User:John Lopez/Alexander Goldblood

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Alexander Goldblood
No image available
Title Alex
Gender Male
Race Blood elf
Class Demon Hunter
Affiliation(s) House of Goldblood
Eye of Azeroth
Occupation Public Grand Master of the Eye of Azeroth(Formerly)
Location Imprisoned in Tranquillien Prison
Status Alive
Relative(s) Mariel Goldblood (Father), Shirley Suncrown (Mother), Archer Goldblood (Uncle), Jarius Goldblood (Twin Brother), Jasilynn Lightblaze (Sister-in-Law), Jarius Goldblood Jr. (Nephew), Azusa Goldblood (Niece)
Mentor(s) Archer Goldblood


Betraying the Eye of Azeroth

Alex quickly strikes a deal with Jarius; in exchange for a life sentence Alex agrees to reveal all that he knows about the Eye of Azeroth to Jarius and Jarius alone. Alex starts off by explaining that the Eye of Azeroth's goal is to take over Azeroth, using the fighting between other governments to weaken them in order to take them out. He also reveals Eye of Azeroth bases in Marris Stead, New Avalon, Terrordale, Morgan's Plot, and Shadowbreak Ravine, as well as Eye of Azeroth infiltrators within the Silvermoon government. Alex is then locked up in Tranquillien Prison

Preceded by:
Grand Master of the Eye of Azeroth
Succeeded by: