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NeutralHigh Speaker Brinthe
Image of High Speaker Brinthe
Title High Speaker
Gender Female
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 70-80 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Machine Speakers, Assembly of the Deeps, Council of Dornogal
Occupation High Speaker
Location Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps
Status Alive

High Speaker Brinthe is the current leader of the Machine Speakers and their representative in the Council of Dornogal. In the past she held the position of Speaker, overseeing Machine Speakers for millennia. After asking too many questions and speaking up too often, High Speaker Eirich sent her away to Dornogal. Following the nerubian invasion on the Isle of Dorn and the arrival of outlanders on its shores, Brinthe returned to the Ringing Deeps. With the help of foreigners, she eventually deposed Eirich, who made a deal with Xal'atath, and resumed his role.


As a Speaker, Brinthe supervised Machine Speakers for millennia, directing workers accustomed to long hours and high standards. When there was a complaint, she heard it; when there was a problem, she fixed it. After speaking up too often and asking too many questions,[1] High Speaker Eirich sent her away to Dornogal to serve on the Council of Dornogal in his stead and preside over the restoration of the Archive,[2] effectively exiling her.

The War Within

TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Brinthe was first encountered by adventurers after the destruction of Dalaran and the arrival of the outlanders in Dornogal following the nerubian attack on the city.[2] During the attack, the nerubians managed to destroy the Coreway, which cut off the Machine Speakers from the rest of the earthen. She explained to the outlanders the purpose of the Archive and the memory gems stored within. She then engaged in a discussion with the inquisitive Dagran Thaurissan II, who was highly interested in all she had to say.[3] When the Unbound returned to Dornogal to repair the Coreway, Brinthe expressed her respect for their leader, Adelgonn, and lamented the leadership the Machine Speakers had in comparison.[4]

While the repairs on the Coreway were underway, Speaker Brinthe tasked Dagran with collecting a shipment of opals from the Opalcreg, which were to be delivered to Golgrin's Reach, where she was working on a project.[5] The Speaker used the opals to repair a recently unearthed titan console in the area,[6] which, after being powered, began emitting a familiar signal.[7] Brinthe revealed that the signal matched one originating from a location behind Dornogal, a place where the earthen were forbidden to go. A force—likely of titan origin—prevented the earthen from investigating this small portion of the island. Believing the discovery could hold the "key," both literally and figuratively, to unlocking the secrets there, Brinthe, Dagran, and the adventurer accompanying them traveled to the forbidden area.[8] Their investigation revealed ancient notes and records of an earthen uprising against the Watchers Dornic and Galan long ago, as well as hints of something else important hidden deep in the mountains.[9][10]

Brinthe try to reason High Speaker Eirich.

After the nerubian threat on the Isle of Dorn was neutralized and the Coreway was repaired, Speaker Brinthe volunteered to accompany the outlanders into the Ringing Deeps and bring the Machine Speakers back into the fold.[11] When Brinthe arrived in Ironhaul Station at the entrance to the Ringing Deeps, she found the place in ruins, partly due to nerubian sabotage but also because of gross negligence.[12] After restoring some order to the station with the aid of the adventurer,[13] High Speaker Eirich arrived at the station. While Brinthe tried to reason with him and urged him to take action against the nerubians, her words fell on deaf ears. Resolved to take matters into her own hands, Brinthe headed to her old home, Gundargaz, where she hoped that by resolving some of the issues the Machine Speakers were facing, they might, in turn, help with the nerubian threat.[14]

In Gundargaz, Brinthe found no shortage of problems, the main one being the raids from the kobolds coming from the Lost Mines. Brinthe, alongside the adventurer, quickly set off to the mines where they encountered Skitter, a friendly kobold who didn't agree with The Candle King, who had forced the kobolds into war.[15] The two subsequently guided the adventurer in stopping the kobold threat in the area by slaying Flickerflame kobolds,[16] taking their candles,[17] destroying the mining rigs the kobolds were trying to retrofit,[18] and acquiring the key to Darkflame Cleft from Cogchewer.[19] At the entrance to Darkflame Cleft, they were intercepted by the Candle King himself, who, after having one of his minions summon a fire elemental to deal with the group, closed the gate behind him.[20] The direct approach having failed, Brinthe then helped Skitter and the adventurer weaken the Candle King's grasp on the Warrens, the main kobold settlement in the Ringing Deeps,[21] and infiltrate Darkflame Cleft to stole his crown, which would eventually lead to the Candle King being overthrown.[22] Brinthe also invited Skitter and her tribe to move into Gundargaz.[23]

Back in Gundargaz, the High Speaker made another appearance where he addressed the Machine Speakers' concerns but gave no real answers.[24] Brinthe, however, learned that there hadn't been any shipments coming from the mining town of Taelloch, and the town's foreman had disappeared. She sent the adventurer to accompany Dagran and Magni Bronzebeard, who volunteered to investigate the town.[25] When they returned, Brinthe learned that the town's residents had turned into skardyn and that Eirich was the one behind it, having made a deal with Xal'atath after being unable to fix the Awakening Machine for millennia. The machine would be restored through the void's power, but the awakened earthen that would come out of it would turn into skardyn.[26]

Brinthe, Magni Bronzebeard, Dagran and Moira Thaurissan, and Skitter in Gundargaz after the restoration of the Awakening Machine.

After this revelation, it became clear to Brinthe that the High Speaker had to be deposed. So, with the outlanders and reinforcements from Dornogal led by Adelgonn, she headed to the Earthenworks.[27] During the Battle of the Earthenworks, Brinthe was able to convince one of Eirich's followers, Foreman Uzjax, to rebel and give her the key to the Hall of Awakening.[28] Inside the Hall, she confronted the High Speaker but was unable to stop him before he set in motion the corruption of the Machine and escaped. Brinthe then bore witness as Magni Bronzebeard sacrificed the power of Azeroth inside him to cleanse the void from the Machine and restore it to its original state.[29] She then returned to Gundargaz, where, with Eirich no longer in power, the Machine Speakers chose her to be the new High Speaker.[30]

When Magni repaired the Awakening Machine, he also restored the other inactive titan machines in Khaz Algar, including the Archive in Dornogal. Following the arrival of the Alliance and Horde fleets, Brinthe and Dagran accessed an ancient transporter in the Archive, which sent them to the Vault of Memory, a hidden titan vault beneath Dornogal that resembled the Chamber of Heart.[31] There, they eventually uncovered several personal logs left behind by Archaedas.[32]

Later, seeking to aid the war effort against Xal'atath and her followers, Brinthe investigated a mysterious signal coming from the Deepforge Golemworks in the Ringing Deeps.[33] The signal was found to be coming from ZZ-01-47, also known as Zee-Zee, a cogwalker who was the last functioning maintenance machine at the facility. Brinthe also discovered that the Golemworks had been overrun by a goblin salvage crew from the Blackfuse Company.[34] After conducting reconnaissance with the help of Zee-Zee, Brinthe returned to Gundargaz to consult with Dagran.[35] They decided that the next step was to reactivate the Waterworks to power the Golemworks and repair the equipment at the Shadowvein Extraction Site to acquire the materials needed to construct War Golems, which would be invaluable in the upcoming battles.[36] Brinthe then sent Dagran, Zee-Zee, and the adventurer to repair the Waterworks and Shadowvein, while she devised a plan to retake the Golemworks from the goblins.[37] Once the Waterworks and Shadowvein were operational again, Brinthe and the rest of the team returned to the Golemworks. Amid the chaos caused by the adventurer and Zee-Zee, and with the reactivation of the facility and its golems, they managed to drive out the goblins.[38]

Not long after, Brinthe, and the War Golems from the Golemworks, participated in the battle against Xal'atath's forces in Hallowfall.[39] After their triumphant return to Dornogal, she, alongside the rest of the Council of Dornogal, officially expressed gratitude to adventurers for their efforts in unifying the earthen.[40]


Isle of Dorn campaign
Isle of Dorn sojourner

Hidden Edicts:

Ringing Deeps campaign

By Candlelight:

Dark Revelations:

The Monster and the Machine:

The War Within campaign

The Machines March to War:



Isle of Dorn campaign

Earthen Fissures:

Main article: Hypocenter#Notes
Main article: The Archive (quest)#Notes
Main article: Convergence#Notes

The First Blow:

Main article: Recompense (quest)#Notes
Isle of Dorn sojourner

Hidden Edicts:

Main article: Golgrin's Reach (quest)#Notes
Main article: Charge for a Charge#Notes
Main article: The Anachronism#Notes
Main article: A Place Forgotten#Notes
Main article: The Old Orders#Notes
Main article: The Old Guard#Notes
Ringing Deeps campaign

By Candlelight:

Main article: Into the Deeps#Notes
Main article: Underground and Overwhelmed#Notes
Main article: Getting Off Track#Notes
Main article: Pomp and Dire Circumstance#Notes
Main article: Cogs in the Machine#Notes
Main article: Speaking to the Speakers#Notes
Main article: Leave No Stone Behind#Notes
Main article: Kobold Shoulder#Notes
Main article: Death and Waxes#Notes
Main article: Engineering Destruction#Notes
Main article: Cracking Cogchewer#Notes
Main article: Retaking the Mines#Notes
Main article: Manifesto Destiny#Notes
Main article: Not Waste, Not Want#Notes
Main article: Wax On, Pot Off#Notes
Main article: Back to Gundargaz#Notes

Dark Revelations:

Main article: The Tunnel's End#Notes
Main article: The High Speaker's Secret#Notes

The Monster and the Machine:

Main article: Absent Speaker#Notes
Main article: Sympathetic Speakers#Notes
Main article: Into the Machine#Notes
Main article: The Machine Speakers#Notes
The War Within campaign

Against the Current:

Main article: There's Always Another Secret#Notes
Main article: What's Hidden Beneath Dornogal#Notes
Main article: Preparing for the Unknown#Notes

The Machines March to War:

Main article: A Mysterious Signal#Notes
Main article: Small Friend, Big Plans#Notes
Main article: Factory Recon#Notes
Main article: A Plan Comes Together#Notes
Main article: It's Sabotage#Notes
Main article: The Voice of the Speakers#Notes

A Light in the Dark

Main article: Return to Dornogal#Notes
Main article: Archives: The First Disc#Notes
Main article: Archives: Seeking History#Notes


Patch changes


  1. ^ World of Warcraft 2024-04-26. Speaker Brinthe. Twitter.
  2. ^ a b N [70-73] Hypocenter
  3. ^ N [70-73] The Archive
  4. ^ N [70-73] Convergence
  5. ^ N [70-73] Golgrin's Reach
  6. ^ N [70-73] Charge for a Charge
  7. ^ N [70-73] The Anachronism
  8. ^ N [70-73] A Place Forgotten
  9. ^ N [70-73] The Old Orders
  10. ^ N [70-73] The Old Guard
  11. ^ N [70-73] Recompense
  12. ^ N [73-75] Underground and Overwhelmed
  13. ^ N [73-75] Underground and Overwhelmed
  14. ^ N [73-75] Pomp and Dire Circumstance
  15. ^ N [73-75] Speaking to the Speakers
  16. ^ N [73-75] Kobold Shoulder
  17. ^ N [73-75] Death and Waxes
  18. ^ N [73-75] Engineering Destruction
  19. ^ N [73-75] Cracking Cogchewer
  20. ^ N [73-75] Retaking the Mines
  21. ^ N [73-75] Wax On, Pot Off
  22. ^ N [73-75] New Candle, New Hope
  23. ^ N [73-75] Back to Gundargaz
  24. ^ N [73-75] A Wrench in the Works
  25. ^ N [73-75] The Tunnel's End
  26. ^ N [73-75] The High Speaker's Secret
  27. ^ N [73-75] Absent Speaker
  28. ^ N [73-75] Sympathetic Speakers
  29. ^ N [73-75] Into the Machine
  30. ^ N [73-75] The Machine Speakers
  31. ^ N [80] There's Always Another Secret
  32. ^ N [80] Archives: The First Disc
  33. ^ N [80] A Mysterious Signal
  34. ^ N [80] Small Friend, Big Plans
  35. ^ N [80] Back to Base
  36. ^ N [80] A Plan Comes Together
  37. ^ N [80] To the Waterworks
  38. ^ N [80] It's Sabotage
  39. ^ N [80] A Tide Needing Turned
  40. ^ N [80] Return to Dornogal

External links