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Half-Digested Deepcoral Pod

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AllianceHalf-Digested Deepcoral Pod
Start  [Half-Digested Deepcoral Pod]
End Artisan Itanu
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Nazjatar
Experience 8,950
Reputation +250 Waveblade Ankoan
Rewards 11g 70s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [50] Half-Digested Deepcoral Pod.


Show the Half-Digested Deepcoral Pod to Artisan Itanu in Mezzamere in Nazjatar.


<Upon inspection of this oddly-aggressive fathom ray, you find several halfway-digested pods.

You've seen similar pods on the coral of this region, it appears to be one of the foods of the fathom rays.

This may explain their strange ability to fly.

Artisan Itanu might know more.>


You will receive:


Hello again, have you come to trade?

Ah yes, the coral produces such pods. The fathom rays have a liking for them, we can sometimes lure one into a trap with them, to tame or consume.

The pods are filled with a gas of some sort, I have never ventured to breathe it myself, but I surmise this diet now keeps the rays aloft.

The creatures of the deeps have not seen the air before, yet I could not have foreseen such an outcome. It is fascinating.

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