Apothecary Jerrod

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HordeApothecary Jerrod
Image of Apothecary Jerrod
Title <Royal Apothecary Society>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid / Undead)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Undercity, R.A.S.
Occupation Apothecary
Location Various
Status Active / Killable

Apothecary Jerrod is a Forsaken located at Garren's Haunt in Tirisfal Glades. He stands next to his assistant, a leper gnome named Apprentice Crispin.

Working on his plague research, the envoy delivered his a bushel of gloom weed, but he needed doom weed instead. When Junior Apothecary Holland directed a Horde adventurer to assist Jerrod, the apothecary made it worth their while and had them gather doom weed[1] and murloc scales for his experimental concoction.[2]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Jerrod is present in a cave in Arom's Crossing in Drustvar during the Horde's invasion of the region, alongside Apprentice Crispin; both can be slain by Alliance adventurers.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Garren's Haunt, Tirisfal Glades[61.6, 34.6] 1-30 Alliance Horde As a quest giver during the Tirisfal Glades quests.
Arom's Stand, Drustvar[35.2, 41.6] 20-60 Rare Elite Alliance Horde During Faction Assaults.


Apothecary Jerrod and Apprentice Crispin during an Assault on Drustvar.


Objective of


Tirisfal Glades

What is it I can do for you?

Gossip Who's the little guy?

He's my assistant.

Sure, he's not been plagued in the same manner as we have, but he is clearly plagued nonetheless. He's bent the knee to Sylvanas, so he's as much one of us as you or I.

And just between you and me... to be perfectly honest, I think the Dark Lady thought he was already bending his knee when he entered her chamber!

Stormsong Valley


Patch changes


  1. ^ H [1-30] Doom Weed
  2. ^ H [1-30] Off the Scales

External links

Tirisfal Glades Drustvar