Larah Firesong

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HordeLarah Firesong
Image of Larah Firesong
Title <Mage Trainer>
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location Calston Estate, Tirisfal Glades

Larah Firesong is a Forsaken mage trainer located at the Calston Estate in Tirisfal Glades.


Mage gossip

Greetings. I'm an undead mage trainer, and you're a mage.

Non-mage gossip

Well met, <class>. My advice to you is this: As you travel the world, be wary of magic for it will burn the untrained.

Patch changes


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be related to Cain Firesong.

External links