Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe (2)

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NeutralComponents for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
Start Menara Voidrender
End Xizk Goodstitch
Level 34 (Requires 31)
Category Warlock
Experience 200-2000
Previous N Warlock [31] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
Next N Warlock [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe


Bring a Gold Bar to Xizk Goodstitch in Stranglethorn Vale.


Your next task is as simple as your first, but will require you to seek out aid.

I require gold thread for the embroidery of the cloak, but gold thread is not easy to come by, and very few know how to make it. Fortunately, one who is loyal to our cause knows its secrets and is willing to help those rising in our ranks.

Bring a gold bar to Xizk Goodstitch in Booty Bay. He is a master tailor and will be happy to spin the thread for you. Gold bars are smelted by skilled miners. Ask a miner for help.


You will receive:


Gold bars, yes... yes. Bring me one and we'll see what we can do about spinning some thread for you. Until then, I would suggest you focus your efforts on becoming more powerful. Your toughest trials are still ahead. And trust me... you'll wish you were more prepared, regardless of how powerful you think you might be.


Perfect, <name>. I'm glad you could find a miner to help you out so quickly. Or did you do this work yourself? Either way, you've done well. This will be perfect for the thread.

It will take some time to create the stuff, so you'll have to come back--I actually send it off to some princess who we have locked in a tower who's only job is to spin gold thread... no, seriously. I mean it... okay, not really.


  • You can get Gold Bars from miners or the auction house.


  1. A Warlock [31] In Search of Menara Voidrender / A Warlock [31] In Search of Menara Voidrender / H Warlock [31] In Search of Menara Voidrender / H Warlock [31] In Search of Menara Voidrender (optional breadcrumbs)
  2. N Warlock [31] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
  3. N Warlock [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
  4. N Warlock [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
  5. N Warlock [37] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
  6. N Warlock [37] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
  7. N Warlock [38] The Completed Robe

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