Horde Presence

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HordeHorde Presence
Start Kadrak
End Kadrak
Level 29 (Requires 18)
Category The Barrens
Experience 300-2950
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+150 Orgrimmar
Bc icon.gif+350 Orgrimmar
Rewards  [Trailblazer Boots]
or  [Jutebraid Gloves]
Previous H [25] The Runed Scroll


Kill the leader of the Talon Den, Rynthariel the Keymaster.


This scroll is from that scheming dryad Rynthariel, Keymaster of the Talon Den on Stonetalon Peak.

She'll not be making any more contact with the messenger you looted this from, heh, but we must stand our ground here. The Horde will not tolerate her outrunners here.

<Name>, travel to the Talon Den. Kill Rynthariel, and then put up a symbol for all to see. Take this Horde flag, <name>. Put it up in the Talon Den so that they will not be so rash as to send another messenger through our territory again.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also receive:


We cannot allow the Alliance on our land, <name>. Make this known.


You're a tough one! Ridding the Den of Rynthariel is a major step, <name>. They will be slow to regroup, and so we can count on less Alliance runners in the Barrens. They will think again before sending another this way.

Thank you.



  1. H [25] The Runed Scroll
  2. H [29] Horde Presence

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