Velora Nitely and the Brutal Legguards

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HordeVelora Nitely and the Brutal Legguards
Start Thun'grim Firegaze
End Velora Nitely
Level 30 (Requires 26)
Category Warrior
Experience 1200
Previous H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor
Next H Warrior [30] Dragonmaw Shinbones


Speak with Velora Nitely in the Undercity.


It is said that, before her death, Velora Nitely was one of the finest armorsmiths in Lordaeron. Death, it seems, has not decreased her talents. Speak with Velora—she will make your brutal legguards.

Velora plies her trade in the Undercity of Lordaeron, in the trade quarter.


You will receive:


You are here for leg armor? Great!

Um... am I making the armor for you, or are you making it for me?

That was a joke. Was it funny? I can't tell... I lost my sense of humor the same time I lost my sense of smell. Which was about the same time I stopped breathing.


  1. H Warrior [20] Speak with Ruga
  2. H Warrior [20] Trial at the Field of Giants
  3. H Warrior [20] Speak with Thun'grim
  4. H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor
  5. H Warrior [30] Brutal Hauberk

Completing Brutal Hauberk opens up three additional quest chains:

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