User:Ashbear160/Creature nomenclature research

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To add

  • Sapient
    • Troll-Born Family
      • Elf Line
      • Troll Line
      • Naga Line
    • Earth Giant Family
      • Ogre Line
      • Orc Line
  • Sentient
  • Plants
    • Normal
  • Constructs
  • Elemental
    • Ooze
  • Form
  • Grell-Like
  • Divine
    • Naaru
    • Titan
    • Ancient Guardian Line
    • Loas
    • Old Gods
    • August Celestials


Icon Sub Species Family Category Canon Picture
Icon of the model The sub-species The species of the creature The family of the creature The category of the creature Canon status A picture of the model or artwork
<Icon> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> WoW Icon update.pngG
Max Canon
Flamekin Torcher.jpg
Lesser canon


icon Sub Species Family Category Canon Picture
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Southern Earthen Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall EarthenNorth.gif Northern Earthen Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gifIconSmall Dwarf Baby.gif Mountain Dwarf Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif Dark Dwarf Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Wildhammer Male.gifIconSmall Wildhammer Female.gif Hill Dwarf Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FrostDwarf Male.gifIconSmall FrostDwarf Female.gif Frost Dwarf Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Trogg.gif Trogg Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall StoneTrogg.gif Stone Trogg Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall IronDwarf.gif Iron dwarf Stormforged Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Skardyn Dwarf Titan-Born WoW-novel-logo-16x62.pngB
IconSmall Kobold.gif Kobold Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Snobold.gif Snobold Kobold Dwarf Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall StormGiant.gif Storm giant Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FireGiant.gif Fire giant Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FrostGiant.gif Frost giant Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SeaGiant.gif Sea giant Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall StoneGiant.gif Stone Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Colossus.gif Colossus Stone Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall IceGiant.gif Frost giant Stone Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall MoltenGiant.gif Molten giant Stone Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall MountainGiant.gif Mountain giant Stone Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall WoodGiant.gif Wood Giant Stone Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall IronGiant.gif Iron giant Stormforged Giant Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Gnome Male.gifIconSmall Gnome Female.gif Gnome Gnome Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall LeperGnome Male.gifIconSmall LeperGnome Female.gif Leper Gnome Gnome Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SandGnome.gif Sand gnome Gnome Gnome Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Mechagnome.gif Mechagnome Gnome Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Boy.gifIconSmall Human Female.gifIconSmall Human Girl.gif Human Human Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Vrykul Male.gifIconSmall Vrykul Female.gif Vrykul Human Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FrostVrykul Male.gifIconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Frost Vrykul Human Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall IronVrykul Male.gif Iron vrykul Stormforged Human Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Kvaldir Male.gifIconSmall Kvaldir Female.gif Kvaldir Vrykul Human Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ObsidianDestroyer.gif Obsidian destroyer Tol'vir Tol'vir Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Tol'vir.gif Neferset Tol'vir Tol'vir Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Ramkahen.gif Ramkahen Flesh Tol'vir Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Ramkahen.gif Orsis Flesh Tol'vir Titan-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Centaur Male.gifIconSmall Centaur Female.gif Centaur Cenarius Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Magnataur.gif Magnataur Cenarius Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Cenarian Male.gif Keeper of the Grove Cenarius Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Cenarian Female.gifIconSmall Nymph.gif Forest Dryad Cenarius Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FrostNymph.gif Frost Dryad Cenarius Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Gorloc.gif Gorloc Frog Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Murloc Male.gif Murloc Frog Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Mutant Murloc Frog Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DeepSeaMurloc.gif Deep Sea Murloc Frog Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Mur'gul Murloc Frog Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Furbolg.gif Furbolg Ursoc Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DireFurbolg.gif Polar Furbolg Ursoc Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Gnoll.gif Gnoll Hyena Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Grell.gif Grell Aessina Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Harpy.gif Harpy Aviana Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Makrura.gif Makrura Lobster Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Quilboar Male.gifIconSmall Quilboar Female.gif Quilboar Agamaggan Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Albino Quilboar Agamaggan Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif Tauren Cow/Bull Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Taunka Male.gifIconSmall Taunka Female.gif Taunka Tauren Cow/Bull Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Yaungol Tauren Cow/Bull Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Tuskarr.gif Tuskarr Walrus Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Wolvar.gif Wolvar Badger Ancient Ancient-Born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Aqir Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Nerubian.gif Nerubian Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall NerubianFlyer.gif Flyer Nerubian Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall NerubianThreadling.gif Spiderling Nerubian Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall CryptLord.gif Spiderlord Nerubian Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Vizier Nerubian Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Queen Nerubian Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Qiraji Male.gifIconSmall Qiraji Female.gif Gladiator/Battleguard Qiraji Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall QirajiEmperor.gif Emperor Qiraji Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall QirajiProphet.gif Prophet Qiraji Aqir Insect WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall GoblinBoy.gifIconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall GoblinGirl.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif Goblin Goblin/Pygmy Goblin/Pygmy WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Gilgoblin Male.gif Gilgoblin Goblin Goblin/Pygmy Goblin/Pygmy WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Hobgoblin.gif Hobgoblin Goblin Goblin/Pygmy Goblin/Pygmy WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Pygmy.gif Pygmy Goblin/Pygmy Goblin/Pygmy WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Eredar Eredar Eredar WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Draenei Boy.gifIconSmall Eredar Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Girl.gifIconSmall Eredar Female.gif Draenei Eredar Eredar WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Broken Draenei Eredar Eredar WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall LostOne.gif Lost one Draenei Eredar Eredar WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Sporeling.gif Sporeling Fungi Fungi WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Sporelok.gif Sporelok Sporeling Fungi Fungi WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FungalGiant.gif Fungal giant Fungi Fungi WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Ethereal.gif Ethereal Ethereal Ethereal WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Nexus-stalker Ethereal Ethereal Ethereal WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Arakkoa.gif Arakkoa Arakkoa Arakkoa WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall MercilessOne.gif Merciless One Merciless One Merciless One WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Unknown.gif Pandaren Pandaren Pandaren WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Jungle Hozen Hozen Hozen WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Mountain Hozen Hozen Hozen WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Saurok Fleshcraft Mogu WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Grummle Fleshcraft Mogu WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Mogu Mogu Mogu WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Mantid Mantid Mantid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Virmen Virmen Virmen WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Jinyu Jinyu Jinyu WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall LoreAncient.gif Lore Ancient Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ArcaneAncient.gif Arcane Ancient Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall WarAncient.gif War Ancient Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Wind Ancient Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Wonder Ancient Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtectorAncient.gif Protector Ancient Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Treant.gif Treant Ancient Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Tree of Life/Ages/Eternity Ancient Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonGreen.gifIconSmall DrakeGreen.gifIconSmall WhelpGreen.gif Green (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonRed.gifIconSmall DrakeRed.gifIconSmall WhelpRed.gif Red (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonBlue.gifIconSmall DrakeBlue.gifIconSmall WhelpBlue.gif Blue (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Malygos.gifIconSmall DrakeAzure.gifIconSmall Unknown.gif Azure (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonBronze.gifIconSmall DrakeBronze.gifIconSmall WhelpBronze.gif Bronze (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonBlack.gifIconSmall DrakeBlack.gifIconSmall WhelpBlack.gif Black (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonInfinite.gifIconSmall DrakeInfinite.gifIconSmall WhelpInfinite.gif Infinite (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonTwilight.gifIconSmall DrakeTwilight.gifIconSmall WhelpTwilight.gif Twilight (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonViolet.gifIconSmall DrakeChromatic.gifIconSmall WhelpViolet.gif Chromatic (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngGWoW-novel-logo-16x62.pngB
IconSmall DragonNether.gifIconSmall DrakeNether.gifIconSmall WhelpNether.gif Netherwing (DRW) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gifIconSmall Unknown.gifIconSmall WhelpPlague.gif Plagued (W) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gifIconSmall DrakeAlbino.gifIconSmall Unknown.gif Albino (R) Dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SpawnGreen Male.gif Green Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SpawnRed Male.gif Red Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SpawnBlue Male.gif Blue Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Azure Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SpawnBronze Male.gif Bronze Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SpawnBlack Male.gif Black Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SpawnInfinite Male.gif Infinite Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SpawnTwilight Male.gif Twilight Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SpawnViolet Male.gif Chromatic Dragonspawn Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidGreen.gif Green Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidRed.gif Red Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidBlue.gif Blue Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Azure Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidBronze.gif Bronze Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Black Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Infinite Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidTwilight.gif Twilight Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidViolet.gif Chromatic Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakonidNether.gif Nether Drakonid Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Dragonman.gif Dragonman Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DragonmanHulk.gif Aberration Dragonman Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall PitLord.gif Annihilan Annihilan Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Doomguard.gif Doomguard Ered'ruin Ered'ruin Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Doomlord.gif Doomlord Ered'ruin Ered'ruin Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Daemon.gif Daemon Ered'ruin Ered'ruin Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Corrupted Ancient Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FelOrc Male.gifIconSmall FelOrc Female.gif Fel Orc Earth giant Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Fel-sworn.gif Dire Fel Orc Earth Giant Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ChaosOrc Male.gifIconSmall ChaosOrc Female.gif Chaos Orc Earth Giant Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FelbloodElf Male.gifIconSmall FelbloodElf Female.gif Felblood Elf Elf Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Terrorguard.gif Terrorguard Terrorguard Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Observer.gifIconSmall BabyObserver.gif Beholder Observer Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Imp.gif Imp Imp Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FelImp.gif Fel Imp Imp Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Man'ari Male.gifIconSmall Man'ari Female.gif Man'ari Eredar Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Wrathguard.gif Wrathguard Man'ari Eredar Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Mo'arg.gif Mo'arg Mo'arg Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Felguard.gif Felguard Mo'arg Mo'arg Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Gan'arg.gif Gan'arg Mo'arg Mo'arg Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Dreadlord.gif Nathrezim Nathrezim Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Sayaad Female.gif Incubus/Succubus Sayaad Sayaad Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Satyr.gif Satyr Elf Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Shivarra.gif Shivarra Shivarra Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Voidwalker Void Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall VoidGod.gif Void god Voidwalker Void Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall VoidLord.gif Void lord Voidwalker Void Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Voidcaller.gif Voidcaller Voidwalker Void Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Voidwraith.gif Voidwraith Voidwalker Void Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Forgotten one Forgotten one Old God-born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FacelessOne.gif Northrend Faceless one Faceless one Old God-born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FacelessoftheDeep.gif Aquatic Faceless one Faceless one Old God-born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FacelessShadoweaver.gif Caster Faceless one Faceless one Old God-born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FacelessGeneral.gifIconSmall FacelessGeneral.gif General Faceless one Faceless one Old God-born WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FaerieDragon.gif Faerie Dragon Fey Fey WoW Icon update.pngG


icon Sub Species Family Category Canon Picture!
IconSmall Drakeadon.gif Drakeadon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoGreen.gif Green Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoRed.gif Red Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoBlue.gif Blue Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoBronze.gif Bronze Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoBlack.gif Black Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoViolet.gif Violet Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoPlated.gif Plated Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoRusted.gif Rusted Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ProtoWhite.gif Plagued Proto-dragon Dragonkin Dragonkin WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Lasher.gif Flower Lasher Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Orchid.gif Orchid Lasher Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Sunflower.gif Sunflower Lasher Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Squashling.gif Squashling Lasher Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Lasher.gif Bloodpetal Lasher Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FelBeast.gif Demonic hound Hound Fel Beast Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Darkhound.gif Darkhound Hound Fel Beast Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Felhunter.gif Felhound Hound Fel Beast Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Helboar.gif Helboar Boar Fel Beast Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Helboar.gif Felboar Boar Fel Beast Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Felsteed.gif Felsteed Nightmare Fel Beast Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Dreadsteed.gif Dreadsteed Nightmare Fel Beast Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall VoidTerror.gif Void terror Fel Beast Demon WoW Icon update.pngG



icon Sub Species Canon Int Background Picture!
IconSmall Spitter.gif Spitter Spitter WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Weed.gif Weed Spitter WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Nambu Unknown WoW-novel-logo-16x62.pngB



icon Sub Species Family Category Canon Picture
IconSmall Infernal.gif Infernal Fel Construct Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Abyssal.gif Abyssal Infernal Fel Construct Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall CannonFel.gif Fel cannon Fel Construct Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FelReaver.gif Fel Reaver Fel Construct Demon WoW Icon update.pngG


icon Sub Species Family Canon Picture!
IconSmall Air.gif Normal Elemental Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall BoundAir.gif Bound Elemental Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall UnboundAir.gif Unbound Elemental Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall AirNoble.gif Noble Elemental Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall AirPrince.gif Prince Elemental Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Al'Akir.gif Lord Elemental Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall AscendantAir.gif Ascendant Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall RevenantAir.gif Lightning Revenant Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Earth.gif Normal Elemental Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall BoundEarth.gif Bound Elemental Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall UnboundEarth.gif Unbound Elemental Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Noble Elemental Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Theradras.gif Princess Elemental Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Therazane.gif Lord Elemental Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall AscendantEarth.gif Ascendant Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall RevenantEarth.gif Earth Revenant Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall RevenantDeath.gif Death Revenant Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Fire.gif Normal Elemental Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall BoundFire.gif Bound Elemental Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall UnboundFire.gif Unbound Elemental Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Noble Elemental Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Ragnaros.gif Lord Elemental Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall AscendantFire.gif Ascendant Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall RevenantFire.gif Fire Revenant Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Water.gif Normal Elemental Water WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall BoundWater.gif Bound Elemental Water WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall UnboundWater.gif Unbound Elemental Water WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Neptulon.gif Lord Elemental Water WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall AscendantWater.gif Ascendant Water WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall RevenantWater.gif Water Revenant Water WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall IceElemental.gif Normal Elemental Ice WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FrostLord.gif Lord Elemental Ice WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall RevenantIce.gif Ice Revenant Ice WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall RevenantWater.gif Frost Revenant Ice WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall AscendantIce.gif Ascendant Ice WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Air.gif Normal Elemental Dust WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Lava.gif Normal Elemental Lava WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall UnboundEarth.gif Unbound Elemental Lava WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Noble Elemental Lava WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Steam.gif Normal Elemental Steam WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall AscendantElementium.gif Ascendant Primal/Elementium WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Arcane.gif Arcane Elemental Primal/Arcane WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Djinn.gif Djinn Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakeStorm.gif Storm Drakonid Air WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall GemstoneColossus.gif Gemstone colossus Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Geode.gif Geode Sprite Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Gyreworm.gif Gyreworm Worm Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ShaleSpider.gif Shale spider Spider Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DrakeStone.gif Stone Drakonid Earth WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Cinderweb.gifIconSmall SpiderFire.gif Cinderweb brood Spider Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall CoreHound.gifIconSmall CoreHoundPup.gif Core hound Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Entropy.gif Entropic beast Elemental Fire/Fel WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FelFireLord.gif Lord Elemental Fire/Fel WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FireHawk.gif Fire hawk Drakonid Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Firekin Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall TurtleFire.gif Fire turtle Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Flamewaker.gif Flamewaker Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall HellHound.gif Hell hound Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall LavaWorm.gif Lava worm Worm Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Phoenix.gifIconSmall PhoenixHatchling.gif Phoenix Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DarkPhoenix.gifIconSmall Unknown.gif Dark Phoenix Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Spirit of the Flame Fire WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Spark.gif Spark Sprite Spark WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Mana.gif Surge Elemental Mana WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall ArcaneWraith.gif Arcane Wraith Mana WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall MercuryOoze.gif Ooze Ooze Mercury WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall UnboundMercury.gif Unbound Elemental Mercury WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall UnboundMercury.gif Ascendant Mercury/Quicksilver WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall SoundLord.gif Lord Primordial Essence Sound WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Animus Elemental Saronite WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Normal Elemental Deathwing WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Ooze.gif Ooze Ooze WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall GiantSlime.gif Giant Ooze WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Oozeling.gif Oozeling Ooze WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Sludge.gif Sludge Ooze WoW Icon update.pngG



Icon Form Deity Users Class Canon Picture!
IconSmall Panther.gifIconSmall Lion.gif Cat Form ??? Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Bear.gif Bear Form ??? Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Aquatic Form ??? Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Orca.gif Orca Form ??? Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Jaguar.gif Travel Form ??? Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Stag.gif Stag Form Malorne Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Wildkin.gif Moonkin Form Elune Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Treant.gif Treeant Form Aessina Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Tree of Life Form Aessina Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Raven.gif Flight Form Aviana Night Elf, Human, Tauren, Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall DruidCrow.gif Stormcrow Form Aviana Night Elf, Human, Tauren Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Bat.gif Bat Form Hir'eek Troll Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Wolf.gif Pack Form Goldrinn Night Elf Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Snake.gif Snake Form ??? Night Elf, Tauren Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Fire Cat Form ??? Night Elf Flame Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Scorpion.gif Fire Scorpion Form ??? Night Elf Flame Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FireHawk.gif Fire Hawk Form ??? Night Elf Flame Druid WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Worgen.gifIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif Worgen Goldrinn, Elune Night elf, Human Infection WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Slith.gif Slith Hethiss Troll Loa Priest WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Tigon Male.gifIconSmall Tigon Female.gif Tigon Bethekk, Shirvallah Troll Loa Priest WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall CryptFiend.gif Spider Form Shadra Troll Loa Priest WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Gargoyle.gif Gargoyle Form Hir'eek Troll Loa Priest WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Nalorakk.gif Bear Form Nalorakk Troll Loa Priest WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Akil'zon.gif Eagle Form Akil'zon Troll Loa Priest WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Jan'alai.gif Dragonhawk Form Jan'alai Troll Loa Priest WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Halazzi.gif Lynx Form Halazzi Troll Loa Priest WoW Icon update.pngG


Icon Species Magic Type Canon Picture!
IconSmall Unknown.gif Flamekin Fire Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Firekin Fire Elemental WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Imp.gif Imp Fel Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FelImp.gif Fel Imp Fel Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Flame Imp Fire Elemental WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Grell.gif Grell Fey Humanoid, Demon, Uncategorized WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Grell.gif Sprite Dark Fey, Fel Demon WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall Unknown.gif Homunculus Arcane Demon WoW Icon update.pngG

Bog Beast

icon Sub Species Family Category Canon Picture
IconSmall BogBeast.gif Bog beast Bog beast Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall BogBeast.gif Thistleshrub Bog beast Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall BogBeast.gif Timberling Bog beast Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall BogBeast.gif Tar beast Bog beast Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall BogBeast.gif Marsh beast Bog beast Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG
IconSmall FungalMonster.gif Fungal monster Bog beast Ambulatory Plant WoW Icon update.pngG


Icon Species Category Canon Picture!