Baron Scaldius

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NeutralBaron Scaldius
Image of Baron Scaldius
Title <Emissary of the Firelord>
Gender Male
Race Fire elemental (Elemental)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Firelands, Earthen Ring
Former affiliation(s) Old Gods' forces[1]
Occupation Smolderon's emissary, Champion of the Earthen Ring
Location Various
Status Alive

Baron Scaldius is a fire elemental located in the Heart of Azeroth.


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

Upon entering the Elemental Plane of fire, Scaldius just a moment ago met with the Earthen Ring that came in after the Farseer did. The Earthen Ring told him that they will bring an end to those who oppose his master Lord Smolderon. This would please him because he wants full control of the plane. Doing this act would gain an audience with Smolderon.[2]

After Smolderon obtains the title of Firelord, he sends Scaldius to the Heart of Azeroth. He then becomes the emissary of the new Firelord Smolderon as well as a champion of the Earthen Ring.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Firelands 110 1,039,267
Heart of Azeroth (Class Hall) 110 207,853,408



  • I burn with anticipation!
  • How may I serve?
  • I am the avatar of flame!
  • Yes?
  • What is it?
  • I have only one burning desire!
  • It's getting hot in here!
  • How may I serve you? Charred or well-done?
  • May your fire burn hot.
  • Our enemies will become ash.
  • Everything burns.

Notes and trivia

  • He uses fireball and pyroblast.
  • He has an invisible Follower recruiting spell with the following description: Spell fire elemental totem.png Follower: Scaldius — "Formerly a lieutenant of Ragnaros, Baron Scaldius now serves Firelord Smolderon with unwaivering loyalty. With the power and fury of the Firelands at his command, Baron Scaldius will incinerate any and all foes that cross his path." The spell is associated to a buff that says "Baron Scaldius attacks enemies with supreme violence and reckless abandon."
  • During the alpha, his role as a shaman champion was held by "Volcanis".

Patch changes


External links