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Tol'vir is presumed to be the primary language of the tol'vir race. It is written using hieroglyphs.[1][2][3]
Untranslated words and phrases
- Achusenmen osadi djahi kahun Ammunae[4]
- Ahmtul - Ruined city in northwestern Uldum.
- Al'burq - One of the Fists of the Heavens.
- Alra'ed - One of the Fists of the Heavens.
- Akhenet - Ramkahen farming area in central Uldum.
- Akher - Mountain near Neferset City.
- Amathet - A tol'vir tribe.
- Ammon - Ruin in southwestern Uldum.
- Ankhaten - Harbor in southwestern Uldum.
- Arsad - Trading outpost in western Uldum.
- Hamatep - Neferset gate in southern Uldum.
- Kadesh! Osadi! Satekh! - Written on the [Engraved Scimitar Hilt] and said by a Ramkahen Sergeant while drilling Ramkahen Infantry. In the Sergeant's drill, each word corresponds to a combat move (a swing, another swing, and a block respectively).
- Keset - Pass in eastern Uldum.
- Khintaset - Mountaintop ruin in northwestern Uldum.
- Khopesh - Tol'vir name for a type of curved "sickle sword" design.[5]
- Mar'at - Port town in central Uldum.
- Murkash! - Said by General Husam.
- Nahom - Temple in eastern Uldum.
- Neferset - A tol'vir tribe, as well as the name of their capital.
- Orsis - A tol'vir tribe, as well as the name of their capital.
- Ramkahen - A tol'vir tribe, as well as the name of their capital.
- Sahket - Wasteland in northwestern Uldum.
- Tahret - Ramkahen date farm in central Uldum.
- Vir'naal - A major water system in Uldum, consisting of the Vir'naal River, a lake, dam, several oases, and a delta.
- Vir'sar - Oasis in northwestern Uldum.
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
The tol'vir tongue, like those of other titan-forged descendants, is likely derived from the Titan language.