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This is my sandbox! Feel free to play!. In fact, make a new section using the +!

Druid Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock
Spell Nature NullifyPoison.png [Cure Poison] Spell Nature RemoveCurse.png [Remove Lesser Curse] Spell Holy Purify.png [Purify] Spell Holy NullifyDisease.png [Cure Disease] Spell Shadow NetherCloak.png [Cloak of Shadows] Spell Nature Purge.png [Purge] Spell Nature Purge.png [Devour Magic]
Spell Holy RemoveCurse.png [Remove Curse] Spell Arcane Arcane02.png [Spellsteal] Spell Holy Renew.png [Cleanse] Spell Holy DispelMagic.png [Dispel Magic] Spell Nature NullifyPoison.png [Cure Poison]
Spell Nature NullifyPoison 02.png [Abolish Poison] Spell Nature NullifyDisease.png [Abolish Disease] Spell Nature RemoveDisease.png [Cure Disease]
Spell Nature PoisonCleansingTotem.png [Poison Cleansing Totem]
Spell Nature DiseaseCleansingTotem.png [Disease Cleansing Totem]

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