Category:Removed Barrens quests
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Pages in category "Removed Barrens quests"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 222 total.
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- Call of Fire
- Call of Fire (2)
- Call of Fire (5)
- Call of Fire (Horde)
- Call of Water (2)
- Call of Water (3)
- Call of Water (4)
- Call of Water (5)
- Call of Water (6)
- Call of Water (7)
- Call of Water (9)
- Call of Water (Durotar)
- Call of Water (Orgrimmar)
- Call of Water (Thunder Bluff)
- Centaur Bracers (Classic)
- Chen's Empty Keg (2)
- Chen's Empty Keg (3)
- Chen's Empty Keg (quest)
- Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood
- Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
- Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe (2)
- Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe (3)
- Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe (4)
- Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe (5)
- Conscript of the Horde (Classic)
- Consumed by Hatred (Classic)
- Counterattack! (Classic)
- Crossroads Conscription
- Cry of the Thunderhawk
- Curing the Sick
- Curing the Sick (Horde)
- Raptor Horns
- Raptor Thieves
- Razorhide
- Regthar Deathgate (quest)
- Report to Kadrak (Barrens)
- Report to Kadrak (Stonetalon Mountains)
- Return to Jahan
- Return to the Crossroads.
- Returning the Cleansed Orb
- Revenge of Gann
- Revenge of Gann (2)
- Ride to Orgrimmar (Classic)
- Ride to Thunder Bluff (Classic)
- Rilli Greasygob (quest)
- Rising Spirit
- Samophlange (Classic 2)
- Samophlange (Classic 3)
- Samophlange (Classic 4)
- Samophlange (Classic)
- Samophlange Manual (quest)
- Sample for Helbrim
- Seeking Spiritual Aid
- Seeking Strahad (Orgrimmar)
- Seeking Strahad (Stormwind)
- Seeking Strahad (Undercity)
- Serena Bloodfeather (Classic)
- Sergra Darkthorn (quest)
- Shard of a Felhound
- Shard of an Infernal
- Smart Drinks
- Southsea Freebooters (Classic)
- Speak with Ruga
- Speak with Thun'grim
- Spirit of the Wind
- Stolen Booty
- Stolen Silver (quest)
- Summon Felsteed (2)
- Summon Felsteed (Orgrimmar)
- Summon Felsteed (Undercity)
- Supplies for the Crossroads (Classic)
- Tal the Wind Rider Master (Classic)
- The Affray
- The Angry Scytheclaws
- The Ashenvale Hunt (The Barrens)
- The Barrens Oases
- The Barrens Port
- The Binding (Felhunter)
- The Completed Orb of Dar'Orahil
- The Completed Orb of Noh'Orahil
- The Completed Robe
- The Demon Seed (quest)
- The Disruption Ends
- The Elder Crone
- The Escape (Classic)
- The Forgotten Pools (Classic)
- The Glowing Shard
- The Guns of Northwatch (Classic)
- The Harvester
- The Islander
- The Kolkar of Desolace
- The Missing Shipment
- The Missing Shipment (2)
- The Orb of Soran'ruk
- The Principal Source
- The Principal Source (Horde)
- The Runed Scroll
- The Spirits of Stonetalon
- The Stagnant Oasis (Classic)
- The Swarm Grows
- The Tear of the Moons
- The Warsong Reports
- The Windwatcher
- The Zhevra (Classic)
- Thun'grim Firegaze (quest)
- Tome of the Cabal (3)
- Tome of the Cabal (Alliance)
- Tome of the Cabal (Alliance, 3)