Garren's Haunt (quest)

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HordeGarren's Haunt
Start Junior Apothecary Holland [60.1, 52.7]
End Apothecary Jerrod [61.7, 34.6]
Level 1-30
Category Tirisfal Glades
Experience 70
Reputation +10 Undercity
Rewards 22c
Previous H [1-30] Holland's Experiment
Next H [1-30] Doom Weed, H [1-30] Graverobbers


Report to Apothecary Jerrod at Garren's Haunt in Tirisfal Glades.


As you're probably already realizing, the Royal Apothecary Society is a widespread organization. We take our plague-alchemy seriously. It is our belief that the more agents we have performing experiments, the sooner we will realize our objective.

One of our agents performs his work at a small encampment to the north of here. His name is Jerrod, and he could use an apprentice of your... stature.


You will receive:


Holland? He's an amateur. You don't need a fancy two-story apothecarium to make plague... you need love. And maybe some good assistants.

Let me show you how plague is REALLY made.


  1. H [1-30] Garren's Haunt
  2. H [1-30] Doom Weed
  3. H [1-30] Off the Scales & H [1-30] Planting the Seed of Fear
  4. H [1-30] Head for the Mills (optional)
  5. H [1-30] The Family Crypt
  6. H [1-30] The Mills Overrun & H [1-30] Deaths in the Family
  7. H [1-30] Speak with Sevren
  8. H [1-30] The Grasp Weakens
  9. H [1-30] East... Always to the East
  10. H [1-30] At War With The Scarlet Crusade
  11. H [1-30] A Deadly New Ally
  12. H [1-30] A Daughter's Embrace
  13. H [1-30] To Bigger and Better Things
  14. H [1-30] Take to the Skies

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