Side quest: H [1-30] A Putrid Task
  2. H [1-30] Forsaken Duties
  3. H [1-30] The Chill of Death
  4. H [1-30] Return to the Magistrate

Patch changes

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