User:John Lopez/Jarius Goldblood

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The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

"He's scarier than I am, and I'm a Death Knight. He may look innocent, but if you put a weapon in his hands, he becomes a violent, coldblooded, sadist who will cut down his enemies without a shred of hesitation or remorse. He's also a fearless leader who is not afraid to get his hands dirty or fight on the front-lines with his subordinates. He's the type of leader people want to serve under."

- Pablo Darksun describing Jarius Goldblood.
Jarius Goldblood
No image available
Title Patriarch of the House of Goldblood
Grand Commander of the Hand of Jarius
Gender Male
Race Blood elf
Class Blood Knight, formerly Warrior
Affiliation(s) Horde
House of Goldblood
Hand of Jarius
Argent Crusade
Occupation Patriarch of the House of Goldblood, Grand Commander of the Hand of Jarius
Location Twilight Highlands
Status Alive
Relative(s) Mariel Goldblood (Father), Shirley Suncrown (Mother), Archer Goldblood (Uncle), Alexander Goldblood (Twin Brother), Jasilynn Lightblaze (Wife), Jarius Goldblood Jr. (Son), Azusa Goldblood (Daughter)
Mentor(s) Pathaleon the Calculator (Warrior), Blood Knight Dawnstar, Tirion Fordring (Paladin)
Student(s) Alistair Draco, Miles Dawnblade

General Jarius Goldblood aka Jarius Scourgebane and the Tranquillien Knightmare is the current Patriarch of the House of Goldblood, succeeding his father Mariel Goldblood following his death during the Scourge's invasion of Quel'Thalas. He is also the Grand Commander of the Hand of Jarius, an army of Blood Elves founded by Jarius himself. Jarius is currently with the Hand of Jarius combating the Eye of Azeroth and Twilight's Hammer in the Twilight Highlands.



Jarius is well built physically, although not overly muscular, the result of his years of combat experience. He has golden blonde hair with blue streaks in it, in a falcon style. He briefly dyed it orange while his wife Jasilynn lay in a coma after giving birth, although he changes back to its natural color after she regains consciousness.


Early Life

Jarius, along with his twin brother Alexander, was born in Tranquillien about five years before the Dark Portal opened. He was named after Jarius Griffey, a friend of his father. His mom died giving birth. Shortly after his birth, Alexander mysteriously disappeared. After the Second War ends, Jarius begins training as a warrior under Pathaleon the Calculator. Due to the Scourge's invasion of Quel'Thalas, Jarius never completed his training.

Third War

Jarius, along with his father, are confronted by a battalion of Death Knights during the Scourge's invasion of Quel'Thalas. Although Jarius is able to hold his own against them, his dad is fatally wounded. The sight of his dad being wounded causes Jarius to go berserk and wipe out almost all of the Death Knights except for one that escaped. Jarius's dad asks him to take him to Elrendar Falls so he can spend his final moments of life with Shirley Suncrown, Jarius's mom, who is buried at the base of Elrendar Falls. Evading the Scourge, they reach the base of Elrendar Falls. Mariel dies but not before telling Jarius that he has a twin brother and naming him the new head of the House of Goldblood. Jarius buries his dad next to his mom and heads toward Silvermoon City to attempt to save anyone he could. He was able to rescue his future wife, along with several members of the House of Sunfire, including Remar Sunfire. Jarius is stabbed thought the shoulder and wounded when he jumps in front of Remar to block a sword strike. Due to this, Jarius is unable to accompany Kael'thas Sunstrider to Dalaran with able bodied survivors.

A New Path

When M'uru was sent from Tempest Keep to Silvermoon City, Jarius decided to train as a Blood Knight. Apprenticed to Blood Knight Dawnstar, Jarius began training in earnest. Jarius makes great strides quickly in his training, which grabbed the attention of Knight-Lord Bloodvalor. Summoning Jarius to Blood Knight HQ in Silvermoon City, Knight-Lord Bloodvalor orders Jarius to go to the Isle of Tribulations, light the brazier, and focus on what he sees. Jarius goes to the Isle of Tribulations, lights the brazier, and kills Sangrias Stillblade when he attempts to ambush him. Jarius returns to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor. Asked about his shock over whether he was shocked over Sangrias Stillblade attacking him, Jarius responds by expressing shock over the fact that a Crypt Fiend wasn't captured for use against him. Knight-Lord Bloodvalor sends him to speak to Magister Astalor Bloodsworn. He has Jarius drain some of M'uru's energy and use it to revive Sangrias Stillblade. Jarius reports back to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor, who has him revive Sangrias Stillblade. Around this time, Jarius formally forms the Hand of Jarius and starts dating Lynna Lightkiss, who he met during his frequent visits to Silvermoon City. Knight-Lord Bloodvalor once again calls Jarius back to Blood Knight HQ. This time he sends him to Master Kelerun Bloodmourn. Master Kelerun Bloodmourn explains that in order to be considered as an adept, he needs to defeat four Blood Knight Champions, Champion Bloodwrath, Champion Lightrend, Champion Swiftblade, and Champion Sunstriker. Jarius defeats the four of them with ease and Master Kelerun Bloodmourn sends him back to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor. Knight-Lord Bloodvalor gives Jarius a  [Blood-Tempered Ranseur], Blood Knight Insignia, and officially promotes him to the rank of adept.

Reclaiming Quel'Thalas

Jarius sends forces to attack Goldenmist Village, Windrunner Village, and Windrunner Spire. Jarius is then informed that a force that was sent to investigate Suncrown Village has not had contact with Tranquillien in four days. Jarius takes a small force, including Grandard and Pablo Darksun, to Suncrown Village to investigate. When they arrive, they find a wounded soldier, who explains that they had been ambushed by nerubians. He also explains that the nerubians are being led by Anok'suten and then dies.


Brother vs. Brother

Silverpine Forest

After Miles Dawnblade informs him that he spotted the Eye of Azeroth in Silverpine Forest, Jarius sends Hand of Jarius forces lead by Alistair Draco there to find and defeat them. When Alistair suffers numerous setbacks, Jarius heads to Silverpine Forest himself to take command of the war effort himself. After being informed that the Eye of Azeroth are using Fenris Isle as a base, Jarius moves their camp from The Skittering Dark to The Decrepit Ferry, which is a better staging point for an attack. Jarius leaves several ballistae at The Decrepit Ferry. He has the ballistae bomb Fenris Keep, which he uses to conceal Hand of Jarius forces he's leading from The Decrepit Ferry to Fenris Isle via swimming across Lordamere Lake. When they reach Fenris Isle, he has assassins eliminate the guards at the entrance to Fenris Keep. Jarius then signals the ballistae to cease fire and proceeds to storm Fenris Keep. Jarius duels Nihil Sunhammer but fights him to a draw. He also expresses shock that the Eye of Azeroth has a Death Knight in their employ, wondering if they are in league with the Scourge. When the Hand of Jarius begins to gain the upper hand, the Eye of Azeroth retreats. Jarius has the Hand of Jarius pack up and return to Tranquillien.


Regent-Lord Lor'themar Theron orders the Hand of Jarius to attack Stratholme in order to eliminate the Scourge forces led by Baron Rivendare. He felt that the close proximity of Stratholme to Quel'Thalas was a threat to them. Jarius is also informed by Lady Liadrin that he will be promoted from knight to master if he takes out Baron Rivendare. Along with the bulk of the Hand of Jarius, Jarius sets off for Stratholme. Upon arriving at the back gate, Jarius has Grandard pick the lock on the service entrance. Once Grandard opens the service entrance, Jarius sends him inside to scout the area beyond the service entrance. Grandard returns and the Hand of Jarius storm Elders' Square. After fighting their way through the Scourge, the Hand of Jarius enter The Gauntlet. The Hand of Jarius attacks and destroy each ziggurat and Jarius slays Magistrate Barthilas when he attempts to enter Slaughter Square. After fighting into The Slaughter House Jarius decapitates Baron Rivendare.

Eye of Azeroth Returns

The Eye of Azeroth ambush the Hand of Jarius as they leave Stratholme. After the Eye of Azeroth deals major casualties to the Hand of Jarius, including Pablo Darksun, they flee to Corin's Crossing. Jarius and the Hand of Jarius lay siege to Corin's Crossing while waiting for reinforcements he sent Grandard Darksun to retrieve. When the Eye of Azeroth make their refusal to surrender known, Jarius has Corin's Crossing shelled by ballistae. After killing off most of the Eye of Azeroth forces, the survivors decide to make a last stand and charges the Hand of Jarius forces, who were joined by by Grandard, who had just arrived with reinforcements. Jarius personally slays Desmond Crowder and the remaining Eye of Azeroth are destroyed. Jarius receives a report that Eye of Azeroth forces were spotted in the Hinterlands heading south and gives chase, ordering Miles Dawnblade to leave Silverpine Forest to give chase. He is also informed of his promotion from knight to master.


Jarius and the Hand of Jarius attack Eye of Azeroth forces over the Thandol Span, meeting up with Miles Dawnblade, who had caught up to the Eye of Azeroth first. The Eye of Azeroth flee and the Hand of Jarius chase after them.

Blasted Lands

The Hand of Jarius finally catches up to the Eye of Azeroth outside the Dark Portal. Despite being outnumbered by a three to one margin, Jarius orders the Hand of Jarius to attack the Eye of Azeroth. The Hand of Jarius, with better trained and more experienced soldiers, routs the Eye of Azeroth easily and Jarius kills Remar Sunfire, whose body he had burned to prevent resurection as a Death Knight, and cuts off the arm of Alexander Goldblood. Feeling that the Eye of Azeroth is no longer a threat, Jarius and the Hand of Jarius pass through the Dark Portal and enter Outland. Before crossing into Outland, Jarius is promoted from Sergeant to First Sergeant. He also accepts a request from Miles Dawnblade to train him as a Blood Knight.

Fallen Sky Ridge

Hearing of mysterious red crystals falling from the sky onto Fallen Sky Ridge, Jarius sends some soldiers to investigate.

Terokkar Forest

To Northrend

Howling Fjord

Grizzly Hills



Family Emergency

Jasilynn begins to have complications with her pregnancy. Despite being on the verge on attacking Icecrown Citadel, Jarius heads back to Tranquillien to be with her. However, before leaving, Jarius leaves Alistair Draco in charge of the Hand of Jarius and their war against the Lich King. Jasilynn sucessfully gives birth to Jarius Goldblood Jr. and Azusa Goldblood but briefly dies twice and falls into a coma. Her brief death causes Jarius to nickname her Phoenix.

Troublesome Situation

Jarius is informed that Miles Dawnblade was ordered by Alistair Draco to attack the Cathedral of Darkness. Demanding an explanation from Alistair, he soon discovers his affair with Miles's wife, Miku Swiftblood. Enraged, Jarius relieves Alistair of his duties as temporary leader of the Hand of Jarius and replaces him with Miles. However, Jarius gives Alistair another chance and sends him to Sholazar Basin to determine how the Scourge managed to enter the region.

Eye of Azeroth Reemerges

After Alistair Draco completes his mission in Sholazar Basin, Jarius ordered him to go to Vengeance Landing with two gunships and pick up siege weapons and other supplies being sent to Northrend by boat and take them to Icecrown to use in the attack on Icecrown Citadel. Jarius becomes concerned when Alistair fails to return to Icecrown and is later stunned to learn that joint Eye of Azeroth and Twilight's Hammer forces ambushed his forces over the skies of Zul'Drak. Jarius quickly orders Miles and Ovaris to Zul'Drak to aid Alistair. Jasilynn suddenly wakes up from her coma, and they share an emotional moment. They are interrupted by a report that an Eye of Azeroth led by his brother Alex has attacked Silvermoon City. Jarius quickly counterattacks by flying some forces to Shepherd's Gate in front of Silvermoon City while Jarius and reinforcements take a portal into Court of the Sun and rush to Shepherd's Gate, allowing them to trap Alex and his forces between them. However, Alex escapes and abandons his forces to Jarius and his forces who capture any surviving soldiers. Jarius later receives word that the joint Eye of Azeroth and Twilight's Hammer forces have been defeated and that they managed to capture survivors. Because the Hand of Jarius takes heavy casualties, Jarius is forced to recall them back to Tranquillien. Jarius has the Eye of Azeroth and Twilight's Hammer investigated in order to learn what they are up to and where they are at. Jarius also begins planing combat operations to combat the Eye of Azeroth and Twilight's Hammer.


In order to further prepare for the coming battles against the Eye of Azeroth and Twilight's Hammer, Jarius travels with his students Alistair Draco & Miles Dawnblade to Hearthglen to train with Tirion Fordring. He also commissioned Anri Firehammer to forge him a new sword; Volcanic Slice. After learning that the Eye of Azeroth and Twilight's Hammer have been spotted in the Twilight Highlands and Mount Hyjal, Jarius returns to Tranquillien. Jarius recalls the Hand of Jarius back to discuss his plan to combat the Eye of Azeroth and Twilight's Hammer. With preparations complete, Jarius and the Hand of Jarius launches Operation Juggernaut in the Twilight Highlands and Operation Frenzy in Mount Hyjal. Before leaving, Jarius is promoted from Lieutenant General to General.

Operation Juggernaut

Jarius splits the Hand of Jarius in half, sending half to Mount Hyjal and taking the other half to the Twilight Highlands. Jarius establishes a basecamp in the Ruins of Drakgor after clearing it of Twilight Hammer cultists. Nihil Sunhammer having recently defected from the Eye of Azeroth after learning the truth behind his resurrection, appears at the new camp, demanding a duel to the death with Jarius. Despite offering him a spot in the Hand of Jarius, Nihil still insisted on the duel. Jarius slays Nihil in combat and briefly returns to Tranquillien to return his body to his family and explain the circumstances behind his resurection and second death. Pesche Sunhammer, Nihil's younger brother, joined the Hand of Jarius following this, being sent to Mount Hyjal in order to infiltrate the Twilight's Hammer. After returning to the Twilight Highlands, Jarius sends a scouting force to look for a spot close to the Twilight Citadel to set up a camp to use as a strike point in an attack on the Bastion of Twilight. However, the force is ambushed by the Eye of Azeroth and saved by a mysterious archer. Jarius sends another scouting force to try again. Once again, they are ambushed by the Eye of Azeroth and are once again saved by a mysterious archer. Jarius sends another scouting force to try again but has Ovaris Draco secretly watch them. When they return, Ovaris reports seeing a Dark Ranger aiding them. Jarius orders Grandard Darksun to capture the Dark Ranger so they can question her. In the mean time, Jarius decides to capture Slithering Cove to set up a port since they are moving their supplies via boat. Jarius succeeds in capturing Slithering Cove and Ovaris Draco finally manages to find a good spot near the Twilight Citadel to set up a camp to use as a strike point in an attack on the Bastion of Twilight. Jarius sends a small convoy to transport supplies from Slithering Cove to Ovaris's location. However, Ovaris reports never getting the supplies, so Jarius takes a small force and goes to investigate. They reach the remains of the convoy and Jarius orders his men to salvage any supplies and find any survivors that they can. Several Twilight Dragons suddenly swoop down and attack. Jarius orders any archers to open fire as a diversion. Jarius and the other soldiers grab any survivors and pull them to safety. The Twilight Dragons suddenly retreat and Jarius notices a young Half-elf girl riding one of them. After returning to Slithering Cove with his forces, Jarius contacts Grandard Darksun and informs him that he is postponing the search for the Dark Ranger that had been helping them and to search for the young Half-elf girl instead.


War of the Ancients

Final Battle with Deathwing


Cursed Doll

After Jarius recovers, he heads to the Ruins of Silvermoon with Jasilynn so she can search for artifacts. Unable to find any, Jarius and Jasilynn head back to Tranquillien. On their back, they run into a young Half-elf merchant named Ashby Fields. He offers them several dolls and Jarius and Jasilynn pick one out to give to their daughter Azusa. However, the doll begins showing signs of being possessed, including disappearing and reappearing with a dagger in hand, speaking with a female voice, and reappearing undamaged even after being destroyed. Jarius attempts to exorcise it but is injured when it repels him. Realizing that only a more powerful Paladin can exorcise it, Jarius decides to head to Hearthglen to ask Tirion Fordring for help. Accompanied by Miles Dawnblade and Grandard Darksun, Jarius travels to Hearthglen with the doll. On their way there, they are ambushed by Ashby Fields. Jarius demands an explanation for the doll's possession and Ashby reveals that he is a member of the Eye of Azeroth. Ashby is defeated and captured. After tying him to a tree, Grandard interrogates him but Jarius stabs his sword through his mouth after telling them that he'll die before he tells them anything. Finally arriving, they have Tirion Fordring look at the doll. After analyzing the doll, Tirion Fordring makes a shocking announcement, Shirley Suncrown is possessing the doll. Eye of Azeroth soldiers show up to gloat about their involvement but are suddenly slain by Alexander Goldblood. He expresses disgust over his mom's soul being used in such a way. Jarius questions why he has no idea what is going on within his own organization and Alexander explains that their uncle, Archer Goldblood is the true leader of the Eye of Azeroth and that he takes orders from him. He further explains that he is the actual older twin. Suddenly, Shirley Suncrown's spirit leaves the doll. She explains that he was lied to by Archer and that Jarius is in fact the older twin. She also apologizes for not being there for them when they were kids but they both forgive her. She disappears but not before telling her kids that she loves them. Tirion Fordring explains that her shame of dying and leaving behind her children made it possible for her soul to be used and being forgiven gave her closure and allowed her to pass on. Jarius asks Alexander what he plans to do. He decides he is through with the Eye of Azeroth and will be turning himself into the Hand of Jarius. They head back to Tranquillien afterward.

Truths of the Eye of Azeroth

Alexander quickly strikes a deal with Jarius; in exchange for a life sentence Alex agrees to reveal all that he knows about the Eye of Azeroth to Jarius and Jarius alone. Alex explains the Eye of Azeroth's goals and gives him locations of a few secret bases as well as a list of Eye of Azeroth agents that had infiltrated the Silvermoon government. Jarius had his brother locked up at the newly opened Tranquillien Prison and ordered Pablo Darksun to investigate New Avalon with a small force, Grandard Darksun to investigate Marris Stead with a small force, and Ovaris Draco to investigate Terrordale with a small force. While the forces sent to Marris Stead and Terrordale routed the Eye of Azeroth forces present, the force sent to New Avalon was not heard from. Jarius orders most of the forces at Marris Stead and Terrordale to meet him at New Avalon, but not to attack unless attacked first. Arriving outside ofNew Avalon, Jarius leads the attack against Eye of Azeroth and personally slays their commander Marcellus Dragonfist. After sending the captured Eye of Azeroth soldiers to Tranquillien Prison, Jarius sent forces to Morgan's Plot and Shadowbreak Ravine to investigate them, while continuing the ongoing investigations of New Avalon, Marris Stead, and Terrordale. When the investigations reveal that the Eye of Azeroth is heading to Pandaria to investigate Sha energy, Jarius sends a small scouting force lead by Mius Suncore to find and investigate them. Jarius then prepares a larger force to lead to Pandaria to combat the Eye of Azeroth.


With preparations complete, Jarius leads the Hand of Jarius to Pandaria via two Airships. The [[Airship Jarius is on is shot down over Jade Forest, although the other one manages to meet up with Mius Suncore in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Jarius falls onto Windward Isle in fornt of a hatching Cloud Serpent egg. Jarius cares for the newly hatched Cloud Serpent while nursing himself back to health when he is found by Mius Suncore.


Goldblood Warblade

This sword is passed on to the head of the House of Goldblood. Jarius inherited the Goldblood Warblade from his father just before his death during the the Scourge's invasion of Quel'Thalas. Until leaving for Twilight Highlands, this is Jarius's primary weapon. Despite switching his primary weapon to Volcanic Slice, Jarius will still occasionally use the Goldblood Warblade. It is a great sword consisting of a gold blade and a red handle. When not in use, Jarius keeps it in its scabbard, which is slung over his shoulder.

Volcanic Slice

While training with Tirion Fordring, Jarius commissioned Anri Firehammer to forge him Volcanic Slice, a sword with the power of magma that currently serves as his primary weapon. Volcanic Slice is a claymore consisting of a crimson blade and gold handle. When not in use, Jarius keeps it in its scabbard, which is strapped to the back of his belt.


Jarius uses a projector to communicate with the members of the Hand of Jarius and his family while out in the field. Jarius looted the projector from Pathaleon the Calculator after slaying him in The Mechanar.



  • "FOR THE SIN'DOREI!" (Warcry)
  • "The only thing that shocked me is that you didn't release a captured Crypt Fiend on me." (to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor, after returning from the Isle of Tribulations)
  • "Let's scrap." (to Remar Sunfire, before their duel in the Ruins of Silvermoon.)
  • "In what reality are you safe?" (to Lynna, after finding her hiding in the Ruins of Silvermoon.)
  • "So, you were just a spy who pretended to love me in order to get close to me. All this time, I thought I had driven you into the arms of Remar. Thank you for telling me this. Any lingering feelings that I had for you are now gone, which is good, because now I don't have to regret killing you. Now, to finish you off while Remar watches. Don't worry, he won't outlive you by long." (to Lynna, after stabbing her in the stomach with a dagger)
  • "Burn his body. The last thing we need is another Death Knight in the service of the Eye of Azeroth
  • "Ironic isn't it? The very person that Alistair tried to send to his death is now succeeding him as the head of Jarius's Shield."

Preceded by:
Mariel Goldblood
Head of the House of Goldblood
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Grand Commander of the Hand of Jarius
Succeeded by: