Brutal Hauberk (quest)

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HordeBrutal Hauberk
Start Thun'grim Firegaze
End Thun'grim Firegaze
Level 30 (Requires 20)
Class Warrior Warrior
Experience 3050 XP
Previous H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor


I am sure you endured much hardship and shed much blood on my task, <name>. Here is the product of your toil.

May you wear it well, and may you one day return here with stories of its service to you.


You will receive:
Inv chest chain 07.png [Brutal Hauberk]

You will also receive:

  • 3050 XP (or 18s 60c at max level)


  1. H Warrior [20] Speak with Ruga
  2. H Warrior [20] Trial at the Field of Giants
  3. H Warrior [20] Speak with Thun'grim
  4. H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor
  5. H Warrior [30] Brutal Hauberk

Completing Brutal Hauberk opens up three additional quest chains:

Patch changes

External links