Navigator Hatch

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NeutralNavigator Hatch
Image of Navigator Hatch
Title <The Purple Princess>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 28
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The Purple Princess, Tirisfal Glades or Northern Stranglethorn

Navigator Hatch pilots The Purple Princess, the zeppelin that runs between Brill and Grom'gol Base Camp. Has to be woken up every time they are ready to leave by Hammerflange, but Hatch doesn't mind.



The captain's great! We get time to relax when we dock. Those are the times I look forward the most.

When docking
Navigator Hatch says: I'm going to take a short nap. Do you think you can handle the ship while she's not moving?
When leaving (random possibilities)
Chief Officer Hammerflange says: HELP ME! WE ARE LEAVING!
Chief Officer Hammerflange says: WAKE UP!! WE ARE SHOVING OFF!
Chief Officer Hammerflange says: NAP'S OVER!! WE ARE HEADING OUT!
Navigator Hatch says: Time to work my magic!
Navigator Hatch says: It's go time!
Navigator Hatch says: Time to get this show on the road!

Patch changes

External links