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Species Compendium: Soft Invertebrates

Total Species Diversity: XXX


This volume posed a great challenge for me. As I progress into later volumes, more and more names pulled from real world taxonomy will show up but I could not go nearly as deep as I wanted to with this volume because of how the genomic age is causing a huge upheaval in taxonomic relationships for pretty much everything invertebrate as well as for fish. Most of the other vertebrates are pretty much set in stone as to their taxonomic relationships and will likely receive little change as time goes on though. Let me also say that my focus in my studies is largely on vertebrates though I do grant crustaceans and cephalopods special mention so I am not quite as knowledgeable on these groups as I am on others

I also decided in this volume (and the next) to go through and name every ambient “species” I could find in the files. Many of the starfish, urchins, coral, sponges, and tubeworms were named by myself, while this isn’t canon this does draw a parallel with real-world nomenclature in that there can be a myriad of common names for species (Puma concolor currently holds the most) so I see no harm in doing so. In the end this is intended to be a resource for roleplayers and given how there is a lot of ambiguity even in real world biology I found this a fun exercise. Some of these species were kind of lazily named (I had to name over one hundred of them) so if any readers wish to propose a new name please feel free to message me and if I like it enough I will change the name.


Each species is divided up into six categories.

  • Name is self-explanatory.
  • Appearances is a visual depiction of that species.
  • Status is a short description of their status as a species.
  • Unique Features is a brief description of any notable facts, behaviors, or traits that the species is known to exhibit.
  • Location is where the species can be found. Some species appear in numerous zones, so I simplify this down to just mean "<continent/planet>". If you'd like to find all species within a particular zone, the sorting feature doesn't work too well. I suggest using Ctrl+F and searching that way.
  • Sources include all the resources I used to gather this information. NPCs are NPCs found in-game. Quests are specific quests that involve additional lore for the species. Other includes any other mentions, such as in-game books, published novels or visual depictions.

Each species grouping now has seven subsections to the profile before the species listing:

  • General Description: self-explanatory; general description of physical attributes and miscellaneous information
  • Social Behavior: General patterns of social behavior of the group. Do they operate in packs? Are they solitary? Any unique behaviors in their social interactions?
  • Reproductive Biology: Facts about their reproductive habits and mechanisms. Are they a sexual or asexual species? Are they polygamous or monogamous? Viviparous or Oviparous?
  • Defensive Mechanisms: General tactics and abilities a group might use when hunting or fending off a predator. Anything aside from the typical scratch and bite
  • Biology: Will often be left blank, any information we know about the inner workings of the animal.
  • Diet: What do they eat? Do they specialize on any particular food?
  • Location: general description of where members of the group might be located.

Please Note!

Please do not make major edits to this page. Minor corrections are accepted and appreciated.

This list is the second entry in what will be the most complete species list ever created for WoW. Please keep in mind, I am one person. I miss things, I get some things wrong, and I'm not omniscient. This is why I've listed sources. Check for yourself if you're wishing to use anything here for roleplay or serious lore discussions. If you find anything incorrect, or discover a new type of species (or argue against me on what I decided was or wasn’t a species) that is not on this list, please let me know and I will do what I can to add it in or at least hear you out.

  • You can send in-game mail to Zanzulu on Horde-side Wyrmrest Accord.
  • You can leave a post on my talk page, found here.
  • You can add my Discord and send me a direct message here: Forgotten Goat#2933

Please do not make major edits to this page. Minor corrections are accepted and appreciated.

(Preemptive) FAQ

How Do You Choose What to Add?

That’s a complicated question. Even in real life, there is no clear cut definition of what defines a species, I have been introduced to 35 species concepts alone (Though only 3 have any weight) during my time as a biology student in university. Typically, if it’s a breed (variant of a domesticated animal) it is not a species, of course sometimes blizzard will call something a breed but it is also mentioned being seen in the wild so that means its a species. Typically, if it occurs in the wild, is distinct in range from similarly named mobs and doesn’t typically have prefixes that might be attributed to being a simple descriptor I consider it a species.

Why do you add some species that weren't added to the game?

Mostly, I add a lot of individual NPCs that exist within the game files but never made it in-game for flavor. It adds greater diversity of species for people to use in their roleplay and there exist species that we simply don't see in-game that we know exist in the lore (Like Arachnathids) so I basically often treat these never added NPCs as perhaps like a jaguar in the real world: secretive and not too often seen or just little-reported. In the end I think their addition enriches the species list rather than detracts from it (and some of these mobs have really cool names so it's almost a shame not to) and I hope readers will mostly agree. Every one of these species will say so in their "unique features" section so everybody who reads it is made aware as to the status of the npc.

Why Do Some Species Have Red Sources?

A lot of the newer NPCs, such as the mobs in a new expansion, have not yet been added to Wowpedia. Please keep in mind that the majority of content created on this website is done by a small team of volunteers; none of which are being paid, and there is a lot of work to do. In the meantime, please use Wowhead for your sources if the ones here appear in red text.

How Can I Roleplay Knowing These?

You can either say your character did their own research into these species and studied them on their own, or, I will be progressing and RPing that my character, a forest troll named Grazz’bek, has published this guide in book form and is written by me from his point of view (Meaning it is in character in writing form). You are more than welcome to say your character has purchased this book, I just ask the courtesy of mentioning that Grazz’bek is the author. :)

Special Thanks and Mention

The former (as of now) WoW player known as “Cannibal” is owed his due thanks for giving me the format for this guide. While I helped him with my background in zoology to form the categories, this was originally his undertaking before he quit the game. Having been involved in the process I requested that I be allowed to finish it when he made the announcement he was leaving the game making sure that both his work and mine saw more than the light of a google doc. Hope you return to Azeroth one day, Beans ^_^

Thanks to Petopia and for giving me permission to use some of their images. Certain models and skins do not show up properly in model viewer and I am able to use their facsimile images from their site to keep in line with the image format


Total Species Diversity: 22

Sea Sponge

Basal typically sessile animals that do not operate beyond the cellular level. At their simplest, sponges are essentially a chimney or tube that takes in water through incurrent channel pores lining the body and filtering it out through an opening at the top called an osculum. Three general body plans exist to describe sponges: asconoid, syconoid, and leuconoid. Asconoid are the afore-mentioned simplest state of sponges consisting of a small tube and simple internal cavity, an example of this body plan is the cucumber sponge. Syconoid sponges are a small step above asconoid retaining the standard chimney shape but have a more advanced inner network of channels allowing for greater surface area with which they can feed and thus reach larger sizes. The final body type: Leuconoid is where things start to get strange and what most sponges fall under with an internal body filled with numerous small channels allowing them to grow into various kinds of shapes

Social Behavior: Sponges are extremely simple animals and exhibit no social interactions.

Reproductive Biology
Sponges are hermaphroditic and can reproduce using both asexual and sexual methods. Asexually, sponges can reproduce simply by producing genetically identical external buds. Sexual reproduction for sponges is also easily explained with a sponge expelling sperm into the surrounding water that will be taken in by other sponges through their incurrent channels, fertilized and then later released

Defensive Behavior
Many sponges produce toxins to counter against predators.

Sponges are filter feeders consuming bacteria and plankton found throughout the water

Sponges are found throughout Azeroth’s oceans.

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Abyssal Puffball Common Leuconoid; sometimes occurs sympatrically with the related Brown Puffball but one species always dominates Abyssal Maw; Vashj'ir
Aqua Bushsponge Common Leuconoid Suramar; Vashj'ir
Arcane Spire Locally Common Syconoid; named for a color reminiscent to arcane energy and residue Suramar; Vashj'ir
Azshari Sea Sponge Data Deficient Ultra-absorbent Azshara Items[1][2]
Azure Sponge Common Leuconoid Vashj'ir
Bleached Sponge Common Leuconoid The Great Sea; Uldum
Bloodtree Sponge Uncommon Leuconoid Vashj'ir
Brown Puffball Common Leuconoid Abyssal Maw; Vashj'ir; Suramar
Bubblegum Sponge Common Leuconoid The Dread Chain; Jorundall; Vashj'ir
Cucumber Sponge Common Asconoid Abyssal Maw; Suramar; Vashj'ir
Desolate Sponge Common Leuconoid The Great Sea, Uldum
Earwax Sponge Locally Common Leuconoid Vashj'ir
Firethistle Sponge Common Leuconoid Uldum; Vashj'ir
Moldy Bushsponge Uncommon Leuconoid The Great Sea; Uldum; Un'gol Ruins; Vashj'ir
Orange Puffball Data Deficient Leuconoid The Great Sea
Royal Sponge Uncommon Leuconoid; Often occurs in single colonies in nascent reefs The Great Sea; Uldum
Rusted Tower Locally Common Syconoid Endemic to the Scalding Chasm of Vashj'ir
Scarletcapped Sponge Common Syconoid Abyssal Maw; Dread Wastes
Squishy Sponge Rare Leuconoid Zuldazar NPCs[3]
Sulfurstack Sponge Uncommon Syconoid; shallow water species Uldum; Vashj'ir
Toadstool Sponge Locally Common Leuconoid;I almost named them something else but decided against it Endemic to The Scalding Chasm of Vashj'ir
Violet Bushsponge Common Leuconoid; one of the most widespread sponge species. Krasarang Wilds; Dread Wastes; Vashj'ir


Basal organisms exhibiting radial symmetry and a tissue level of organization. Cnidarians are most commonly distinguished from other organisms by the presence of cnidocytes or stinging cells that are typically used to capture prey and by their two different body plans: the free-swimming medusa and sessile polyps each with an oral (mouth) or aboral (away from mouth) end. An important note is that many cnidarian species will go through both a polyp and medusa stage in their life cycle (larval medusa and adult polyp or larval polyp and adult medusa) but I have only depicted the adult specimens of each species.

Total Species Diversity: 125


Total Species Diversity: 100

Sea Anemone

A typical anemone can be described as a cylindrical trunk capped by a pedal disk that anchors the polyp to the substrate on the aboral end and a crown of tentacles with a flexible mouth, also known as an oral disk, on the oral end. The length of the trunk varies by species and may even be completely concealed burrowed into the substrate they attach to.

Social Behavior
Anemones engage in little social behavior though polyps in certain species may group together in close proximity.

Reproductive Biology
Anemones can reproduce by asexual or sexual means. Sexually, male anemones will expel sperm into the surrounding water that can be taken into the GI cavity by females for fertilization or trigger female polyps to expel their eggs into the water column to undergo external fertilization. Asexually, anemones can reproduce through a variety of methods including budding, fission, and fragmentation.

Defensive Mechanisms
Like all cnidarians, sea anemones possess cnidocytes. For most species, however, the stinging cells are ineffective against most humanoids and serves mostly to capture prey items.

Sea anemones are carnivorous and mostly consume zooplankton (microorganisms) but can eat anything from small fish to mollusks, echinoderms, and crustaceans.

Found in oceans worldwide.

Total Species Diversity: 14

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Cthun's Anemone Common Often found in groups alongside less abundant tidal anemones Arathi Highlands; Azshara; Blackfathom Deeps; Desolace; Stranglethorn Vale
Dandelion Bouquet Anemone Rare The Great Sea
Flowerpot Anemone Uncommon and local Polyps occur spaced out in roughly equal distance to one another. Endemic to the Silver Tide Trench of Vashj'ir
Longfingered Anemone Common Polyps usually found in dead reefs and heavily disturbed habitat; possible indicator of unhealth in an ecosystem Vashj'ir
Palm Anemone Uncommon Sparsely populated; individual polyps often found within sizable distance of each other. Vashj'ir
Pink Bouquet Anemone Common Interestingly has a gap in the depth it is willing to occupy. Polyps happily grow abundantly at upper-level depths close to the water’s surface where they occur sympatrically with the seagreen bouquet anemone before being phased out by the latter species in mid-level depths and returning to prominence once again at lower-level depths Vashj'ir
Pinkwig Anemone Common Azshara; Stranglethorn Vale
Rose Tube Anemone Rare Occur in clusters of individual polyps Vashj'ir
Sanguine Anemone Common In the Glimmerdeep Gorge population the anemone has formed a symbiotic relationship with a local species of saltwater frenzy Vashj'ir
Seagreen Bouquet Anemone Common Occurs in shallow to mid-depth water; polyps usually found with relative distance between each other. Vashj'ir
Thistle Anemone Uncommon Broken Isles
Tidal Anemone Common Arathi Highlands; Blackfathom Deeps; Desolace; Stranglethorn Vale
Void’s Reach Anemone Common Prefers to bind to the side of underwater rock columns (often near gilblin habitation) but are not exclusive to this habitat Jorundall; Vashj'ir
Weed Anemone Locally Common Tidal pools of Azsuna

Stony Coral

Stony corals are a group of sessile cnidarians typically forming colonies of genetically identical polyps that grow by asexual budding of the individual polyps bound by a calcium carbonate skeleton secreted by each polyp.

Reproductive Behavior
Stony corals reproduce both sexually and asexually. Asexually they undergo budding and fragmentation while the means of sexual reproduction varies by species.

Defensive Biology
Same as in all cnidarians: sting it.

Coral largely feed upon zooplankton but have been known to feed upon small fish.

Worldwide in distribution but they occur in the greatest abundance in tropical and temperate waters where they are prone to forming reefs.

Total Species Diversity: 70

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Bloodsucker Coral Uncommon Krasarang Wilds
Bubblegum Coral Data Deficient (Might not even be in-game yet as I could not find any instances of this doodad) The Great Sea
Budding Tower Coral Relatively Uncommon Azshara; Blackfathom Deeps; Stranglethorn Vale
Cascading Coral Moderately Common Nazjatar
Churro Coral Common Azshara; Blackfathom Deeps; Stranglethorn Vale
Coral Lasher Locally Common Feed upon aquaflies. Which is curious, do aquaflies also exist underwater? Nazjatar NPCs[4]
Cyan Sheetcoral Rare Abyssal Maw
Deepcoral Common Colonies often dominate the habitat they're found in forming coral forests; produce "fruiting" pods filled with a gas that many creatures, notably fathom rays, consume to attain buoyancy and even flight. Nazjatar Items[5][6]

NPCs[7] Quests[8][9]

Demon-horned Coral Common Often found near firethistle sponges. Vashj'ir
Dome Coral Common Colonies often in close proximity to stone coral and smallmound coral Eastern Nazjatar
Dragon’s Breath Coral Common Abyssal Maw
Fallen Naaru Coral Common Abyssal Maw
False Saturated Coral Common Always co-occurs with the true saturated coral species and is always the less populous in number of colonies. Vashj'ir
Fire Whisker Coral Common Abyssal Maw
Forked Coral Uncommon Often found among nascent reefs but are much less common in mature reefs. Uldum; Vashj'ir
Frostbite Coral Uncommon and Local Striking coral of deep undersea trenches The Dread Chain; Vashj'ir
Fuschia Candelabra Uncommon The less abundant of the candelabra corals; can be found at greater depths than the scarlet candelabra Vashj'ir
Glowleaf Coral Common Abyssal Maw
Golden Branchcoral Rare Uldum; Vashj'ir
Inferno Sheetcoral Common Close appearance to searing coral Abyssal Maw
Lipstick Carnation Coral Locally Common Krasarang Wilds
Leycoral Data Deficient The Great Sea Items[10]
Living Coral Data Deficient Whoever named this species needs to be educated and/or flogged. The Great Sea Items[11]
Moosehorn Coral Common Colonies attach to the undersea rock formations. Western Nazjatar
Mosstop Coral Uncommon The membranes of this coral are rich in oxygen, useful for deep sea diving Nazjatar (The Eternal Palace) NPCs[12]
Needle Coral Common Not to be confused with Violet Treecoral or Greater Indigo Stagcoral Suramar; Vashj'ir Items[13]
Pink Polkadot Coral Common Abyssal Maw; Vashj'ir
Pink Pufftop Coral Data Deficient The Great Sea
Pink Pucker Coral Rare Krasarang Wilds
Rusty Branchcoral Locally Common Vashj'ir
Saturated Coral Common Name derived from the high saturation in hue the skeleton possesses Krasarang Wilds; Vashj'ir
Scarlet Candelabra Common Abyssal Maw; Uldum; Vashj'ir
Searing Coral Common Azshara; Blackfathom Deeps; Desolace; Stranglethorn Vale
Smallmound Coral Common Nazjatar
Spikeball Coral Common Azshara; Blackfathom Deeps; Stranglethorn Vale
Stone Coral Common Western Nazjatar
Thunder Coral Locally Common Colonies often found around the mouths of underwater caves Vashj'ir
Tiger Coral Common Extremely prolific; can be found in any shallow to mid-depth reef Abyssal Maw; Krasarang Wilds; Uldum; Vashj'ir
Twilight's Breath Coral Common Abyssal Maw
Unsettling Coral Rare More to it than meets the eye Stormsong Valley objects[14]
Violet Perforated Coral Common Arathi Highlands; Azshara; Blackfathom Deeps; Desolace; Stranglethorn Vale

Brain Coral

Pretty self-explanatory in description: stony coral with a grooved spherical appearance similar to that of a brain.

Brain coral are typically found in temperate to tropical reef ecosystems and rarely outside of them..

Total Species Diversity: 2

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Lime Brain Coral Common Abyssal Maw; Vashj'ir
Orange Brain Coral Data Deficient The Great Sea

Fern Coral

Colonies spread out in layered "branches" giving them the appearance of an underwater fern..

Among the most widespread groups of coral; fern coral are worldwide in distribution.

Total Species Diversity: 3

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Abyssal Ferncoral Common Nazjatar
Fuschia Ferncoral Common Occurs at lower depths than any species of fern coral Abyssal Maw; Off the coast of the Broken Isles; Vashj'ir
Red Ferncoral Common Incredibly abundant, colonies found throughout the world in differing environs. throughout the Great Sea

Staghorn Coral

An informal grouping of unrelated corals whose skeletons often grow out from stalks and branch into prong-shapes much like the antlers of many cervids (Note: I drew the inspiration for the name of this group from a common name given to certain species of the Acropora genus.The Acropora genus also holds species referred to as table coral. I am using the name as a catch-all term for coral art assets of similar structure and shape and not just models that bear a close resemblance to the real world species)

Being an informal grouping based on morphology, staghorn corals occupy many different niches and locations and can be found in various regions of the globe.

Total Species Diversity: 7

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Cyan Stagcoral Locally Common Dread Wastes; Eastern coast of Highmountain; Loch Verrall in the Twilight Highlands; Un'gol Ruins; Deep caves in Vashj'ir
Glow-tipped Stagcoral Common By far the most abundant of all stagcoral Abyssal Maw; Krasarang Wilds; Uldum; Vashj'ir
Gold-flecked Stagcoral Uncommon Uldum; Vashj'ir
Greater Cyan Stagcoral Locally Common The Dread Chain; Loch Verrall in the Twilight Highlands
Greater Indigo Stagcoral Data Deficient The Great Sea
Midnight Stagcoral Uncommon Krasarang Wilds
Rusted Stagcoral Common Uldum; Vashj'ir

Table Coral

Another informal grouping of unrelated coral species. Table coral are any coral who form broad, flattened skeletons covering more horizontal space than they do vertical. A number of table coral species are cultivated by Tortollans to use as chairs or actual tables in their dive bars and thus can sometimes be found outside of their native ranges in the undersea pubs.

Many table coral species are restricted and relatively local in distribution having carved out specific niches. A couple species, however, have achieved a more widespread distribution.

Total Species Diversity: 12

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Aberrant Tablecoral Data Deficient Noticeably different than most table corals by the spiky projections on the top surface of the colony The Great Sea
Cooked Tablecoral Data Deficient The Great Sea
Copper Tablecoral Common Coral of kelp forests and deep caves Vashj'ir
Drained Shelfcoral Data Deficient The Great Sea
Grand Shelfcoral Common and widespread restricted to shallower waters; niche taken by lavender shelfcoral at lower depths but otherwise is almost ubiquitous in rocky underwater environs Abyssal Maw; Krasarang Wilds; Scattered colonies along the Kul Tiras coastline; Suramar; Vashj'ir
Lavender Shelfcoral Common A deepdwelling species with colonies capable of reaching massive sizes (far greater than the grand shelfcoral of shallower waters) Deep tidal pools in Azsuna; Nazjatar; Vashj'ir
Lilypad Coral Common Certain polyps within the colony exhibit bioluminescence Abyssal Maw
Malachite Tablecoral Data Deficient The Great Sea
Mossy Tablecoral Data Deficient The Great Sea
Rough Tablecoral Common Individual colonies often found in kelp forests near verdant platecoral; usually no more than two colonies found within close proximity Abyssal Maw; Dread Wastes; Vashj'ir
Ultramarine Shelfcoral Locally Common Colonies often grow around “dead” areas usually featuring the skeletons of other species; relative of the lavender shelfcoral. Vashj'ir
Verdant Platecoral Common Colonies tend to grow around kelp forests and deep caves; relative of the lilypad coral Vashj'ir

Tree Coral

Like the table corals and staghorn corals, tree corals are an informal grouping characterized by their forming large colonies that begin with a large cylindrical trunk and bifurcate to form thick "branches" giving colonies a tree-like appearance.

Tree corals are typically known for only establishing colonies in robust and ancient reef ecosystems like in Nazjatar and Vashj'ir.

Total Species Diversity: 4

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Bloodied Treecoral Data Deficient The Great Sea
Electric Blue Treecoral Locally Common Often found growing around thunder coral Vashj'ir, Twilight Highlands
Nazjatar Treecoral Common Eastern Nazjatar
Violet Treecoral Common Trips into the abyssal maw have lead me to believe that colonies of this species are capable of reaching the greatest size of all coral species. Abyssal Maw; Tidal pools in Azsuna; rare colonies in Suramar;

Soft Coral

Soft corals, also commonly known as sea fans, are colonial organisms largely forming flattened branching colonies reminiscent of a fan in shape. Unlike their stony coral relatives, soft corals do not create calcium carbonate skeletons to enclose the polyps and provide support and instead have skeletons composed of tiny calcareous elements called sclerites.

Reproductive Biology
Soft corals possess varying means of reproduction just as their hard coral relatives do.

Many soft corals rely on colorful algae that grows upon the individual colonies as a primary source of energy but all soft corals are capable of filter feeding to consume plankton from the water column.

While not typically reefbuilders, soft coral colonies often grow in reef environs and can be found anchored even to soft substrates like mud and sand.

Total Species Diversity: 15

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Amethyst Seafan Common Can sometimes be hard to distinguish with the closely related magenta seafan in certain light conditions Abyssal Maw; Deep tidal pools in Azsuna; Vashj'ir
Cerise Seafan Rare Shallows of Jorundall
Cerise Treefan Common Abyssal Maw
Crimson Seafan Common Abyssal Maw; Uldum; Vashj'ir
Emerald Seafan Common Less abundant than the highly similar mossy seafan but more widespread; incredibly hard to differentiate from the mossy seafan in areas where they co-occur which is almost always Abyssal Maw; Krasarang Wilds; Vashj'ir
Fuzz-fingered Seafan Common Western Nazjatar
Orange Seafan Common Frequently inhabits nascent reefs Uldum; Vashj'ir; Whispering Reef
Orange Treefan Common Uldum; Vashj'ir
Iron Seafan Uncommon Abyssal Maw; Krasarang Wilds
Magenta Seafan Common Can sometimes be hard to differentiate from the amethyst seafan with which it frequently co-occurs but reaches greater depths than the sister species Vashj'ir
Mossy Seafan Common Incredibly hard to differentiate from Emerald Seafan in many lighting conditions Abyssal Maw; Vashj'ir
Ruddy Seafan Common Abyssal Maw; Uldum; Vashj'ir
Spooned Seafan Common Nazjatar
Steel Seafan Rare Vashj'ir (used as location due to one being at the portal to Vashj'ir but isn’t found anywhere in the zone)
Striated Seafan Common Abyssal Maw


Often seen as undersea plants as they look like tentacle lined undersea flowers, and harvested by herbalists as if they are, Zoanthids make up an order of Anthozoa. Unlike the corals and anemones, zoanthids incorporate surrounding sediment into their tissue to provide structure.

Reproductive Biology
Reproduction is varied between species and can occur by asexual or sexual methods.

Defensive Behavior
Zoanthid polyps or "blooms" are often consumed by wildlife and thus when a branch or "tentacle" is removed from the rest of the colony it will curl up and retract preventing the individual zoanthid polyps from being consumed or harvested.[15] (Did Blizzard understand what the hell it was they were talking about in this quest because the quest text makes no sense relative to the actual appearance of the herb node in game)

Zoanthids gain energy by photosynthesis with symbiotes as well as filter feeding on plankton

A variety of environments from reefs to deep ocean depths..

Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Zin'anthid Common Nazjatar Objects[16]


Total Species Diversity: 25


The Scyphozoans, or true jellyfish are among the most familiar and feared of all cnidarians. Unlike the anthozoans (anemones, corals, and zoanthids), jellyfish and other medusozoans (like the man o' war) possess both a polyp and medusa stage, the free-swimming medusa stage being what I will describe and focus on. A general physical profile of a jellyfish is an umbrella or bell-shaped "top" with a litany of stinging tentacles beneath it.

Social Behavior
While not truly social in nature, some jellyfish species will congregate in swarms.

Reproductive Biology
Medusa stage jellyfish typically reproduce by the release of sperms and eggs into the water column

In their medusa stage large jellyfish are often predatory and will feed upon crustaceans and fish that get caught up in their stinging tentacles

Like many of the other cnidarians, jellyfish are worldwide and can be found in any depth.

Total Species Diversity: 24

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Abyssal Stinger Data Deficient The Great Sea NPCs[17]
Bleakwater Jelly Common A jellyfish native to Helheim that’s not a helsquid, quite unique. Helheim NPCs[18]
Cannonball Jelly Locally Common (Named after the real world species: Cannonball Jellyfish) Tiragarde Sound NPCs[19]


Darkwater Jellyfish Locally Common Has bioluminescent tentacles Darkest Depths, Eternal Palace NPCs[21]


Deep Ocean Jelly Common Brightly Bioluminescent Deep depths of The Great Sea NPCs[23]


Disco Jelly Locally Common A common sight around tortollan dive bars. Tortollans were not forthcoming about whether they lure the jellyfish in or breed the species for their underwater pubs. The Great Sea NPCs[24]
Electrified Jellyfish Common Releases a paralyzing shock with its sting. Coastal waters of Nazmir NPCs[25]


Electrifying Jellyfish Common Releases a paralyzing shock with its sting. The Great Sea NPCs[27]


Fathom Dweller Common Occur in dense swarms Deep trenches and chasms of The Great Sea Mounts[29]
Great Sea Jelly Data Deficient The Great Sea NPCs[30]
Lantern Jelly Locally Common Northern Vol'dun NPCs[31]
Luminescent Jelly Locally Common Highly bioluminescent species Abyssal Depths, Vashj'ir NPCs[32]
Mauve Stinger Common Occur in small swarms Nazjatar Items[33]


Pint Jelly Locally Common Tiny in size; harmless to most humanoids Nazjatar NPCs[35]
Plump Jelly Common The Great Sea Battle Pets[36]
Pond Nettle Common An incredibly adaptive species capable of surviving in a multitude of harsh environments Worldwide Mounts[37]
Sewer-pipe Jelly Common How a species of jellyfish grew adapted to the sewer system of Dalaran can only be attributed to one explanation: Magic. Dalaran Sewers Battle Pets[38]
Slippery Quilljet Data Deficient The Great Sea NPCs[39]
South Sea Stinger Common Widespread and often seen species of island coasts Crestfall; Molten Cay; Skittering Hollow; Un'gol Ruins; Whispering Reef; Zandalar NPCs[40]


Surf Jelly Rare Capable of devouring humanoids The Great Sea Mounts[41]
Wandering Lucifin Locally Common This species is able to exist outside of water freely floating about the air Nazjatar NPCs[42]


Helsquids are a mysterious offshoot of jellyfish associated with Helheim.

Helsquid are named as such because their cells, much like many cephalopds (of which squids are a part of) are able of producing ink.[43]

Helsquid are indiscriminate devourers of everything they come across and can completely strip a region of all biota where they will subsequently revert into polyp form and wait for the area to eventually have food again.[44]

Native to the realm of Helheim, but will also appear in regions where Helya's influence is known to be great.

Total Species Diversity: 3

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Bleakwater Helsquid Common Most commonly seen species within Helheim. Helheim NPCs[45]


Fleshripper Helsquid Common Broke into our world as a result of the mists taking over Tideskorn Harbor Helmouth Shallows, Stormheim NPCs[47]


Misthunter Helsquid Data Deficient (Doesn't seem like it made it in-game, here for flavor) Helheim NPCs[48]


Siphonophores are unique organisms of the class Hydrozoa that form colonies composed of a number of specialized individuals with specific functions. (Siphonophores are weird so I'm not going to get into much more than that)

Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Borean Man O' War Common Most common around the Borean Tundra but appears throughout the waters surrounding Northrend Items[49]


Platyhelminthes, commonly known as flatworms, are among the simplest organisms with what can be considered organs. They do not possess a body cavity or circulatory and respiratory organs forcing them to do gas exchange by simple diffusion leading to their flattened shape.

Total Species Diversity: 1


Also known as tapeworms in the common vernacular. These things are disgusting so I will keep it simple. Adult tapeworms have a simple anatomy consisting of a scolex with which they anchor to the host, a short neck, and a line of segments called proglottids that get produced from the neck and grow larger and larger as they get further from the scolex.

What their host ate

Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Common Tapeworm Common Inside the guts of host organisms Items[50]


Total Species Diversity: 84


Grotesque parasitic worms that inhabit freshwater environs throughout the world. On the outside, these sickening creatures posses two suckers, one on each end, and external annuli (rings) like most annelids but that do not match their internal segmentation. The coeloms of leeches have also been greatly narrowed to small stratified channels.

Reproductive Biology
Leeches are sequential hermaphrodites, starting out with male reproductive organs and developing and switching to female reproductive organs later on.

Leeches are ectoparasites that feed off the blood of their host, but one species sucks the energies from a host's soul.

Generally considered to be worldwide (and beyond) in distribution and have been "domesticated" for medicinal use across many cultures cementing their cosmopolitan status.

Total Species Diversity: 3

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Medicinal Leech Domesticated A captive-reared species used specifically for medicinal species and can often be found kept in jars. Raised by sentients the world over Items[51]


Soul Leech Common It looks like a leech, but its nature is not entirely biological Mardum, the Shattered Abyss NPCs[53]
Vicious Leech Domesticated Often kept by Neferset Theurgists, typically been documented for offensive purposes but maybe they are used in similar fashion to typical medicinal leeches. Uldum NPCs[54]



Also commonly called 'Nightcrawlers'. If one used the word "worm", chances are an image of an earthworm comes to mind. While not charismatic, their importance to improving and maintaining soil quality and fertility has long made them appreciated by mortal civilizations as no agrarian society could get off the ground without them. Earthworms are long and cylindrical in shape with a fluid-filled cavity (coelom) to provide them with structure.

Reproductive Biology
Earthworms are hermaphroditic and undergo internal fertilization...I'm not saying anymore.

Earthworms travel anywhere from just above ground through leaf-litter to various layers within the soil eating organic matter (living and dead) they come across which helps break down larger organic detritus.

Earthworms occur worldwide and have even independently evolved on Draenor where they also find a ubiquitous distribution. Given how they are known to evolve, it might be they are necessary in the development of life outside of simple abundance of the Spirit element.

Total Species Diversity: 10

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Bore Earthworm Common Largest species of earthworm; inhabit "nests" of decaying organic matter from which they will emerge if disturbed and do not hesitate to make a meal out of whatever roused them. Throne of Thunder NPCs[55]
Corpse Worm Common A species of earth worm commonly found around grave sites; also great bait for the pike of Brightwater Lake Tirisfal Glades Items[56]


Deviate Worm Common Wailing Caverns NPCs[58]
Kindleworm Common A unique species the burrows through the volcanic soil of the Firelands Firelands NPCs[59]
Nightmare Nightcrawler Rare Useful bait for catching Terrorfin Val'sharah Items[60]
Rot Worm Common Have the ability to regurgitate their digestive juices to externally digest a more difficult meal Icecrown NPCs[61]


Tasty Nightcrawler Common (from the tumultuous WoD beta) What even eats these that decided to call this species tasty? Shadowmoon Valley (alternate universe) Items[63]
Underrot Worm Data Deficient (Never appeared in-game) The Underrot NPCs[64]
Whitepetal Worm Common Their numbers took a hit during Garrosh Hellscream's attack on the Vale, but the population is likely recovering following efforts to restore it. Vale of Eternal Blossoms Items[65]


Wriggling Worm Common Broken Shore Items[67]

Ice worm

Also called a frost worm.

A small, poorly understood kind of worm unique from other oligochaetes.

Distribution Ice worms are endemic to Highmountain where they inhabit gravel beds and riverine environs

Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Frost Worm Rare Useful bait for catching  [Coldriver Carp] Highmountain Items[68]

Borer Worm

A derived and widespread group of worms that make up the physically largest of the oligochaetes. These worms are quite different from other annelids possessing armored overlapping segments and distinct formation of a head with a jawlike structure and even eyes (something no other annelids possess).

Defensive Mechanisms
Borer worms commonly possess acidic bites and even the ability to spit it (possibly to aid in digestion as their "jaws" cannot masticate).[69][70][71][72]

Borer worms, while aggressive, are not predatory and prefer to eat fungi and decaying organic material.[73]

Deep and complex cave systems of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are the most likely locales to find borer worms, but certain species have adapted to different niches.

Total Species Diversity: 10 (extant)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Cadaverous Worm Common Decomposers; often appear from the bodies of rotting undead Dire Maul NPCs[74]
Coldlurk Burrower Common Magenta pigmentation; Co-occur with a species of spider with similar pigmentation Winterspring NPCs[75]


Deep Borer Common Among the smaller borer species; often found in groups of ~5-6 but it is not known for what purpose these groups form. Maraudon NPCs[76]
Dredge Crusher Extinct a larger sister species to the Dredge Striker; wiped out by Sargeras' stabbing Silithus Southern Silithus NPCs[77]


Dredge Striker Extinct smaller sister species to the Dredge Crusher with an acidic bite; wiped out by Sargeras' stabbing Silithus Northern Silithus NPCs[79]

Quests[80] Spells[70]

Dredge Worm Data Deficient Venomous species with different phenotypic variation in color that is known to also carry a disease that mortals can contract. Blackrock Mountain NPCs[81]


Earthborer Unknown Produce acid in their mouths than cat eat away at inorganic materials such as metal armor; status unknown following the events involving Ragefire Chasm during Garrosh's reign. Ragefire Chasm (Classic) NPCs[85]


Flesh Eating Worm Locally Common Grotesque worms that eat rotting flesh from corpses but do not hesitate to try for living prey if given the opportunity Duskwood NPCs[86]
Murk Worm Common Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Classic) NPCs[87]
Oozeworm Rare The most uncommon species of borer worm, and one highly sought after by hunters. Dustwallow Marsh NPCs[88]


Rock Borer Locally Common Foulspore Cavern, Desolace NPCs[89][90]


Rockhide Burrower Data Deficient (never made it in game) Unknown NPCs[91]



Vile worms commonly associated with dark magics and filth.

Total Species Diversity: 3

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Blood Parasite Common? Icecrown (Icecrown Citadel) NPCs[92]
Common Bloodworm Common Worldwide NPCs[93][94][95]
Fetid Bloodworm Locally Common Disgusting creatures that dwell within rotting flesh Isle of Thunder NPCs[96]

Bone worm

Bone Worms are subterranean worms with chitinized armor akin to that seen in arthropods and 5 pairs of elongated and hardened parapodia. These worms are gray in coloration and only inhabit barren habitats.

Social Behavior
Bone worms typically lead solitary lives, the one exception known was when they appeared upon the Broken Shore.[97]

Defensive Behavior
Bone worms are venomous.[98][99]


Bone Worms are native to Draenor and aside from their odd occurrence upon the Broken Shore are entirely restricted to Terokkar Forest in present day Outland.

Total Species Diversity: 3

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Bone Crawler Common The most curious thing about this species is how it has appeared in both Draenor and Azeroth; they proliferate rather quickly in areas with high concentrations of corpses and decay Terokkar Forest; Broken Shore NPCs[101][102][103][104]


Bone Sifter Common Respond to intense vibrations Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest NPCs[106][107]


Flesh Burrower Data Deficient Draenor (alternate universe) NPCs[108]

Carrion worm

Carrion worms are bioluminescent polychaetes with partially ossified parapodia running laterally down their bodies with some parapodia being migrated towards the oral cavity to form teeth (though not true teeth). Dorsal parapodia have likewise been modified to have intermittently hardened units jutting out like barbed spikes though it is not sure what these barbed parapodia are for as they would no doubt be detrimental to subterranean movement.

A second kind of carrion worm is added to this section though bearing no close relation to the previous group. These worms bear the appearance of yellow oversized maggots and are believed to be grubs or larvae of some sort, but I for one have never seen an insect of their native range that is large enough to be the adult form of these creatures so they are just tossed in here.

Social Behavior
Carrion worms are typically solitary creatures but have no issue congregating when there is plenty of food to be had[109]

Defensive Mechanisms
Forms of toxic spit are common to carrion worms and an exaptation of their ability to produce dangerous substances is the covering of their body with it in one species.[110][98][111]

True to their name, carrion worms prefer to feast upon carrion but they do not shirk live meat if given the opportunity.[112]

The yellow maggot-like worms are native to the current plaguelands of what was once Lordaeron while the true carrion worms were thought endemic to Draenor but an Azerothian group has shown up in the vast underground caverns beneath Highmountain.

Total Species Diversity: 5 (2 and 3)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Carrion Devourer Common Produces a debilitating slime that weakens potential predators. Eastern Plaguelands, Eastern Kingdoms NPCs[113]


Carrion Grub Common Co-occurs with the Carrion Devourer and has a similar defensive strategy Eastern Plaguelands, Eastern Kingdoms NPCs[115]


Carrion Worm Uncommon Type species Draenor (alternate universe) NPCs[116]


Rotdrool Grabber Secretes a vile substance that surrounds its body. Has a barbed tongue it can use to reel prey to it. Neltharion's Lair underneath Highmountain NPCs[117]


Snapping Rockcrawler Rare Has an extremely acidic spit. In the vast underground caverns beneath Highmountain NPCs[119]



Spoken of in myth to be the misbegotten children of the wayward titan keeper Loken.[120] Jormungar are large aggressive worms with mineralized parapodia that take an almost crystalline appearance and a thick mane of setae running dorsomedially along the body flanked by two more small trails of setae running laterally as well as an articulate mouth full of sharp teeth.

Social Behavior
Jormungar may sometimes have broods headed by individual spawnmothers that outsize the other adult Jormungar.[121]

Reproductive Biology
The reproductive habits of Jormungar reflect the social habits above.

Defensive Mechanisms
Like many large annelids, jormungar possess toxin glands from which they produce a highly corrosive venom.[122][123][124]

Jormungar are incredibly predatory and have a strong preference for meat although in one case they are shown to even be geophagous.[125] The most unique part about their feeding biology is that larger jormungar actively feast upon the eggs of other jormungar in order to facilitate their continued growth.[126]

These voracious worms are endemic to the continent of Northrend.

Total Species Diversity: 8

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Deep Jormungar Common Tunnel deep beneath the ground and can only be made to breach the surface by creating loud vibrations through the earth. These Jormungar are also uniqute in that they keep their eggs in sacs on their body. Underneath Storm Peaks NPCs[127]

Items[128] Spells[129]

Hulking Jormungar Locally Common An enormous species with a small range, this species occurs almost sympatrically with the Ice Heart Jormungar in the nearby Crystal Vice and possesses a corrosive venom capable of eroding rock. Northern Dragon Wastes of Dragonblight NPCs[130]


Ice Heart Jormungar Locally Common When young, these Jormungar have white pigmentation and never leave the cave they are spawned in but as they grow older their bodies see greater production of melanin until as adults they are greenish in color. This species also has an odd choice in diet, predating upon the ice giants that also dwell in their home range. Crystal Vice in Dragonblight NPCs[131][132]

Quests[125] Spells[124]

Ravenous Jormungar Common Invasive and the cause of the all but extinction of the native Icemaw Bears Hibernal Cavern of the Storm Peaks NPCs[133]


Roaming Jormungar Common Invasive to the cave of Gimorak's Den but do not pose a problem in the southern parts of their range (Counted Infesting Jormungar as roaming jormungar due to similar size and sharing the same model variant Central Storm Peaks NPCs[135][136]
Snowdrift Jormungar Uncommon Contend with the Tundra Crawlers and Hulking Jormungar for the largest species (Though the Hulking Jormungar takes the title) Snowdrift Plains, Storm Peaks NPCs[137]


Tundra Crawler Uncommon Contends with Snowdrift Northeastern Borean Tundra NPCs[138]


Winter Jormungar Common Dwell in dense numbers underneath the snow and act as ambush predators, groups of them burrowing out the snow when they sense movement above them where they can inflict their prey with acidic bites Ulduar, Storm Peaks NPCs[139]



Rockworms are very similar in appearance to the jormungar of Northrend. This similarity could be due to convergent evolution or a case of recent shared ancestry.

Social behavior
Rockworms are varied in their social habits. Many rockworm species are entirely solitary only meeting with each other to breed while others (usually of the smaller species) group together to hunt.

Defensive Mechanisms
Like many large annelids, rockworms possess the ability to spit a toxic bile or venom at their prey[141]

Island rockworm species are of a unique trend in their abilities, in hinting at a common ancestor each species will spin its body around using the spiny parapodia lining their bodies to shred at flesh.[142] However, just about every individual species has its own unique spitting attack (Aside from the Gnashing Horror which appears to be a recent evolution out of the frostbore worms.


Rockworms largely inhabit islands and regions within the Great Sea between the four major continents while on Draenor rockworms are often found in areas disturbed by activity of the Breakers such as Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge

Total Species Diversity: 25

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Acidic Worm Uncommon Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[143][144]


Bile Spitter Locally Common Caverns of Highmountain NPCs[146]
Bloodstone Tunneler Uncommon One of the smallest species of rockworms. Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[147]
Bonescale Worm Uncommon A unique species that stores undigested bones in its gullet for it to regurgitate as projectiles Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[148][149]


Bore Worm Uncommon Creates scalding steam in its body to fire at potential prey. Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[151][152]


Brulworm Domesticated Deep underground worms used as beasts of war by the subterranean drogbar. The drogbar use this worms to burrow tunnels to the surface from which they can send troops with a direct path to the site they are raiding. Brulworms are not only used as beasts of burden but also have an offensive use in Drogbar raids, spitting out the potent bile which typically aids them in rapidly tunneling through the earth upon the drogbar's enemies. Highmountain NPCs[154]


Crag Burrower Rare (Doesn't exist in game, added for flavor) Draenor (alternate universe) NPCs[156]
Darktunnel Worm Uncommon This island species...burps toxic smoke. Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[157][158]


Deepfrost Lurker Uncommon Massive rockworms that dwell beneath the ice of cave systems Northeastern Frostfire Ridge NPCs[160]


Frostbore Worm Uncommon This cold-dwelling island species has frozen spit that it uses to attack. Northern islands of the Great Sea NPCs[161][162]


Garnetback Worm Uncommon This one has molten hot spit, isn't it great!? Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[164][165]


Gnashing Horror Rare A rarer relative to the frostbore worms, a Gnashing Horror bears similar abilities to their smaller cousins Northern islands of the Great Sea NPCs[167]


Grievous Depthworm Locally Common Large rockworms that dwell within sulfuric springs. These worms, aside from a saliva containing pathogenic bacteria, will actually spit rocks onto their prey to knock them out or simply kill them. Sulfuric springs of western Gorgrond NPCs[168]


Harvest Worm Common A medium sized rockworm that is also a problematic agricultural pest Highmountain NPCs[171][172]


Ice Lurker Locally Common Ambush predators that dwell beneath the ice of the Cracking Plains where they feed upon migrating clefthooves...or anything else unfortunate enough to disturb the ground tey dwell beneath. Northeast Frostfire Ridge NPCs[174][175]


Jadescale Worm Uncommon This island worm's spit attack is "generic" venom Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[176][177]


Mud Feeder Common Mud flats of Stormsong Valley NPCs[179]


Pale Icecarver Locally Common This species lives in association with a tribe of Drogbar but the nature of the relationship is not quantified Southern Highmountain NPCs[181]


Rock Burrower Rare (Never made it in game, added for flavor) Draenor NPCs[182]
Rockcrawler Worm Semi-Domesticated Drogbar rear and train these worms for use as beasts of war like Brulworms Eastern Highmountain NPCs[183]


Snow Lurker Locally Common The smallest of the Frostfire Lurker genus and the only one that actively hunts aboveground. A warning, these creatures' carry in their mouths a fast-acting pathogenic bacteria that saps the host's ability to move, once the infection sets in snow lurkers will often also deliver a frost breathe attack to further weaken their prey and attempt to finish it off. Northeast Frostfire Ridge NPCs[185][186]


Spiked Rockworm Locally Common Ashran NPCs[189]
Tarspitter Lurker The bile these worms produce is incredibly sticky and viscous, Highmountain (Neltharion's Lair) NPCs[190]


Venomous Iceburster Rare Southern Highmountain NPCs[193]


Wastes Rockworm Common This species has often been mislabelled by the local Frostwolves as the children of Shui Halad but that is nonsensical since Shui Halad was an ancient bone worm, which is another family. Arguably the smallest of Draenorian rockworm species, wastes rockworms travel in groups of three beneath the ground from where they ambush local clefthooves, making up for their size with their small numbers and an arsenal that mimics the Snow Lurkers. Northern Frostfire Ridge NPCs[194]

Quests[195] Spells[187][188]

Sand worm

They look an awful lot like bone worms but with more color to their bodies.

Social behavior
Largely solitary and some species are quite territorial

Defensive Mechanisms
Like many of the other large annelid families, sand worms have venom glands[99][196]


Sand worms are known from the more barren habitats of Outland and the dunes of Tanaris

Total Species Diversity: 7

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Crust Burster Common Hellfire Peninsula NPCs[197][198]


Dune Worm Uncommon Incredibly powerful species and appears more territorial than other sand worms Northern Tanaris NPCs[199]


Gorgrond Sand Worm Rare (Never made it in game, added for flavor) Gorgrond NPCs[200]
Greater Crust Burster Locally Common The young are much more plentiful than the adults which begs the question of what is predating upon them Blade's Edge Mountains NPCs[201][202]


Nethermine Burster Locally Common Shadowmoon Valley NPCs[204]


Noxious Tunneler Uncommon Very large and territorial Southern Tanaris NPCs[205]


Tunneler Locally Common Hellfire Peninsula NPCs[206]


Tidal Guardian

Flattened colorful worms that can often be found in close association with the naga.

Social behavior
Tidal worms can occur in relatively high densities when found often involving multiple species but nothing else can really be extrapolated about their social ecology

Defensive Mechanisms
Tidal guardians possess powerful electrogenic organs within their bodies with electricity cascading along their antenna and mandibles.[207]


Deep within the world's oceans, often near naga strongholds.

Total Species Diversity: 5

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Azsh’ari Leviathan Rare Nazjatar NPCs[208]


Common Tidal Guardian Locally Common The smallest and most abundant species Northwest Nazjatar NPCs[210]


Cracklemaw Colossus Rare Only superseded by the leviathan in strength, colossi have the ability to summon its electricity in front of it and when threatened will let out a cry to call nearby offspring to aid it. Northwest Nazjatar NPCs[211]


Tidal Cracklemaw Uncommon This species boasts the most varied use of it electrogenic abilities applying it to its spittle which it will launch at prey and even summoning localized storms of lightning around it. Northwest Nazjatar NPCs[215]


Voltscale Guardian Locally Common Roughly the same size as the common and more abundant type species but more powerful and distinguished by the striking yellow coloration Nazjatar NPCs[220]


Tube Worm

Tubeworms are an odd group of sedentary annelids that inhabit chitinous tubes they produce from specialized glands in their body walls. Their bodies can be broken down into four distinct body regions. The first body region is the branchial plume from which gas is exchanged within the water column and the part of the body that is seen outside of the chitin tube. Second is a fleshy muscular collar called a vestimentum, following that you have the trunk with all the visceral organs and then finally the opistosome that anchors the worm to its tube.

Social behavior
Tubeworms often congregate in colonies, though I'm not sure if this is deliberate or having to do with resource concentration being densely localized.

Like many other sessile organisms, tubeworm males emit sperm into the water column to then be taken up by female individuals to be fertilized within the ovaries.

Defensive Mechanisms
Being sedentary, tubeworms have no ability to flee and thus their only defensive measure is to retreat the plume within the chitonous tube in which most of the body is contained and seal it with a special operculum

These worms do not feed, and in fact lack digestive systems entirely, but instead the plume is highly vascularized and provides nutrients gathered from the water to bacteria housed within a special organ called a trophosome. The bacteria within the trophosome in turn provide the worm with the essential nutrients it needs.

Typically, deep within the ocean and often near hydrothermal vents is where these worms anchor themselves

Total Species Diversity: 4

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Finned Tubeworm Locally Common Exclusively found around hydrothermal vents Vashj'ir
Redplumed Tubeworm Locally Common Vashj'ir
Nazjatar Tubeworm Common Nazjatar
Ventfeeder Worm Common Often found clumped around the entrance to undersea caves and occurs the closest to the surface out of any species. Nazjatar (Eternal Palace). Vashj'ir NPCs[221]



The general common appearance of a bivalve is a shell composed of calcium carbonate consisting of two articulating valves that join to each other along a hinge. Most bivalves live sedentary to even sessile lives buried in sediment or anchored to a form of substrate within a body of water

Like so many other sedentary creatures, bivalves reproduce largely by external fertilization releasing their gametic cells into the water column to mingle and fertilize.

Defensive Mechanisms
For most bivalves, their calcified shell is their first and last line of defense against potential predators but an additional measure is made by many non-anchored bivalves in burrowing into the substrate where they may hopefully lie concealed

Most bivalves are filter feeders, consuming plankton (mostly phytoplankton) from within the water column

Oceans and freshwater bodies across Azeroth and Draenor


Clams are an informal grouping used for a multitude of bivalves, but as having typically bilaterally symmetrical valves.

Oceans and freshwater bodies across Azeroth and Draenor

Total Species Diversity: 18

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Abyssal Clam Common Nazjatar NPCs[222]
Ashmaul Clam Locally Common Northern Ashran Objectss[223]
Big-Mouth Clam Common Worldwide Items[224]
Chittershell Clam Rare (I couldn't figure out where this is and likely never made it out of ptr) Nazjatar NPCs[225]
Darkwater Clam Uncommon Northrend Items[226][227][228]
Freshwater Clam Rare Lakes in Nagrand Objects[229]
Giant Clam Uncommon Contrary to popular belief the meat of this clam is not tangy unlike that of the Thick-shelled Clam Great Sea Objects[230]
Giant Draenor Clam Rare Northern coast of Frostfire Ridge Items[231]
Glimmerdeep Clam Locally Common Abundant where they occur, but their occurrence in a single gorge makes the species prone to overharvesting if sustained activity were to occur in that part of Vashj'ir Glimmerdeep Gorge, Vashj'ir Objects[232]
Jaggal Clam Common Coast of Isle of Quel'Danas Items[233]
Monstrous Clam Locally Common Eastern coast of Durotar Objects[234]


Neptulian Clam Common Most commonly found in the Abyssal Pool but larger individuals, but their remains can be found in other areas around Nazjatar albeit less frequently Nazjatar Objects[236]


Pearlescent Clam Common Great Sea Objects[238]
River Clam Uncommon The meat is rather bland Razorjaw River, Nazmir Objects[239]


Slimy Clam Uncommon The slime of this clam creates temporary oxygenated bubbles that one can use to briefly be able to breathe underwater Northeast coast of Highmountain Objects[241]


Soft-shelled Clam Common Veiled Sea Items[243]
Teldrassil Clam Locally Common Coast off of Teldrassil...Or the burnt husk of it Objects[244]
Thick-Shelled Clam Common Meat of this clam is quite tangy Worldwide Items[245]
Winterfin Clam Locally Common Used as a currency by the Winterfin tribe of murlocs Westrift, Borean Tundra Objects[246]


Oysters are sessile bivalves with heavily calcified shells often creating irregular shaped valves.

Social behavior
Oysters anchor to a substrate and congregate in groups that eventually form what is called an oyster bed. Oyster beds are important to the health of their ecosystems providing habitat to many species of fish.

Oysters are protandric and thus start out reproducing as males then subsequently switch over to producing female gametes as time passes

With the exception of the freshwater species, oysters largely restrict themselves to marine and brackish environments often within the intertidal zone

Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Freshwater Oyster Locally Common Creates a brilliant blue pearl Valley of the Four Winds Objects[247]



Scallops are brilliantly colored bivalves with characteristic fan-shaped valves.

Scallops are hermaphroditic but some species

Defensive Mechanisms
Scallops count themselves among the most "free-living" of bivalves, some species capable of simple swimming and even migration, but most scallops lie at rest until a potential predator is detected in which they will flee using jet propulsion caused by clapping their valves together


Worldwide, primarily in salt water

Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Common Scallop Common Worldwide Items[249]



Peculiar cephalopods with external coiled shells

Social behavior
Living ammonites are known to exist in schools

Ammonites rely on laying large numbers of eggs at the end of their lifecycle.

Defensive Mechanisms
Like most cephalopods, ammonites possess ink sacs that they will release in a cloud when threatened

Ammonites are believed to have been mostly carnivorous like other cephalopods but the fire ammonite has a strong taste for frostfire fruit[250]

At one point in time, Ammonites could be found throughout the seas of Azeroth[251] but as of the current day, only the Fire Ammonite of Draenor (another planet) is known to currently exist.

Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Fire Ammonite Common A strange species that specifically dwells within the lava pools of Frostfire Ridge Frostfire Ridge Items[252][253]


Cuttlefish are squid-like creatures but can be distinguished by several key distinguishing features. Cuttlefish, unlike squids, have a 'w' shaped pupil and a stouter more flattened mantle due to the presence of a flattened internal shell called a cuttlebone as well as a fin that extend all the way around the mantle. Cuttlefish, even for cephalopods, have an exquisite ability of changing their color, pattern, and skin texture making them constantly equipped with an extensive wardrobe.

Social behavior
While cuttlefish aren't social in the form of any degree of group dynamics they do come into frequent interaction with each other displaying an incredible diversity of visual signals to communicate making use of their ability to change color and skin texture as well as positioning of their arms to send specific messages to one another when interacting with one another.

Given their short lifespans (1-2 years), cuttlefish have very few opportunities to breed in fact the females will breed only once and then die shortly after laying their eggs. Males usually get access to dens and territory and therefore females by being the largest, but granted since a male might have multiple females in his territory, small sneaker males might have the opportunity to mate with the female while the dominant male is patrolling the territory.

Defensive Mechanisms
like all cephalopods, cuttlefish possess an ink sac to disorient predators and also have their color and texture changing abilities to make them blend in with their environment, some cuttlefish are even venomous and will flare bright colors to warn potential predators.

Carnivorous, mostly crabs and fish as adults and shrimp as juveniles

Cuttlefish are currently only recorded in the North Sea

Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Moonglow Cuttlefish Uncommon Rarely found close to shore and usually farther out in the ocean North Sea Items[254]


A subject of fear and legend among the maritime peoples of Azeroth, leviathans are massive cephalopods borne of the Abyssal Maw.[255] While placed within Coeloidea along with cuttlefish, squid, and octopuses and bearing marked resemblance to the latter two, leviathans possess several notable features that place them firmly in their own taxon. To start, leviathans possess eight arms much like an octopus but while octopuses have arms of roughly equal length leviathans sport three shorter arms positioned dorsally flanked by two much longer arms on each side of the animal and finally by an even longer and thicker arm with a finned tip situated towards the venter. Another synapomorphy of the leviathans is the loss of the beak exhibited by most other cephalopods and instead have an open maw lined with layers of teeth with a three-part radula-like organ. Each part of the radula is prehensile and autonomous as well as tipped with a tooth making the confrontation with the mouth of one of these beasts one of horrific despair.

Social behavior
Leviathans are almost always seen alone unless with young[256] or when they congregate to breed.[257]

Among coeloids, leviathans are unique in terms of reproduction. Like the ammonites and nautiluses, leviathans are known to reproduce multiple times in their lives and are the only group of cephalopods to exhibit parental care, although this is not exhibited across all species. In fact, leviathans are known to exhibit both R and K-selection strategies in terms of number of offspring albeit in different

One method (the R-strategy) is a leviathan laying a large number of eggs that hatch into relatively small (about the size of a normal octopus) fry that will stick by their mother for protection until they are suitably large to fend for themselves. Due to the large number of spawn though and the relatively low numbers of adult leviathans across all species it is possible that despite staying near their mother there are far too many initially for her to "keep an eye on" and therefore frequently fall victim to depredation from other large predators until eventually there is only a few left that the mother can then efficiently guard.

The second method (the K-strategy) is the laying of a small number of large eggs that hatch into fully developed juveniles and must immediately fend for themselves with their parents having long since moved on from the spawning grounds.

Defensive Mechanisms
Due to their enormous size, Leviathans have next to nothing to fear and sit at the top of the food chain. Thus, it disturbs me that having the power to rip almost anything apart, leviathans still possess the ink sacs of their relatives despite having no known predators.[258]

Carnivorous; apex predator

Any seaman can confirm that no part of Azeroth's seas are free from these monsters

Total Species Diversity: 4

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Ancient Leviathan Rare Coast of Townlong Steppes NPCs[259]
Deep Sea Leviathan Rare Coast of Nazmir is where they've been seen, but they are called "Deep Sea" for a reason. NPCs[260]
Salty Leviathan Rare Coast of Broken Isles NPCs[261]
Writhing Leviathan Rare Great Sea NPCs[262]


The second of the two types of cephalopods with an external shell.

Social behavior

Like the leviathans and ammonites, nautiluses breed multiple times during their lifespans

Defensive Mechanisms



Total Species Diversity: 2

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Aquipotent Nautilus Data Deficient Great Sea Items[263]
Hadal's Nautilus Data Deficient Great Sea Items[264]


Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms



Typically, temperate to tropical seas

Total Species Diversity: 10

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Coastal Octopode Data Deficient (Never added in game) Coastal waters NPCs[265]
Common Octopode Common Shows the greatest intraspecies diversity in pigmentation Great Sea NPCs[266]
Coralback Octopode Data Deficient (Never made it in game) Coral reefs NPCs[267]
Crimson Octopode Common Larger and Hardier than many other species, and can achieve greater depths due to a better ability to withstand the crushing pressure Great Sea NPCs[268]
Kelpback Octopode Data Deficient (Never added in game) Kelp Forests NPCs[269]
Mimic Octopus Rare Extremely adept at camouflage and thus rarely seen because of how well it blends in Great Sea (Been recorded caught off the coasts of Pandaria and Zandalar) Items[270]


Nameless Octopode Common Altered by the influence of the Old Gods in its native range Nazjatar NPCs[272]
Pygmy Octopus Common Coastal waters, typically of islands NPCs[273]
Reef Octopus Abundant While always abundant, this species is know to have specific spawning grounds off the northern coast of Jade Forest causing a massive explosion in their population as the fry hatch. Coastal waters of Pandaria NPCs[274][275]


Slimy Octopode Data Deficient Squirts slime instead of ink Nazjatar NPCs[277]


Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Total Species Diversity: 2

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Seabottom Squid Data Deficient Deepdwelling species that never comes even a mile from the surface of the ocean, typically found eaten by deep-diving predators Deep on the seafloor Items[278]
Winter Squid Common Spawns in the fall and matures in the winter Worldwide Items[279]



Land slug

Physical description.

Social behaviors.[280]

Reproductive behavior[281]

Defensive behaviors.[282]




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[286]

Land snail

Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[287]



Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[288]


Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[289]

Freshwater snail

Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[290]

Sea slug

Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[291]

Sea snail

Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[292]


Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[293]




Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Angel Scale Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[294]
Borean Starfish Status Unique Features Cold waters around the world. NPCs[295]
Crabclawed Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[296]
Crescent Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[297]
Deep Sea Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[298]
Parasitic Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[299]
Ring-of-Fire Starfish Status Unique Features Azshara; coast of Pandaria; Vashj’ir,
Saltwater Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[300]
Shuriken Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[301]
Small-armed Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[302]
Snuggly Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[303]
Stub-armed Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[304]
Spiny Starfish Common Unique Features Krasarang Wilds; Vashj’ir NPCs[305]
Sticky Starfish Common Unique Features Worldwide
Warty Starfish Status Unique Features Location NPCs[306]
Webbed Starfish Common and abundant Unique Features Throughout the waters off the Broken Isles, Zandalar and Stormsong Valley


Sea Urchin

Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[307]


Sea cucumber

Physical description.

Social behaviors.[308]

Reproductive behavior[309]

Defensive behaviors.[310]




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[314]


Brittle Star

Physical description.

Social behavior


Defensive Mechanisms




Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Name Status Unique Features Location NPCs[315]


  1. ^  [Enchanted Azshari Sea Sponge]
  2. ^  [Engorged Azshari Sea Sponge]
  3. ^ Squishy Sponge
  4. ^ Coral Lasher
  5. ^  [Deepcoral Pod]
  6. ^  [Budding Deepcoral]
  7. ^ Deepcoral Bud
  8. ^ B [50] Half-Digested Deepcoral Pod
  9. ^ N [50] Requisition: A Few Deepcoral Buds
  10. ^  [Leycoral Shard]
  11. ^  [Living Coral]
  12. ^ Oxygen-Rich Membrane
  13. ^  [Needle Coral]
  14. ^ Unsettling Coral
  15. ^ Defense in Death
  16. ^  [Zin'anthid]
  17. ^ Abyssal Stinger
  18. ^  [Bleakwater Jelly]
  19. ^ Cannonball Jelly
  20. ^ a b c Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Shock
  21. ^ Darkwater Jellyfish
  22. ^ Inv misc fish 49.png Glowing Stinger
  23. ^ Deep Ocean Jelly
  24. ^ Disco Jelly
  25. ^ Electrified Jellyfish
  26. ^ Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Zap
  27. ^ Electrifying Jellyfish
  28. ^ Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Thundering Shock
  29. ^  [Fathom Dweller]
  30. ^ Great Sea Jelly
  31. ^ Lantern Jelly
  32. ^ Luminescent Jelly
  33. ^  [Mauve Stinger]
  34. ^ Mauve Stinger School
  35. ^ Pint Jelly
  36. ^  [Plump Jelly]
  37. ^  [Pond Nettle]
  38. ^  [Sewer-Pipe Jelly]
  39. ^ Slippery Quilljet
  40. ^ South Sea Stinger
  41. ^  [Surf Jelly]
  42. ^ Wandering Lucifin
  43. ^  [Helsquid Ink]
  44. ^  [Bleakwater Jelly]
  45. ^ Bleakwater Helsquid
  46. ^ a b Spell yorsahj bloodboil black.png Icky Ink
  47. ^ Fleshripper Helsquid
  48. ^ Misthunter Helsquid
  49. ^  [Borean Man O' War]
  50. ^  [47" Tapeworm]
  51. ^  [Blood-Filled Leech]
  52. ^ N [10-30] Blood Theory
  53. ^ Soul Leech (critter)
  54. ^ Vicious Leech
  55. ^ Bore Worm
  56. ^  [Corpse Worm]
  57. ^ Got Pike?
  58. ^ Deviate Worm
  59. ^ Kindleworm
  60. ^  [Nightmare Nightcrawler]
  61. ^ Rot Worm
  62. ^ Ability creature disease 03.png Flesh Rot
  63. ^ Tasty Nightcrawler
  64. ^ Underrot Worm
  65. ^  [Fresh Whitepetal Worm]
  66. ^ N [80] Getting Your Hands Dirty
  67. ^  [Wriggling Worm]
  68. ^  [Frost Worm]
  69. ^ a b c d Spell nature acid 01.png Acid Spit
  70. ^ a b c Ability creature poison 01.png Acidic Strike
  71. ^ a b Spell nature acid 01.png Earthborer Acid
  72. ^ a b Spell nature acid 01.png Tunneler Acid
  73. ^ Worm Beast Lore
  74. ^ Cadaverous Worm
  75. ^ Coldlurk Burrower
  76. ^ Deep Borer
  77. ^ Dredge Crusher
  78. ^ N [15-30] Stepping Up Security
  79. ^ Dredge Striker
  80. ^ N [15-30] Securing the Supply Lines
  81. ^ Dredge Worm
  82. ^ Spell nature nullifydisease.png Dredge Sickness
  83. ^ Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Venom Spit
  84. ^ Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison
  85. ^ Earthborer
  86. ^ Flesh Eating Worm
  87. ^ Murk Worm
  88. ^ Oozeworm
  89. ^ Rock Borer
  90. ^ Rock Worm
  91. ^ Rockhide Burrower
  92. ^ [Blood Parasite]
  93. ^ Bloodworm (mob)
  94. ^ Blood Worm
  95. ^ Bloodworm (Highmountain)
  96. ^ Fetid Bloodworm
  97. ^ N [45WQ] Creepy Crawlies
  98. ^ a b c d Ability creature disease 02.png Fetid Spit
  99. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Spell nature abolishmagic.png Poison
  100. ^ N [15-30] The Big Bone Worm
  101. ^ Bone Crawler Grub
  102. ^ Bone Crawler Juvenile
  103. ^ Mature Bone Crawler
  104. ^ Bone Crawler
  105. ^ Ability rogue venomouswounds.png Necrotic Bite
  106. ^ Bone Sifter
  107. ^ Mature Bone Sifter
  108. ^ Flesh Burrower
  109. ^ Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
  110. ^ a b Spell fire felflamebolt.png Acid Spit
  111. ^ a b Ability creature poison 06.png Rancid Pool
  112. ^ Bonemaw
  113. ^ Carrion Devourer
  114. ^ a b Spell shadow creepingplague.png Maggot Slime
  115. ^ Carrion Grub
  116. ^ Carrion Worm (Shadowmoon Burial Grounds)
  117. ^ Rotdrool Grabber
  118. ^ Spell nature web.png Barbed Tongue
  119. ^ Snapping Rockcrawler
  120. ^ N [25-30] The Slithering Darkness
  121. ^ N [15-30G3] Really Big Worm
  122. ^  [Toxin Gland]
  123. ^ a b c d Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Corrosive Poison
  124. ^ a b c Spell nature acid 01.png Corrosive Spit
  125. ^ a b N [15-30] Stomping Grounds
  126. ^ Breakfast of Champions
  127. ^ Deep Jormungar
  128. ^  [Jormungar Egg Sac]
  129. ^ Spell nature acid 01.png Acid Spit
  130. ^ Hulking Jormungar
  131. ^ Ice Heart Jormungar Feeder
  132. ^ Ice Heart Jormungar Spawn
  133. ^ Ravenous Jormungar
  134. ^ N [25-30] The Last of Her Kind
  135. ^ Infesting Jormungar
  136. ^ Roaming Jormungar
  137. ^ Snowdrift Jormungar
  138. ^ Tundra Crawler
  139. ^ Winter Jormungar
  140. ^ Ability creature poison 01.png Acidic Bite
  141. ^ a b c Ability creature poison 02.png Worm Bile
  142. ^ a b c d e f g h Spell shaman earthquake.png Jagged Whirlwind
  143. ^ Acidic Burrower
  144. ^ Acidic Worm
  145. ^ Ability creature poison 02.png Acidic Retch
  146. ^ Bile Spitter
  147. ^  [Bloodstone Tunneler]
  148. ^ Bonescale Spitter
  149. ^ Bonescale Worm
  150. ^ Inv misc bone dwarfskull 01.png Bone Spew
  151. ^ Bore Worm (Island Expeditions)
  152. ^ Bore Tunneler
  153. ^ Spell holiday tow spicecloud.png Steam Trail
  154. ^ Brulworm
  155. ^ Spell fire felflamebolt.png Worm Bile
  156. ^ Crag Burrower
  157. ^ Darktunnel Ambusher
  158. ^ Darktunnel Worm
  159. ^ Spell holiday tow spicecloud.png Smoke Belch
  160. ^ Deepfrost Lurker
  161. ^ Frostbore Burster
  162. ^ Frostbore Worm
  163. ^ a b Spell ice magicdamage.png Frosty Spittle
  164. ^ Garnetback Striker
  165. ^ Garnetback Worm
  166. ^ Inv elemental mote fire01.png Molten Bile
  167. ^ Gnashing Horror
  168. ^ Grievous Depthworm
  169. ^ Inv stone 08.png Rock lob
  170. ^ a b Spell shadow creepingplague.png Withering Spittle
  171. ^ Harvest Worm
  172. ^ Infectious Worm
  173. ^ Ability rogue deviouspoisons.png Infectious Bite
  174. ^ Ice Lurker
  175. ^ Engorged Ice Lurker
  176. ^ Jadescale Gnasher
  177. ^ Jadescale Worm
  178. ^ Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison Spit
  179. ^ Mud Feeder
  180. ^ Ability creature poison 02.png Poison Spit
  181. ^ Pale Icecarver
  182. ^ Rockhide Burrower
  183. ^ Fledgling Rockcrawler
  184. ^ N [10-45] Fledgling Worm Guts
  185. ^ Adolescent Snow Lurker
  186. ^ Snow Lurker
  187. ^ a b Ability creature disease 02.png Debilitating Infection
  188. ^ a b Spell frost freezingbreath.png Frost Breath
  189. ^ Spiked Rockworm
  190. ^ Tarspitter Lurker
  191. ^ Spell nature acid 01.png Rancid Ooze
  192. ^ Inv misc web 01.png Viscid Bile
  193. ^ Venomous Iceburster
  194. ^ Wastes Rockworm
  195. ^ H [10-40] A Clew of Worms
  196. ^  [Crust Burster Venom Gland]
  197. ^ Crust Burster
  198. ^ Marauding Crust Burster
  199. ^ Dune Worm
  200. ^ Gorgrond Sand Worm
  201. ^ Greater Crust Burster
  202. ^ Young Crust Burster
  203. ^ Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison Bolt
  204. ^ Nethermine Burster
  205. ^ Noxious Tunneler
  206. ^ Tunneler
  207. ^ a b c Ability thunderking balllightning.png Charged Bite
  208. ^ Azsh’ari Leviathan
  209. ^ Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Lightning Breath
  210. ^ Tidal Guardian (mob)
  211. ^ Cracklemaw Colossus
  212. ^ Ability thunderking balllightning.png Crackling Maw
  213. ^ Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Stormrend
  214. ^ Ability hunter pet worm.png Wailing Cry
  215. ^ Tidal Cracklemaw
  216. ^ Ability thunderking balllightning.png Charged Bite
  217. ^ a b Spell shaman staticshock.png Conductive Spittle
  218. ^ Ability thunderking lightningwhip.png Electric Discharge
  219. ^ Inv misc stormlordsfavor.png Lightning Storm
  220. ^ Voltscale Guardian
  221. ^ Ventfeeder Worm
  222. ^  [Abyssal Clam]
  223. ^ [[]]
  224. ^  [Big-Mouth Clam]
  225. ^ Chittershell Clam
  226. ^  [Brooding Darkwater Clam]
  227. ^  [Darkwater Clam]
  228. ^  [Giant Darkwater Clam]
  229. ^ Freshwater Clam
  230. ^ Giant Clam
  231. ^  [Giant Draenor Clam]
  232. ^  [Glimmerdeep Clam]
  233. ^  [Jaggal Clam]
  234. ^ Monstrous Clam
  235. ^ H Fishing [10-70 Daily] Clammy Hands
  236. ^  [Neptulian Clam]
  237. ^ B [50] Most Delicious Clams
  238. ^ Pearlescent Clam
  239. ^ River Clam
  240. ^  [River Clam Meat]
  241. ^ Slimy Clam
  242. ^ Creatureportrait bubble.png Slimebound Air Pocket
  243. ^  [Soft-Shelled Clam]
  244. ^  [Teldrassil Clam]
  245. ^  [Thick-Shelled Clam]
  246. ^  [Winterfin Clam]
  247. ^ Freshwater Oyster
  248. ^  [Blue Freshwater Pearl]
  249. ^  [Scallop Shell]
  250. ^  [Fire Ammonite Bait]
  251. ^  [Twisted Ammonite Shell]
  252. ^  [Fire Ammonite]
  253. ^  [Fire Ammonite Lunker]
  254. ^  [Moonglow Cuttlefish]
  255. ^  [Imprint of a Kraken Tentacle]
  256. ^ Jiao Spawn
  257. ^ Kraken Egg
  258. ^ Inv misc food legion goooil pool.png Befouling Ink
  259. ^ Ancient Leviathan
  260. ^ Deep Sea Kraken
  261. ^ Salty Kraken
  262. ^ Writhing Leviathan
  263. ^  [Aquipotent Nautilus]
  264. ^  [Hadal's Nautilus]
  265. ^ Coastal Octopode
  266. ^  [Octopode Fry]
  267. ^ Coralback Octopode
  268. ^  [Crimson Octopode]
  269. ^ Kelpback Octopode
  270. ^  [Mimic Octopus]
  271. ^ N Fishing [15-35 Daily] Mimic Octopus
  272. ^  [Nameless Octopode]
  273. ^ Pygmy Octopus
  274. ^ Ben's fishing secrets
  275. ^ Reef Octopus (Jade Forest)
  276. ^  [Reef Octopus]
  277. ^  [Slimy Octopode]
  278. ^  [Seabottom Squid]
  279. ^  [Winter Squid]
  280. ^ [[]]
  281. ^ [[]]
  282. ^ [[]]
  283. ^ [[]]
  284. ^ [[]]
  285. ^ [[]]
  286. ^ [[]]
  287. ^ [[]]
  288. ^ [[]]
  289. ^ [[]]
  290. ^ [[]]
  291. ^ [[]]
  292. ^ [[]]
  293. ^ [[]]
  294. ^ [[]]
  295. ^ [[]]
  296. ^ [[]]
  297. ^ [[]]
  298. ^ [[]]
  299. ^ [[]]
  300. ^ [[]]
  301. ^ [[]]
  302. ^ [[]]
  303. ^ [[]]
  304. ^ [[]]
  305. ^ [[]]
  306. ^ [[]]
  307. ^ [[]]
  308. ^ [[]]
  309. ^ [[]]
  310. ^ [[]]
  311. ^ [[]]
  312. ^ [[]]
  313. ^ [[]]
  314. ^ [[]]
  315. ^ [[]]