User:John Lopez/Yuji Kihara

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Yuji Kihara
Image of Yuji Kihara
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Eye of Azeroth
7th Legion (Formerly)
Alliance (Formerly)
Stormwind (Formerly)
Alliance Vanguard (Formerly)
Occupation Field Commander of the Eye of Azeroth
Location Twilight Highlands
Status Alive


Betraying The Alliance

As part of the Alliance's ongoing War against the Lich King, Yuji and the 7th Legion were deployed to Northrend. Yuji was stationed in Wintergarde Keep. When Naxxramas recalled from the Eastern Plaguelands, it is sent to the Dragonblight to attack Wintergarde Keep. Yuji is sent out to help defend Wintergarde Village. However, the Scourge sucessfully takes control of half of Wintergarde Keep and Yuji is trapped behind enemy lines. When he is about to be killed, Eye of Azeroth soldiers ambush the Scourge forces. Grateful that the Eye of Azeroth rescued him and enraged that the 7th Legion did not, Yuji renounces all ties to the Alliance and formerly joins the Eye of Azeroth.

Ambush Over Zul'Drak