User:Mordecay/Cut/Legion icons

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Cenarion Circle/Dreamgrove

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Sylendra Gladesong
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Broll Bearmantle
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Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem
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Keeper Remulos
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Thisalee Crow
  • "A fierce Druid of the Talon, Thisalee Crow suffers no patience for the Burning Legion or any other enemies."
    • "Thisalee Crow is the most aggressive of the Druids of the Talon."


Calia Menethil
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High Priestess Ishanah
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Zabra Hexx
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Yalia Sagewhisper
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Mariella Ward
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Natalie Seline
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Alonsus Faol
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Council of the Black Harvest

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Ritssyn Flamescowl
  • "The last remaining member of the Council of the Black Harvest. With Risstyn's help you can begin rebuilding the Council to its former glory."
Zinnin Smythe
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Jubeka Shadowbreaker
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Shinfel Blightsworn
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Kira Iresoul
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Sacrolash & Alythess
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Lulubelle Fizzlebang
  • "As a member of the great Fizzlebang family of summoners, Lulubelle will be able to bring stronger demons to your cause. Just hope she doesn't summon something too big."
Kanrethad Ebonlocke

Earthen Ring

Duke Hydraxis
  • "As the leader of the Hydraxian Waterlords, Duke Hydraxis played an integral role in orchestrating the defeat of Ragnaros in the Molten Core. He now serves as the Right Hand of Neptulon the Tidehunter, enacting the will of the Lord of Tides upon Azeroth."
    • "As a water elemental of great power, Duke Hydraxis is able to rain destruction upon his enemies and heal his allies with currents of rejuvenation."
Stormcaller Mylra
  • "Stormcaller Mylra is an experienced enhancement shaman and loyal champion of the Earthen Ring. A member of the Wildhammer clan, she shares a deep bond with Stormbeak, her gryphon. The two are rarely seen apart."
    • Stormcaller Mylra uses the power of the elements to enhance her physical attacks. There are few in the Wildhammer clan who can match her in battle.
Consular Celestos
  • "Consular Celestos is one of the most ancient and venerable elementals within Skywall. During the reign of Al'Akir, Celestos was a chief advisor and tactician during many of the Windlord's campaigns."
    • "Consular Celestos wields the fury of wind and sky in battle."
Farseer Nobundo
  • "A former paladin, Farseer Noundo was the first of his people to become a shaman and learn the way of the elements. He is one of the wisest and most powerful shaman in the Earthen Ring, and the former leader of the order."
    • "Farseer Nobundo has mastered all aspects of shamanism, and can be counted upon to both restore and defend his allies in battle."
Avalanchion the Unbroken
  • "Among the great Stone Lords of Deepholm, Avalanchion is known for being virtually indestructible.0$bAvalanchion easily ignores mortal sensations such as fear and pain and will fulfill his master's commands with unyielding focus."
    • "Avalanchion is a powerful Stone Lord who can guard his allies in battle and draw enemy attacks."
Muln Earthfury
  • "A former leader of the Earthen Ring, Muln Earthfury is one of the greatest shaman of his generation.His imposing presence on the battlefield and his mastery of the 'old ways' of shamanism make him a valuable ally."
    • "Muln Earthfury enhances his attacks with the power of the elements, giving him great speed and strength on the battlefield."
Baron Scaldius
  • "Formerly a lieutenant of Ragnaros, Baron Scaldius now serves Firelord Smolderon with unwaivering[sic] loyalty. With the power and fury of the Firelands at his command, Baron Scaldius will incinerate any and all foes that cross his path."
    • Baron Scaldius attacks enemies with supreme violence and reckless abandon.
Rehgar Earthfury
  • "Rehgar Earthfury is a powerful elemental shaman and former gladiator who has mastered the ways of combat.There are few members of the Earthen Ring who can match Rehgar's experience and prowess on the battlefield."
    • "Rehgar Earthfury commands the powers of the elements to defeat his enemies."
Magatha Grimtotem
  • "One of the oldest, most powerful shaman alive, Magatha Grimtotem has her eyes on the Doomstone. Her thirst for even greater power cannot be quenched."
    • "Magatha Grimtotem is the powerful leader of the Grimtotem tribe. She is a powerful leader and shaman alike."

Demon hunter Illidari

Altruis the Sufferer
  • "When no one else would stand against Illidan's method of fighting the Burning Legion regardless of the cost, there was Altruis. As strong a demon hunter as you have ever known, his fighting ability is topped only by his keen intellect and the respect he has gained for pushing to change the methods of the Illidari."
    • "Altruis the Sufferer has mastered the ways of the Havoc demon hunter. He is also respected for his leadership and strategic mind."
  • "Altruis cares little for the traditional company of his own people. The Sufferer prefers the company of his nether drake Nethrandamus and the thrill of diving into the fray on his own. However, he is no fool, and is willing to work alongside those who prove to him that they can keep pace with his exceptional skills."
Kayn Sunfury
  • "Throughout everything, Kayn has been the rock upon which all else breaks. Where others began to question Illidan's methods, Kayn stood resolute, insisting that the destruction of the Burning Legion was all that mattered. He is a puisant fighter, skill tactician, and unparalleled politician."
    • "Kayn Sunfury has mastered the ways of the Havoc demon hunter. He is respected for his leadership and unwavering faith in the Illidari."
Asha Ravensong
  • "Asha Ravensong is the most loyal and dedicated of the Illidari. She is quiet, thoughtful, and deadly. When she takes action, her decisions are spot on and because of this, she has gained the respect everyone around her. There are few that can outlast her in combat and fewer still that can outmatch her in wits."
    • "Asha Ravensong has mastered the ways of the Vengeance demon hunter. She is respected for her deadly focus and ability to see the bigger tactical picture."
Kor'vas Bloodthorn
  • "Kor'vas is renowned for her unparalleled skill at arms. There are those who say that she has the potential to rival even Illidan's skill with the warglaives. She's also known for her quick temper and ferocity in battle, leaving no foe alive in her wake."
    • "Kor'vas Bloodthron has mastered the ways of the Havoc demon hunter as well as all skills martial."
  • "As the master architect of Illidan's plan to destroy the Burning Legion, and head of the Ashtongue tribe, Akama has proven to be a resourceful leader as well as a brilliant strategist and skilled fighter."
    • "Akama is a master of stealth, combat, and strategy."
Shade of Akama
  • "As the master architect of Illidan's plan to destroy the Burning Legion, and head of the Ashtongue tribe, Akama proved himself to be a resourceful leader as well as a brilliant strategist and skilled fighter. His Shade is all of that and more."
    • "The Shade of Akama is a master of stealth, combat, and strategy."
Belath Dawnblade
  • "One of the quieter Illidari, Belath nonetheless is also one of its most capable. He shows an incredible aptitude for scouting, stealth, and creative approaches to tactical situations."
    • "Belath Dawnblade is a paragon of infiltration and dealing with tricky situations."
Matron Mother Malevolence
  • "Malevolence has proven herself time and again to be an invaluable ally. It is an absolutely certainty that if it weren't for her, you would not be standing here. Her leadership skills are matched only by her mastery of demonic magic."
    • "Matron Mother Malevolence is a master of fel magic, tactics, and inflicting pain."
Allari the Souleater
  • "Allari the Souleater is the wielder of the artifact known as the Scythe of Souls. In addition to her own magical mastery over capturing demon souls, the Scythe grants her incredible powers. Few others are as effective in bringing the Burning Legion to its knees."
    • "Allari the Souleater has mastered the ways of the Havoc demon hunter. She is renown for her ability to control demons and entrap their souls."
  • "Allari has long since mastered the blood elven crystals used to trap and manipulate fel energies. She uses the Scythe of Souls to reap the demonic in unthinkable ways - the information and power she's extracted has already proven invaluable numerous times in key battles against the Legion. Tired with the Illidari's lack of progress against stopping the flow of demons into Azeroth, Allari seeks someone new to follow who can put her power to proper use."
Jace Darkweaver
  • "In his former life, before making the ritualistic changes to become one of the Illidari, Jace was a powerful mage. He still retains much of his magic knowledge. Combined with his mastery over the fel energies coursing through his body, he has created many useful devices for the Illidari, such as the nether crucibles, demon traps, and wards."
  • "Jace Darkweaver has mastered the ways of the Vengeance demon hunter. He is most notable for his ability to enact fel rituals and provide the Illidari with creative means of dealing with tough situations."
Lady S'theno
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Knights of the Ebon Blade

  • "Thassarian was a soldier of Lordaeron, serving under prince Arthas Menethil on the campaign to Northrend. He was slain by his former commmander, Falric, and reborn as a Death Knight in service to the Lich King.0$bAfter the battle of Light's Hope he departed to Stormwind to convince King Varian Wrynn to accept the Knights of the Ebon Blade as allies.0$bAfter spending some time serving in the armies of the Alliance he desires to fight once more for a greater cause and has returned to the Ebon Blade to join ther[sic] battle against the Legion."
  • "There are few among the Knights of the Ebon Blade with more loyalty than Thassarian. His unwavering conviction and prowess in battle has earned him the respect of all within the order."
    • Thassarian is a frost death knight who uses dual runeblades and the power of frost to annihilate his enemies.
  • "In life, Nazgrim was one of the greatest generals of the Horde. In death, he is a powerful champion of the Ebon Blade. Few, living or dead, can match his might in battle."
    • "Nazgrim is an unholy death knight who uses the necrotic powers of death and decay to slay his enemies."
Koltira Deathweaver
  • "Koltira was raised into undeath as a Death Knight after being slain by the knight, Thassarian. Despite death at Thassarian's hand, they treated each other as friends up till they found themselves on opposing sides in the Battle for Andorhal. In this battle they held a truce that prevented outright hostilities until Sylvanas Windrunner became involved and he was cast into the Undercity by the Bainshee Queen. When asked about this Koltira refuses to speak any further."
  • "Within the ranks of the Ebon Blade there are few death knights who can match the swiftness and agility of Koltira Deathweaver. His prowess with the runeblade is legendary."
    • Koltira Deathweaver is a powerful blood death knight, who uses the vampiric powers undeath to protect his allies.
Thoras Trollbane
  • "In all the annals of history, there are few warriors more legendary than King Thoras Trollbane. As a king, he was respected. As a death knight of the Four Horsemen, he will be feared."
    • "Thoras Trollbane is a powerful frost death knight, who uses the icy and unforgiving winter of undeath to obliterate his enemies."
High Inquisitor Whitemane
  • "In life, High Inquisitor Whitemane was a zealous priestess of the Light who was enslaved by madness. Freed from the insanity of her mind through death, she is now a ruthless death knight with an unquenchable thirst for vengeance."
    • "High Inquisitor Whitemane is an unholy death knight who ruthlessly commands the power of plague and undeath."
  • "The abomination is one of the Archlich Kel'Thuzad's most utilitarian creations. What could be more useful than a gigantic, malformed monstrosity with perfect loyalty and a voracious hunger to devour enemies. As abominations go, Rottgut is a perfect specimen."
    • Rottgut is a blood death knight and the perfect embodiment of the term, "meat shield."
  • "Amal'thazad was once a powerful frost mage who fought against the forces of the Lich King. Arthas, impressed with the mage's power, raised him into undeath as the lich Amal'thazad."
    • "Amal'thazad employs the frozen powers of undeath to lay waste to all who dare oppose him."
Highlord Darion Mograine
  • Formerly a paladin in service to the Argent Dawn, Darion Mograine sacrified himself in order to stop the advance of the scourge yet his lifeless body was turned into a death knight by the lich Kel'Thuzad. As a Death Knight he led the forces of the Ebon Blade into an attack upon Lights Hope chapel in which it was revealed that the attack was a suicide mission in order force the paladin Tirion Fordring out of hiding. Enraged that he and his fellow knights were being wasted he was able to break free of the Lich Kings control and led the Ebon Blade in their quest of vengeance.
    • Quiet and intense, Mograine studies his foes carefuly and inflicts pain upon them by any means possible.
  • The former leader of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, Highlord Darion Mograine is one of the most powerful death knights ever created. He now leads the Four Horsemen against the Burning Legion as the harbinger of death and destruction.
    • Highlord Darion Mograine is an unholy death knight who wields the powers of death and decay to annihilate his enemies.
Minerva Ravensorrow
  • "A member of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, Minerva Ravensorrow has no remorse for the living."
    • "Minerva Ravensorrow is a blood Death Knight with a taste for undeath and decapitation."

Knights of the Silver Hand

Lady Liadrin
  • "Lady Liadrin has been called many things - zealous, arrogant, short-tempered - but the Blood Knight Matriarch has never been bothered by such pleasantries. Call her what you will, but in Liadrin's eyes there is precisely one thing that matters: the complete and utter destruction of the Burning Legion."
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
  • "Lord Maxwell Tyrosus was one of the first to join the Argent Dawn, and quickly rose through the ranks to great prominence, second only to Tirion Fordring himself. Whether he was fighting against the scourge of Naxxramas or the very lord of the Scourge, Tyrosus has always remained a steadfast leader and a true champion of the Light."
Justicar Julia Celeste
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Vindicator Boros
  • "The Hand of Argus was once a mighty order of draenei paladins dedicated to protecting their people from their Legion hunters. Their numbers have yet to fully recover from the slaughter in Draenor at the hands of bloodlusted orcs, but Vindicator Boros refuses to let their legacy die. He has dedicated himself to renew their sacred vows at all costs."
Aponi Brightmane
  • "Aponi Brightmane, leader of the nascent Sunwalker paladins, united her people around a thirst for truth and understanding. What is the true nature of the Light? Why does it grant us its strength? Aponi intends to answer her burning questions, but she has no problem in casting aside anyone or anything that gets in her way."
Delas Moonfang
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Arator the Redeemer
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Nerus Moonfang
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Maximillian of Northshire
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Order of the Broken Temple

Chen Stormstout
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Li Li Stormstout
  • "Born upon the Wandering Isle, Li Li has an insatiable thirst for adventure and exploration. Against the wishes of her father, she left the wandering isle behind to join with her uncle Chen. Together, they traveled the world in search of the homeland of their people, Pandaria."
  • "Li Li is both an experianced herbalist and a martial artist who never backs down from a fight."
Taran Zhu
  • "The leader of the Shado-pan, an order dedicated to protecting Pandaria from the sha, Taran Zhu is a skilled fighter and fearless leader."
    • "Taran Zhu is a master of speed, agility, and strength."
The Monkey King
  • "The Monkey King was the trusted companion of Shaohao, emperor of all Pandaria. He is mischievous, cunning, and knows untold secrets about Pandaria's past."
    • "The Monkey King can be unpredictable in battle. His crazy antics usually result in victory."
Angus Ironfist
  • "Angus Ironfist was born into this world with a desire to fight. He loves going toe-to-toe with any rival, and can best them with a combination of martial combat, grapples, wrestling, and well-timed punches and kicks."
    • "Angus Ironfist never backs down from a fight, and never gives up!"
  • "Hiro has wandered the world for many years, ambling aimlessly from one tavern to another in search of the next drink. Don't be fooled by his unkempt appearance - not only does he have a heart of gold, but the more drinks he's had, the better he fights."
    • "Ready to fight? Throw him a brew or ten and see what happens."
Sylara Steelsong
  • "Sylara Shadowheart is a mysterious wanderer who rarely speaks about her past. One thing is clear - nothing makes her angrier than injustice. Anyone who crosses her will get a taste of her twin blades."
    • "Sylara Shadowheart is a restless wanderer with a mysterious past."
  • "Aegira is a vrykul brewmaster, favored by Odyn himself. Her brews are legendary. Little do others know, her brawling skills are formidable. She grew up on the battlefield, and is still undefeated by all who challenge her."
    • "Aegira is a legendary vrykul brewmaster, whose fighting skill is formidable."
Brewer Almai
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Garona Halforcen
  • "Most think to this day that the infamous leader of the Defias Brotherhood died in the Deadmines years ago thanks to an elixir that mimiced death and flame retardant armor. In truth, the wayward daughter of Westfall found her way into the secretive order of the Uncrowned, where her anti-government motives were well at home. She quickly rose through the ranks to the mysterious Shadows, poised to finally have the means to enact her revenge."
Vanessa VanCleef
  • Most think to this day that the infamous leader of the Defias Brotherhood died in the Deadmines years ago thanks to an elixir that mimiced death and flame retardant armor. In truth, the wayward daughter of Westfall found her way into the secretive order of the Uncrowned, where her anti-government motives were well at home. She quickly rose through the ranks to the mysterious Shadows, poised to finally have the means to enact her revenge.
Lord Jorach Ravenholdt
  • "Lord Ravenholdt is one of the most legendary rogues of all time. For decades, he has trained many of the greatest rogues in the arts of subtlety and diversion."
    • "Lord Ravenholdt is a cunning subtlety rogue who uses the art stealth and diversion with deadly precision."
Fleet Admiral Tethys
  • "Fleet Admiral Tethys may be a scurvy pirate, but he's also one of the greatest swashbucklers of The Great Sea. He currently leads the infamous Bloodsail Buccaneers of Booty Bay as the Fleet Admiral."
    • Fleet Admiral Tethys is a fearsome outlaw rogue with swashbuckling abilities.
Marin Noggenfogger
  • "Marin Noggenfogger is quite possibly the world's greatest alchemist. What he lacks in brawn, he more than makes up for in resourcefulness. Never underestimate the power of goblin ingenuity... and goblin greed!"
    • Marin Noggenfogger is an adept Outlaw Rogue with a wide array of tricks up his sleeve.
Valeera Sanguinar
  • "Some would say that there is no finer assassin in the world than Valeera. Garona might disagree, but Valeera's track record speaks for itself. She is also known to have quite the temper, so it's best to stay on her good side."
    • Valeera Sanguinar has mastered the ways of the Assassination rogue. She also excels at the use of poisons and is an accomplished melee combatant.
Master Mathias Shaw
  • "Master Mathias Shaw is the espionage core of the Alliance. He advises the king on all matters of intel and strategy. He has agreed to an off-the-books alliance as long as you are a representative of the Uncrowned."
    • Mathias Shaw has mastered the ways of the Assassination rogue. He is the leader of SI:7 and a valuable ally.
  • "No rogue ever stealthed so well as Taoshi. If she does not want to be seen, she is not. This makes her especially deadly as it is nigh impossible to prevent her from executing a sneak attack from behind."
    • Taoshi has mastered the ways of the Subtlety rogue. She is a superb strategist and excellent diplomat.
Princess Tess Greymane
  • Lilian, though undead, despises the Forsaken and all forms of necromancy. And while Tess may be the Gilnean princess by day, she is a master assassin by night.
    • Lilian and Tess are two extremely powerful forces to be reckoned with.
Lilian Voss
  • Lilian, though undead, despises the Forsaken and all forms of necromancy. And while Tess may be the Gilnean princess by day, she is a master assassin by night.
    • Lilian and Tess are two extremely powerful forces to be reckoned with.


Archmage Kalec
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Archmage Modera
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Esara Verrinde
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Arcane Destroyer
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Millhouse Manastorm
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Archmage Vargoth
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Meryl Felstorm
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Aethas Sunreaver
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The Great Akazamzarak
  • "A master of portals and summoning with a seemingly unlimited supply of rabbits. Also great at parties!"

Unseen Path

Emmarel Shadewarden
  • "Emmarel Shadewarden was a young Sentinel when the Unseen Path was founded. Like her mentor, Namuria Gladesong, Emmarel believed that the night elves had a duty to protect Azeroth from the inevitable return of the Legion. After her order was all but wiped out in the War of the Shifting Sands, Emmarel kept the Unseen Path small and secluded, watching for the day when it should rise again.During the long years of her vigil, Emmarel studied the ways of the beast master. She is never far from the wings of her beloved eagle companion, Snowfeather."
Loren Stormhoof
  • "An emissary from the Skyhorn tribe, Loren Stormhoof is a long-standing ally of the Unseen Path. His knowledge of the native flora and fauna is unsurpassed."
    • "Loren Stormhoof is skilled in identifying plants and animals native to the Broken Isles."
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Beastmaster Hilaire
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Addie Fizzlebog
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Hemet Nesingwary
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Halduron Brightwing
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Huntsman Blake
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Nighthuntress Syrenne
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Finna Bjornsdottir
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Ragnvald Drakeborn
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Dvalen Ironrune
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King Ymiron
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Svergan Stormcloak
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Lord Darius Crowley
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  • "A veteran of three wars and countless battles, Eitrigg has faithfully served the Warchiefs of the Horde for his entire life. Seeing the true threat of the Legion he has decided to work with anyone that has the will and strength to save Azeroth."

All, check

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Lynore Windstryke
  • A veteran of many wars, Lynore was present at the Opening of the Scarab Wall and continued on as an elite 7th Legion commander in Northrend. With that campaign over, she has returned to assist with the Legion threat.
    • Lynore attempts to protect others with a reckless and furious assault designed to focus attention on herself.
Mog'dorg the Wizened
  • A leader of the great ogre civilizaion of Ogri'la, Mog'dorg will bring his faction of ogre mages to bear against the Legion.
  • Liberated from the internment camps by Thrall, Nazgrel has been a loyal and skilled commander of the Horde for years. His last assignment was Thrallmar but with the Legion invasion he has returned to save Azeroth.
    • A grim warrior, Nazgrel fights with tactics and excellent command of arms.
  • Though only a whelp by dragon standards, Zeros is still a powerful practitioner of the arcane arts.