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Sympathetic Speakers

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NeutralSympathetic Speakers
Start Speaker Brinthe
End Speaker Brinthe
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] Absent Speaker
Next N [73-75] Return to Moira or N [73-75] Dark Iron from Above
Speaker Brinthe and Foreman Otan


Look for Machine Speaker Foremen in the Earthenworks with Speaker Brinthe.

  • Confront Foreman Gesa
  • Confront Foreman Otan
  • Confront Foreman Uzjax


I have to stop the High Speaker from making more skardyn.

Machine Speaker protocol dictates that one of the foremen in this area should have a key to the Hall of Awakening. Come with me, and we'll track it down!


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,850 XP


This should get us into the Hall of Awakening...


On accept, Brinthe joins the party and follows the player around:

Speaker Brinthe says: We require a foreman's key to access the Hall of Awakening.

Foreman Gesa is at the southeastern end of the quest area:

Defiant! Non-compliant! The Awakening Machine is all that matters.

Gossip (Quest) Can you help us?

Foreman Gesa says: Brinthe! Speaker detected. The High Speaker warned us about you!

Fend her off, then head northwest to find Foreman Otan:

Return to your stations!

Gossip (Quest) Can you help us?

Foreman Otan says: You should have remained on the surface, Speaker Brinthe.

Find Foreman Uzjax inside a room on the lower level of a building not far from where the quest started:

Foreman Uzjax says: Brinthe, I... don't know what to believe anymore. My efficiency is... impaired.
Foreman Uzjax says: Take my access key. Never did like the High Speaker's pomposity.

On complete:

Speaker Brinthe says: The High Speaker must be stopped. Regroup with Moira, I'll head for the Hall of Awakening.
Brinthe runs off.

If players completed N [73-75] Battle of the Earthenworks first, Brinthe will start N [73-75] Return to Moira before leaving.


  1. N [73-75] Absent Speaker
  2. N [73-75] Sympathetic Speakers & N [73-75] Battle of the Earthenworks
  3. N [73-75] Dark Iron from Above
  4. N [73-75] Into the Machine
  5. N [73-75] The Machine Speakers
  6. N [73-75] Orientation: Gundargaz

Patch changes

External links