Kalimag is the standard language spoken by all elementals.[2] Ignan is a dialect of kalimag spoken by fire elementals.[3]
The Furies of Draenor seem to have their own version of Kalimag, exemplified by the Burning Blade clan using a runic language similar to the ignan dialect spoken by Azeroth's fire elementals to bend elemental power to their will.[3]
In Warcraft III, Frostmourne's pedestal within its cavern had Kalimag written on the dais. Apparently, Muradin Bronzebeard can read Kalimag.[4]
Sample Kalimag
Note: Phrases originate from the in-game parser system (see below) but represent some of the only use of "Kalimag" in game.
- T ma toro nuk krast'ven fmerk --Wayward Fire Elemental, an objective of the quest [1-30] Ice and Fire
- Kranu sto aer'rohgmar --Captured Water Spirit, during the quest [25-30G] Escape from Coilskar Cistern
- Ma reth bromo zoln kilagrin dra ma zoern tu ko fraht ka tadrom Ma krin drinor zaln dirnor Ma krin kan aasrugel korsul --Manifestation of Water
- Reth Reth Reth --Living Fire (NPC) and [Sho'ravon, Greatstaff of Annihilation] - Possibly means "Burn Burn Burn" given the nature of the elemental who says this. A member of the German localization team confirmed the equivalent in the German client, Dratir, means "Brennt" = "burn" (imperative plural)[5]
- T ma suz'ahn reth T ma fiilrok tadrom dra T krin os nuk talsa reth krin shone sto toro tu ko zoln reth -- Minor Manifestation of Fire
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
Sample words
This is the list of words created by the in-game language parser for the Kalimag language, and is listed as language number twelve (word range 1029-1150) in the Language text file.
Note: The language algorithm used by the in-game "translator" merely makes the words look like "Kalimag". It does not actually translate words. Therefore, translated in-game speech isn't true "Kalimag".
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, G, K, O, T, U |
Two-letter words | Gi, Ka, Ko, Ma, Os, Ra, Ta, Tu |
Three-letter words | Dor, Dra, Fel, Gun, Kan, Kir, Nuk, Rok, Sto, Tas, Tor, Von |
Four-letter words | Brom, Drae, Fmer, Guto, Kras, Krin, Mahn, Reth, Toro, Zoln, Shin, Tols |
Five-letter words | Bromo, Draek, Fmerk, Fraht, Gatin, Kranu, Krast, Roath, Shone, Talsa, Torin, Zoern |
Six-letter words | Ben'nig, Dratir, Drinor, Fel'tes, For'kin, Korsul, Suz'ahn, Tadrom, Ter'ran, Toka'an |
Seven-letter words | Chokgan, Dak'kaun, Dorvrem, Fanroke, Fiilrok, Kel'shae, Kis'tean, Koaresh, Tchor'ah, Telsrah, Ven'tiro, Zela'von |
Eight-letter words | Aasrugel, Desh'noka, Gi'azol'em, Gi'frazsh, Kilagrin, Krast'ven, Nuk'tra'te, Os'retiak, Quin'mahk, Roc'grare, Rohh'krah, Shodru'ga, Taegoson, Ties'alla |
Nine-letter words | Ahn'torunt, Brud'remek, Dor'dra'tor, Draemierr, Gatin'roth, Gesh'throm, Mastrosum, Tae'gel'kir, Thukad'aaz, Zoln'nakaz |
Ten-letter words | Aer'rohgmar, Borg'helmak, Caus'tearic, Dalgo'nizha, Huut'vactah, Ignan'kitch, Jolpat'krim, Kraus'ghosa, Mok'tavaler, Torrath'unt, Tzench'drah, Vendo're'mik |
Eleven-letter words | Bach'usiv'hal, Danal'korang, Derr'moran'ki, Kawee'fe'more, Kis'an'tadrom, Korsukgrare, Moor'tosav'ak, Moth'keretch, Nash'lokan'ar, Peng'yaas'ahn, Sunep'kosach, Thloy'martok |
Twelve-letter words | Golgo'nishver, Tagha'senchal |
Words and phrases list
- The names of the runes of warding in Molten Core (Kress, Mohn, Blaz, Zeth, Mazj, Koro and Theri) may also be Kalimag (more specifically Ignan).
- Reth Reth Reth = May mean "Burn Burn Burn" or perhaps "Fire Fire Fire". However, this word also appears in text of Manifestation of Water - then again, both occurrences are within the game, created with the game's limited vocabulary. They likely mean different words, which are then 'translated' into the same 4-letter word.
In the RPG
Kalimag is the standard language spoken by all elementals.[6][7] Kalimag is an obscure tongue spoken only by a few scholars, for the native speakers (elementals) are rarely encountered in any sort of friendly capacity.[8] It appears to have several dialects including Ignan (fire), Aquan (water), Terran (earth), and Auran (air). One dialect exists for each elemental type living on the Elemental Plane. Elemental conglomerates are known to speak two or more of these dialects depending on elements they are made from.[9]
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 91
- ^ [15-30] The Howling Wind
- ^ a b [100R] Flamebender's Tome
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 182
- ^ German: reply by Glizzelfara in the German localization forum (translation by Google)
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 104
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 53
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 131
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 143