Blood-Tempered Ranseur

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The Blood-Tempered Ranseur was the Blood Knight order's distinctive weapon.[1] As such, many Blood Knights mobs were using a ranseur.

The creation of the blood-tempered ranseur required a variety of rare and volatile materials, resulting in a fearsome weapon of superior craftsmanship. To properly temper the metal of the ranseurs, they had to be quenched in the blood of a powerful demon.[2]


This item was a quest reward from H IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifIconSmall BloodElf Female.gif Paladin [23] The Blood-Tempered Ranseur.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

As of World of Warcraft: Legion, players who had previously acquired the ranseur are able to find it in their wardrobe for Transmogrification, even if they had lost or discarded it prior.

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

 [Fallen Knight's Ranseur] can now be acquired through the H Paladin [60] Blood Knight quest.


  • The equivalent of this weapon for Alliance paladins was the  [Verigan's Fist].
  • In the lore, Lady Liadrin, the leader of the Blood Knights, was presented with a Blood-Tempered Ranseur when she became the first of her order. The weapon, more deadly than the stave she had wielded as a priestess and more elegant than the truncheon she had favored as a warrior, felt right in her hands. It symbolized the balance that she, and indeed all blood elves, must seek to master.[3]

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External links

es:Corcesca templada en sangre