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NeutralSpeaker Brinthe
Image of Speaker Brinthe
Title Speaker, High Speaker
Gender Female
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 70-80 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Machine Speakers
Location Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps
Status Alive

Speaker Brinthe is a machine speaker earthen and a prominent character during the Ringing Deeps storyline.

Speaker Brinthe has supervised earthen Machine Speakers for millennia, directing workers accustomed to long hours and high standards. When there was a complaint, she heard it; when there was a problem, she fixed it. After speaking up too often and asking too many questions, the High Speaker exiled her to the surface world. As the nerubian invasion spreads, she's returning to the Ringing Deeps with heroes, ready to fix what's broken.


Isle of Dorn
Ringing Deeps



Isle of Dorn
Main article: Hypocenter#Notes
Main article: The Archive (quest)#Notes
Main article: Recompense (quest)#Notes
Ringing Deeps
Main article: Into the Deeps#Notes
Main article: Underground and Overwhelmed#Notes
Main article: Getting Off Track#Notes
Main article: Pomp and Dire Circumstance#Notes
Main article: Cogs in the Machine#Notes
Main article: Speaking to the Speakers#Notes
Main article: Leave No Stone Behind#Notes
Main article: Kobold Shoulder#Notes
Main article: Death and Waxes#Notes
Main article: Engineering Destruction#Notes
Main article: Cracking Cogchewer#Notes
Main article: Retaking the Mines#Notes
Main article: Manifesto Destiny#Notes
Main article: Not Waste, Not Want#Notes
Main article: Wax On, Pot Off#Notes
Main article: Back to Gundargaz#Notes
Main article: The Tunnel's End#Notes
Main article: The High Speaker's Secret#Notes
Main article: Absent Speaker#Notes
Main article: Sympathetic Speakers#Notes
Main article: Into the Machine#Notes
Main article: The Machine Speakers#Notes

Patch changes

External links