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Manifesto Destiny

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NeutralManifesto Destiny
Start Skitter
End Skitter
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] Retaking the Mines
Next N [73-75] Ko-boldening, N [73-75] Not Waste, Not Want
Pamphlets ready to be airdropped


Scout out and distribute pamphlets across the Warrens from the air.

  • Hop on a flying mount (Optional)
  • Scout a safe area
  • Pamphlets distributed (120)


Before take mines, my people live in great city. Stoneheads call it the Warrens.

Candle King's bullies run it now. We need see what we are fighting. Let kobolds know we here to help! Better choices than Candle King.

What better way than pamphlets? Everyone love pamphlet! We draw real good!

Brinthe say you have some sort of flying dragon-bird-thing? Perfect for scout! Perfect for dropping pamphlets!

<Skitter looks at you expectantly, making small flapping motions as she waits.>


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,850 XP


Never flown before. Is fun?


Sad to see home in such state.

But we fix!

Notes and trivia

On accept:

Skitter says: We show kobolds in Warrens they no need Candle King!
Speaker Brinthe says: It seems I underestimated the problem. And you, Skitter.
Skitter says: At least you take action, stonehead. That better than other earthen.
They walk off.

Head southeast to the Warrens and watch out for the flare that Skitter sets off, indicating the safe area:

Skitter says: Brinthe and Skitter find good place to set up! Flare out!

Fly through the rings to machine gun pamphlets all over the city.

Skitter says: See! Kobold build great city. Big towers, lots of room!
Skitter says: Many jobs, too! Candle making, wax harvest, scrap salvage... many!
Skitter says: Used to be happy place. Now bullies and fear everywhere.

The quest title is a reference to the manifest destiny concept.


  1. N [73-75] Into the Deeps
  2. N [73-75] Underground and Overwhelmed & N [73-75] Getting Off Track
  3. N [73-75] Pomp and Dire Circumstance
  4. N [73-75] Cogs in the Machine
  5. N [73-75] Speaking to the Speakers
  6. N [73-75] Leave No Stone Behind, N [73-75] Kobold Shoulder, & N [73-75] Death and Waxes
  7. N [73-75] Engineering Destruction & N [73-75] Cracking Cogchewer
  8. N [73-75] Retaking the Mines
  9. N [73-75] Manifesto Destiny
  10. N [73-75] Ko-boldening & N [73-75] Not Waste, Not Want
  11. N [73-75] Tackling Torchsnarl & N [73-75] Wax On, Pot Off
  12. N [73-75] New Candle, New Hope
  13. N [73-75] Back to Gundargaz

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External links