The Candle King

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For the unrelated kobold king in Highmountain, see the Candleking.
BossThe Candle King
Image of The Candle King
Gender Male
Race Kobold (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Darkflame Cleft
Darkflame Cleft

Template:Darkflame Cleft

The Candle King is the tyrannical ruler of the kobolds of the Ringing Deeps, fought as a boss in Darkflame Cleft.

Adventure Guide

Candle King was the tyrannical ruler of a kobold kingdom. His subjects toiled in his mines until an outlander from afar stole his crown and deposed him. Now he's fled deeper within Darkflame Cleft, seething with rage and threatening to return. Snuff his flame once and for all.


The Candle King begins by making waxen statues that burn his foes. He also uses the power of darkflame to imbue his abilities, assaulting players with Throw Darkflame and Darkflame Pickaxe.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Eerie Molds cause Fire damage to all players as long as they persist.
  • Darkflame Pickaxe inflicts high damage and knocks back the first target it strikes.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Eerie Molds cause Fire damage to all players as long as they persist.
  • Darkflame Pickaxe inflicts high damage and knocks back the first target it strikes.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Eerie Molds cause Fire damage to all players as long as they persist.
  • Darkflame Pickaxe inflicts high damage and knocks back the first target it strikes.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

  • Inv cooking 81 honeypotpie.png Eerie Molds — The Candle King forms several wax statues of players. Each statue inflicts 28748-82340 Fire damage to all players every 2 sec as long as it survives.
    • Ability warlock improvedsoulleech.png Cursed Wax Mythic Difficulty — Evil darkness flows from each wax statue. A player coming within 2 yards of a statue causes the wax to flow from it and encase the player completely. This effect stuns the target for 20 Sec.
  • Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows.png Darkflame Pickaxe Important — The Candle King readies a pickaxe to throw at a target. The pickaxe collides with the first target it hits, inflicting 833683-2387858 Shadow damage and knocking them back. If it strikes a wax statue, it instead shatters it.
  • Spell nzinsanity fearofdeath.png Paranoid Mind Interruptible — The Candle King amplifies players' fear of the dark, causing them to flee in fear for 4 Sec.
  • Spell shadow painspike.png Throw Darkflame — The Candle King marks random players. After a short time, he hurls the shadowy flames at them, inflicting 718692-2058498 Shadow damage to targets within 5 yards and absorbing the next 25 healing on them. These flames are strong enough to melt wax creations.
    • Ability warlock inferno.png Molten Wax — When a wax statue melts down, it forms a pool of molten wax for 30 Sec. Standing within inflicts 344972-988079 Fire damage every 1 sec.

Related achievements



Concept art.



    • Burin of the Candle King
      • H
      • M
    • Gleamkeeper's Buckle
      • H
      • M
    • Gloomstomper's Sabatons
      • H
      • M
    • Dark Zone Headtaker
      • H
      • M
    • King's Malicious Clutches
      • H
      • M
    • Candlebearer's Shroud
      • H
      • M

Patch changes

External links