Apothecary Jorell

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HordeApothecary Jorell
Image of Apothecary Jorell
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) R.A.S.
Occupation Apothecary
Location Go'Shek Farm, Arathi Highlands[60.1, 59.2]
Status Killable

Apothecary Jorell can be found at the Go'Shek Farm in the Arathi Highlands. According to his notes, he is working on some sort of new plague.[1] From time to time he sends a Forsaken Courier from the farm to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills, likely to Apothecary Lydon with whom he is working closely. He was killed by an Alliance adventurer and Kinelory.


  • You have my word that I shall find a use for your body after I've killed you, <race>.
  • You will never stop the Forsaken, <race>. The Dark Lady shall make you suffer.

Patch changes


External links

es:Boticario Jorell