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Species Compendium: Primozoa

Total Species Diversity: 135


Each species is divided up into six categories.

  • Name is self-explanatory.
  • Appearances is a visual depiction of that species.
  • Status is a short description of their status as a species.
  • Unique Features is a brief description of any notable facts, behaviors, or traits that the species is known to exhibit.
  • Location is where the species can be found. Some species appear in numerous zones, so I simplify this down to just mean "<continent/planet>". If you'd like to find all species within a particular zone, the sorting feature doesn't work too well. I suggest using Ctrl+F and searching that way.
  • Sources include all the resources I used to gather this information. NPCs are NPCs found in-game. Quests are specific quests that involve additional lore for the species. Other includes any other mentions, such as in-game books, published novels or visual depictions.

Please Note!

Please do not make major edits to this page. Minor corrections are accepted and appreciated.

This list is the second entry in what will be the most complete species list ever created for WoW. Please keep in mind, I am one person. I miss things, I get some things wrong, and I'm not omniscient. This is why I've listed sources. Check for yourself if you're wishing to use anything here for roleplay or serious lore discussions. If you find anything incorrect, or discover a new type of species (or argue against me on what I decided was or wasn’t a species) that is not on this list, please let me know and I will do what I can to add it in or at least hear you out.

  • You can send in-game mail to Zanzulu on Horde-side Wyrmrest Accord.
  • You can leave a post on my talk page, found here.
  • You can add my Discord and send me a direct message here: Forgotten Goat#2933

Please do not make major edits to this page. Minor corrections are accepted and appreciated.

(Preemptive) FAQ

How Do You Choose What to Add?

That’s a complicated question. Even in real life, there is no clear cut definition of what defines a species, I have been introduced to 35 species concepts alone (Though only 3 have any weight) during my time as a biology student in university. Typically, if it’s a breed (variant of a domesticated animal) it is not a species, of course sometimes blizzard will call something a breed but it is also mentioned being seen in the wild so that means its a species. Typically, if it occurs in the wild, is distinct in range from similarly named mobs and doesn’t typically have prefixes that might be attributed to being a simple descriptor I consider it a species.

Why do you add some species that weren't added to the game?

Mostly, I add a lot of individual NPCs that exist within the game files but never made it in-game for flavor. It adds greater diversity of species for people to use in their roleplay and there exist species that we simply don't see in-game that we know exist in the lore (Like Arachnathids) so I basically often treat these never added NPCs as perhaps like a jaguar in the real world: secretive and not too often seen or just little-reported. In the end I think their addition enriches the species list rather than detracts from it (and some of these mobs have really cool names so it's almost a shame not to) and I hope readers will mostly agree. Every one of these species will say so in their "unique features" section so everybody who reads it is made aware as to the status of the npc.

Why Do Some Species Have Red Sources?

A lot of the newer NPCs, such as the mobs in a new expansion, have not yet been added to Wowpedia. Please keep in mind that the majority of content created on this website is done by a small team of volunteers; none of which are being paid, and there is a lot of work to do. In the meantime, please use Wowhead for your sources if the ones here appear in red text.

How Can I Roleplay Knowing These?

You can either say your character did their own research into these species and studied them on their own, or, I will be progressing and RPing that my character, a forest troll named Grazz’bek, has published this guide in book form and is written by me from his point of view (Meaning it is in character in writing form). You are more than welcome to say your character has purchased this book, I just ask the courtesy of mentioning that Grazz’bek is the author. :)

Special Thanks and Mention

The former (as of now) WoW player known as “Cannibal” is owed his due thanks for giving me the format for this guide. While I helped him with my background in zoology to form the categories, this was originally his undertaking before he quit the game. Having been involved in the process I requested that I be allowed to finish it when he made the announcement he was leaving the game making sure that both his work and mine saw more than the light of a google doc. Hope you return to Azeroth one day, Beans ^_^

Thanks to Petopia and for giving me permission to use some of their images. Certain models and skins do not show up properly in model viewer and I am able to use their facsimile images from their site to keep in line with the image format

Changes from previous volume

Each species grouping now has seven subsections to the profile before the species listing:

General Description: self-explanatory; general description of physical attributes and miscellaneous information

Social Behavior: General patterns of social behavior of the group. Do they operate in packs? Are they solitary? Any unique behaviors in their social interactions?

Reproduction: Facts about their reproductive habits and mechanisms. Are they a sexual or asexual species? Are they polygamous or monogamous? Viviparous or Oviparous?

Defensive Mechanisms: General tactics and abilities a group might use when hunting or fending off a predator. Anything aside from the typical scratch and bite

Biology: Will often be left blank, any information we know about the inner workings of the animal.

Diet: What do they eat? Do they specialize on any particular food?

Location: general description of where members of the group might be located.


Anezoans are animal species with strong ties in their origin and biology to the element of air. Currently, of all the elemental fauna Anezoans are the least diverse having only one major taxonomic lineage be described. Granted, this might have more to do with how Skywall remains one of the least explored of the elemental planes being second only to the Abyssal Maw (the elemental plane of water) and also being arguably the hardest to traverse by mortals.

Total Species Diversity: 6

Storm Wyrm

Storm Wyrms[1] or Storm Dragons (Which I will refrain from calling them due to the name mix-up with the recently discovered Storm Dragons of Stormheim and Jorundall) are a family of elemental dragons seen as the physical embodiment of the storm with bodies that crackle with lightning and roars that reverberate like thunder.[2] To this day, despite a number of years following the Cataclysm when they were first discovered, little is known, or at least published, about the habits and biology of these majestic beasts.

Defensive Mechanisms
Storm Wyrms are at one with the storm capable of summoning powerful gales of wind with the mere flap of their wings[3] and lightning from their breath.[4]


Storm Wyrms are native to Skywall.

Total Species Diversity: 6

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Common Storm Dragon Common The type species and the one that is most frequently encountered (Mostly by adventurers and shaman) Skywall NPCs[5]
Drake of the East Wind Presumed Rare Unknown, possibly eastern Skywall Items[6]
Drake of the North Wind Rare Carries a pigmentation very similar to the Common Storm Wyrm and Storm Riders but darker. Possible shared recent ancestry? Unknown, possibly northern Skywall Items[7]
Drake of the South Wind Rare Described to be the gentlest species, albeit considering the tempestuous nature of these dragons that is not saying much Possibly southern Skywall Items[8]
Storm Rider Data Deficient This species had the capability of creating cyclones with its primordial powers. The abundance of the species is subject to debate as only one individual, the holotype, has ever been recorded having been captured by the Twilight’s Hammer in the Bastion of Twilight where it later perished in the fight against Halfus Wyrmbreaker. Unknown. NPCs[9]


Drake of the West Wind Rare Possibly western Skywall Items[11]


Geozoans, animalian species of the earth element, represent the most widespread of all elemental fauna even if not the most speciose or broad in number of taxa of the elemental phyla.

Total Species Diversity:47


Worm-shaped beasts composed of a series of stone rings and shards of crystalline minerals surrounding an inner cloud of fine dust. Gyreworms are simple creatures driven solely to tunnel through the earth consuming the rocks and minerals they come across (much like the Goren of Draenor but with a great deal less...complexity in their behavior). How they digest and corrode the stone they eat is not agreed upon but their relatively simple make-up (and one bout of being inside of one) has lead me to believe that rocks are first broken up by the sharp-edged crystals that line their mouths and then continuously worn down by the dust funnel in their inner chamber. To a flesh-and-blood mortal, this digestion doesn’t do much besides a few cuts and chaffing by the microscopic shards of mineral within the dust storm.[12] The digested minerals are most likely then redeposited (through some unknown machination) back into gyreworm’s outer body as the rings and crystal shards get worn down by their constant tunneling and bodily rotation.

Social Behavior
Gyreworms are mostly solitary driven by their own desire to consume more and more minerals

Defensive Mechanisms
Peculiarly, some gyreworms are able to produce acidic “saliva” that they can spit out. This runs contrary to how their biology is known to work, but nature sometimes offers us headscratching mysteries to uncover.[13][14]

While I am no physicist, gyreworm bodies are seemingly kept together by opposing magnetic forces within the crystal shards and stone rings giving their bodies the eternal rotation. Each stone ring rotates in an opposite direction to the ones bordering it hinting to a never ending cycle of trying to meet appropriate poles to each other...Or it could just be elemental magic mumbo jumbo.

As is stated above. gyreworms feed upon potent rocks and minerals

Gyreworms are commonly found in Deepholm but can be found in shallow and deep underground caves throughout Azeroth.

Total Species Diversity:15

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Cavern Burrower Uncommon and local Solitary ambush predators that patrol beneath underground mushroom fields. Cavern Burrowers form a symbiotic relationship with the shale stalker species of shale spider that skitter around the mushroom fields being able to communicate to nearby individuals through sonic vibrations if in need of assistance with a particularly difficult prey item. For their aid, it is presumed that the shale stalkers in turn will get some of the hunt if it is successful, otherwise the only benefactor of the interaction would be the cavern burrower. Alternative hypotheses exist for this inter-geozoan species interaction but I find this one the most probable. An extra note. To adapt to their switching to less mineral-based diet, cavern burrowers have modified their crystal teeth to be easily replaced like a shark’s and will spin their mouth ring like a machine-gun turret to fire the crystal teeth at their prey. Underground cave systems such as the  [Forgotten Depths] beneath the Throne of Thunder in Pandaria NPCs[15]


Colossal Gyreworm Rare An enormous species likely responsible for the carving out of the tunnels of the Crumbling Depths Given the amount of stone individuals of this species most likely need to digest to maintain their massive bodies, I assume these species can never reliably be found in one place and are scattered throughout Deepholm NPCs[18]
Common Gyreworm Common Type species. Large individuals change color from the typical teal to a red. Common Gyreworms tunnel just below the surface in the Scoured Reach and within the cave system the Crumbling Depths NPCs[19][20][21]


Endurite Gyreworm Common Like common gyreworms, endurite gyreworms change color at large sizes probably from greater saturation with the namesake mineral they carry within their core. This species avoids coming above ground only appearing when enough vibrations are made in the earth to agitate them. Endurite might have corrosive properties to mortal flesh due to the caustic spit they possess. Endurite Gyreworms tunnel beneath the Jagged Wastes of Deepholm NPCs[22][23]

Quests[24] Spells[14]

Leyworm Locally Common A specialist species that feeds exclusively on mana crystals. Curiously, this species is relatively communal, sharing in the creation and expansion of their tunnels as they search for large deposits of their preferred food. Leyworms are transient, only appearing when finding a substantial source of food. However, they are frequently known to appear in the Leyhollow of Azsuna, Broken Isles NPCs[25]

Quests[26] Other[27] Spells[13]

Ravenous Tunneler Rare Population levels uncertain as this species is irregularly encountered only surfacing when encountering significant above-ground sound vibrations (like the clamoring of pickaxes by laborers of the Twilight’s Hammer) A reliable place to find this species is the old Twilight’s Hammer camp of Lorthuna's Gate in Deepholm NPCs[28][29]


Tanzanite Borer Locally Common Can cause tiny quakes by using minute vibrations on the earth. Like most creatures of earth, the true extent of their range is unknowable (for now) but one population is known from a cave within the ancient kaldorei graveyard of Tel'anor in Suramar NPCs[31]


Tunneling Worm Common They have a notable appetite for Kaja’mite, unknown whether or not they are specialists upon it. these worms make their homes beneath the goblin homeland of Kezan NPCs[33]


Azerite Worm

A (potentially) recent radiation of the gyreworm family. It could be these newly discovered species have always been here and were only driven up above ground by the wounding of the planet, but if not then that means gyreworms speciate at an incredibly fast pace when faced with a new niche to occupy.

Azerite worms can typically be found wherever there are great quantities of Azerite or Azerite disturbances.

Total Species Diversity: 3

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Azerite Borer Uncommon They appeared around the Maelstrom but I sincerely doubt they typically make their homes there. NPCs[35]
Azerite Gorger Uncommon Capable of spitting large globs of Azerite at attackers They appeared in Mount Hyjal during an opening of planetary wounds there but like the Azerite Borers it is doubtful that is where they typically can be found NPCs[36]


Shalebiter Uncommon They are known to occur at an area of Kezan called the MOTHERLODE!!...Goblins and their naming conventions. NPCs[38]

Kyparite Worm

A second, older radiation of gyreworms. These gyreworms adapted to specialize on the large globs of amber secreted by the giant kypari trees of western Pandaria. Strangely, kyparite worms are shown to have exceedingly high rates of growth unusual to most organisms (which might be why all species except for the amber parasite are larger than the average gyreworm species) but not even the native mantid are aware of what caused this adaptation.[39]

Kyparite worms are dependent upon the kypari trees and thus are found exclusively (so far) in western Pandaria.

Total Species Diversity: 4

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Amber Parasite Data Deficient It eats flesh and will pursue it with ravenous intent. Also a stupidly named species (even if succinct) This disgusting species can presumably be found in the Dread Wastes but with their empire under control, the Klaxxi aren’t very keen on sharing information. NPCs[40]
Amber Rocktunneler Rare A large rarely seen species, presumably lives deep within the earth and the only known sightings are due to the harmonic technologies of the Mantid being used to drive it up above ground. It is assumed these gyreworms tunnel deep beneath the Dread Wastes only appearing above-ground when exposed to certain frequencies in vibration. NPCs[41]
Kypari Crawler Locally Common Like the cavern burrower species of typical gyreworm, this species possesses the ability to shoot crystal shards from within its body at an attacker, but notably by use of amber instead of the typical crystallized mineral. kypari crawlers inhabit the island named after the kypari tree Zan'vess NPCs[42]


Kyparite Uncommon A word to the reader, this species was not named by typical sentients (A friendly village of sprites in fact) and that is why it shares the exact same name as the kypari amber. These gyreworms have a similar attack strategy to the tanzanite borer species of the Broken Isles, but will enter a stage of vulnerability (possibly because of the difference in makeup between the two species) kyparites tunnel just below the earth in the region of the Dread Wastes called Rikkilea NPCs[44]

Shale spider

Out of all elemental organisms, I would hazard to guess that shale spiders are among the most commonly encountered by people whether commonfolk or otherwise.

Social Behavior
Shale spiders are largely social creatures occurring in pack to outright swarms (Though the why as to this trait evolving befuddles me). Curiously, more solitary shale spider species show lower levels of aggression. Possibly greater number density increases competition between individuals?

Shale spiders are known to make nests[45] but the exact method of their reproduction remains a mystery

Defensive Mechanisms
Surprisingly durable and ferocious[46], shale spiders may rapidly bash at hostile entities.[47]

Shale spiders largely eat rocks but I have on good authority by many hunters that some species will not turn a blind eye to flesh if presented[48][49]

Like gyreworms, shale spiders are said to be “native” to Deepholm (even though the elemental planes were created to house the elementals rather than their point of origin), but can be found in a number of places throughout Azeroth

Total Species Diversity: 23

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Amethyst Shale Spider Common They are known to build their nests on cliff-faces and cavern walls. They are mostly found in Deepholm, but one population is known in Desolace NPCs[50]
Azergem Crystalback Common Feature shards of Azerite protruding from them. These shale spiders share much of the volatile abilities associated with azerite elementals without much setting them apart. This species typically appears around azerite wounds on islands throughout Azeroth. NPCs[51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59]
Azerite Gorger Locally Common While a social species, these shale spiders aren’t very aggressive unless agitated by reckless mining activity or by magical manipulation Azerite gorgers are likely to be found in Tiragarde Sound NPCs[60][61]
Azerite Skitterer Uncommon Azerite Skitterers showed up in the depths of Neltharion's Lair beneath Highmountain during an incursion of frenzied elementals there. NPCs[62]
Blightshard Skitter <need to wait till I can easily solo> This species earns its name by releasing a crystalline gas upon its death that when inhaled will tear apart your lungs. Blightshards wander the depths of Neltharion's Lair beneath Highmountain NPCs[63]


Blue Shale Crawler Locally Common A more docile species with a curious blue coloration (Yes I’m aware what color the model is but model limitations are a thing) They make their homes within the Blackfathom Deeps NPCs[65]
Crimson Shale Spider Locally Common A larger non-aggressive more solitary species. While solitary in nature, crimson shale spiders are also shown to not be territorial and instead largely minding their own business as they forage with little interaction between each other. These shale spiders primarily inhabit the Crimson Expanse in Deepholm but hatchlings can be seen in the areas bordering the mushroom region. NPCs[66][67]


Darkshard Crawler Rare The bodies of this shale spider will melt into a pile of acid upon death. How a creature of rocks is able to do that befuddles me. Darkshard crawlers make their homes within Crystal Fissure underneath Highmountain NPCs[68]
Darkstone Crawler Rare (Never made it into game, but added for flavor) Suramar NPCs[69][70]
Deep Spider Uncommon A non-aggressive and mostly solitary species diverse in coloration Deep Spiders wander the Crumbling Depths within Deepholm NPCs[71]


Elementium Spinner Locally Common These shale spiders will eat elementium and process the ore to spin webs out of, not only that but their stone fangs actually carry potent venom. Elementium Spinners are no doubt widespread and simply are only seen in caves where their food source is also found like the Elementium Depths in the Twilight Highlands NPCs[72]

Spells[73][74] Quests[75]

Emerald Shale Spider Common Curiously, while the hatchlings of this species are by no means difficult to find, adults are rarely seen. They can be found throughout Deepholm with the largest population residing in The Quaking Fields NPCs[76]
Greenstone Gorger Common A typically harmless species with a proclivity for Jade, and will turn aggressive in the presence of it. To drive off perceived competition for their preferred food source they will fire off a volley of crystal shards from their backs. They inhabit underground caves in the Jade Forest of Pandaria, miners may accidentally dig into nests of these such as with the case of Greenstone Quarry NPCs[77][78][79]

Spells[80][81] Quests[82]

Krasari Nibbler Rare A diminutive species that is rarely seen (Never added to game, added for flavor) Underneath the Krasarang Wilds of Pandaria NPCs[83]
Leystone Spider Locally Common A diminutive species that roams around in small packs also relatively fast moving Leystone spiders skitter within the manacrystal rich caves underneath Azsuna, a good place to find them is the cave called the Leyhollow NPCs[84]
Rock Borer Uncommon These quick spiders use their fangs like drills to bore into rock, they can also use their ability on flesh so best be wary. Rock borers make their homes within the Stonecore of Deepholm NPCs[85]


Shale Crawler Uncommon A very solitary species with little overlap in each individual’s range, like most solitary species this shale spider is relatively non-aggressive Shale crawlers wander around the Drowned Lands of Stormsong Valley in Kul Tiras NPCs[87]
Shale Shard Locally Common Typically a non-aggressive species but since goblins don’t know the first thing about subtlety, they grew agitated and hostile. Within Oregrind's Dig mine of Krasarang Wilds in Pandaria NPCs[88][89]
Shale Stalker Locally Common These shale spiders skitter around underground mushroom gardens that are patrolled by a species of gyreworm known as a Cavern Burrower. While what the cavern burrower gets out of this relationship can be detailed in the entry on that species earlier on the volume, the nature of the mushroom gardens in the relationship is unclear. Possible hypotheses include possible cover from underground predators (though what would eat a shale spider beyond possibly a gyreworm is something I lack an answer to at this moment), another possible reason is the shale spiders use it for cover in instances of prey ambush, and lastly the possibility that the shale spiders feed upon the mushrooms and the cavern burrower defends against competition for the resource. It’s a fascinating dynamic nonetheless and one I think that warrants an extended field study. Shale stalkers make their homes in the deep underground caves below the Isle of Thunder such as the  [Forgotten Depths] NPCs[90]
Shardback Spider Locally Common Like the rock borer, larger shardbacks will use their fangs like drills to bore into the earth or flesh if need be. Shardback spiders make their homes deep within the Ruins of Falanaar in Suramar NPCs[91][92]


Tanzanite Skitterer Locally Common This species makes the exception to the less social → less aggressive rule. Individuals of this species only loosely associated and are often found alone yet remain hostile and aggressive. One population exists in a cave whose entrance can be found in the ancient kaldorei graveyard of Tel'anor in Suramar NPCs[94]


Topaz Shale Spider Common Cohabit with the amethyst shale spiders in parts of their range Topaz shale spiders are native to eastern Deepholm but a population found its way to Desolace within the underground passages leading to Maraudon NPCs[95]
Vileshard Crawler <need to wait till I can solo it> Like the darkshard crawler, this bodies of individuals of this species will melt into a puddle of acid upon death Vileshard crawlers make their homes in the deep underground cave network of Neltharion's Lair beneath Highmountain NPCs[96]


Stone dragon

Elemental dragonkin of earth. Unlike their storm wyrm analogues from Skywall, stone drakes look much more like the drakes of the dragonflights with the horns and spikes being swapped for crystals as well as the fact of their stony hides.

Social Behavior
Stone dragons are colonial beasts that form large roosts lead by a matriarchal broodmother. The matriarch maintains her position most likely by being the strongest and largest individual and then subsequently producing the most offspring.[98] It is a common trend of evolution that more complex social behavior often leads to higher intelligence and the trend seems to hold for stone drakes as while they are seemingly non-sentient they do adhere to a dominance hierarchy according to strength.[99] They do not discriminate on strength either, so long as an individual no matter what they are displays a degree of power over a stone drake they can be made to heel and it is through that method that many seasoned adventurers have managed to take to the skies on these mighty beasts. Take heed though that stone dragons are fickle and can need reminding of their place.[100]

Stone dragons lay eggs like most other dragons[101] and form monogamous pairs[102]

Defensive Mechanisms
Stone dragons are capable of breath attack just like their analogues.[103][104] While typically this is of small bits of stone they are known to breathe fire.[105]

Stone dragons are carnivorous.[106]

Stone dragons are endemic to Deepholm.

Total Species Diversity:9

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Common Stone Drake Common A numerous species from which the other stone drake broods most likely arose, this species sided with Deathwing during the Cataclysm but have since returned to their allegiance to Therazane. they are led by the broodmother Aeosera they make their nests within the region of Deepholm known as The Pale Roost NPCs[107][108]


Crystalspire Stone Drake Uncommon A species that remained subservient to Therazane Deepholm NPCs[109]
Crystalwing Stone Drake Uncommon A species that remained subservient to Therazane Crystalwings roost around Therazane's Throne, which is most likely why Therazane was able to keep control of them NPCs[110]
Phosphorescent Stone Drake Rare A unique breed that is the only one known of its coloration Deepholm Mounts[111]
Sandstone Drake Rare Once an extensively studied species, the writings of the scholar who studied them are now lost however. One is more likely to know an adventurer who has imbibed the potion to turn into one of these creatures (I, myself, have done so and am versed in how to make one). Deepholm Mounts[112]
Slate Dragon Rare Only known from the holotype, this species might be the rarest of all stone dragons Deepholm NPCs[113]
Stonescale Drake Common These drakes possess the peculiar ability to actually summon up stone spikes to hurl at hostile entities Stonescale Drakes roost upon the Alabaster Shelf NPCs[114][115]


Vitreous Stone Drake Rare Little studied aside from the glass-like appearance of the crystal growths Deepholm Mounts[116]
Volcanic Stone Drake Rare A personal favorite of mine, this species associates closely with the element of fire, an odd trait for a creature of stone. Deepholm Mounts[117]



Bipedal creatures with overlapping rocky plate-like osteoderms[118] on their back and a flawless matrix of scales[119] largely associated with the Breakers of Draenor (though the exact relation they have is unconfirmed and will remain so unless we reforge a connection with the alternate Draenor) darting beneath the feet of the lumbering Gronn and Magnaron. Goren are so far considered to be one species, so for the purpose of highlighting their diversity I have split the species into twenty seven distinct subspecies.

Social Behavior
Goren are colonial creatures that dig through the earth forming massive cave networks in their search for food.[120]

Very reptilian in nature, Goren are known to lay eggs.[121]

Defensive Mechanisms
Common abilities featured by the Goren include the ability to shoot the crystalline growths from their hides as projectiles[122] and the acidic spit[123][124] dripping out of their maws as well as the ability to curl up into balls and roll like a wheel.[125] Many subspecies produce larger amounts of acid at smaller sizes often slicking their backs with the toxic substances they produce.[126][127] This could be a defensive mechanism against predators but that begs the question of what predators a goren would have.

Goren exhibit continuous growth, limited in size only by the amount of food they have available and lifespan meaning that given sufficient nourishment the normally dwarf to human sized beasts can reach an enormous height as seen in the case of the individual called Oregorger.[128] Their stomach acids evaporate into a chamber of putrid-smelling corrosive gasses within their gut[129] which might be tied to their acidic saliva. The only thing this cauldron is known to not digest is highly valuable gems which will be excreted as waste by the Goren.[130]

Their diet itself is another marked character to their biology seeking out and consuming potent ore, minerals, crystals, and even elementals which they absorb the magical properties in digestion to add to their own power[131] which can most commonly be seen expressed in the crystalline growths on their hides.[132] They are well-adapted to sniffing out sources of great elemental power, converging on specific sites and even shaman like flies to a corpse.[133][134] Goren are not picky though, and will eat nearly anything their extremely corrosive stomach acids[129] can digest including flesh if given the opportunity.[135]

Goren are native to Draenor, but they exhibit the greatest abundances in places with strong Breaker activity such as northern Gorgrond and Magnarok in Frostfire Ridge.

Total Species Diversity: 1 (27 subspecies)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Acidback Goren Data Deficient Heavily tied to the Breakers and would attack Alliance and Horde garrisons. Unknown NPCs[136]


Acidmaw Goren Uncommon Body produces an excess amount of the acidic substance within their digestive systems that allows them to excrete it through their epidermis leaving a trail of acid behind them as they move. Show extreme resistance to heat, laying their eggs in the molten magma of the area. Acidmaws commonly roam the volcanic area of Magnarok in Frostfire Ridge NPCs[138][139]


Acidmouth Goren Common Unremarkable subspecies that is drawn to deep underground digging. They likely burrow beneath southern Gorgrond NPCs[141]

Quests[142] Spells[123]

Acidspine Goren Common A breaker tied subspecies associated with the attack on Deadgrin Southern Gorgrond NPCs[143]


Acidtooth Goren Common Subspecies closely tied to the breakers Southwest Gorgrond NPCs[144][145]


Boneyard Goren Locally Common This subspecies burrows visibly close to the surface with conspicuous tunnel entrances that smaller individuals will burst out from. Boneyard Goren run amok in Drywind Gorge of central Gorgrond NPCs[146][147]


Common Goren Ubiquitous The type subspecies and most likely the line from where all others stemmed from. The vast geographic range of the subspecies is likely the reason Goren have not speciated with this subspecies providing a constant medium of intergradation between the various subspecies Common Goren can be found throughout Draenor NPCs[148][149][150][151][152][153][154]
Crystalmaw Goren Common This subspecies’ scales are heavily crystallized, going beyond the typical growths from between their osteoderm plates Crystalmaw Goren search for their favored crystalline minerals in northeast Shadowmoon Valley NPCs[155][156]

Items[157] Spells[13][158]

Darkshard Goren Locally Common The infamous goren giant Oregorger likely belonged to this subspecies. The processing of the  [Blackrock Ore] they feasted upon gave these goren black crystal shards imbued with the elemental properties the ore holds. The members of this subspecies are incredibly dangerous and should we Azerothians return to Draenor I advise giving them a wide berth. Crystalmaw Goren make their homes within the depths of Blackrock Foundry NPCs[159][160][161]


Dryback Goren Locally Common Begin life with a brown hide but as they grow they lose pigmentation till they are a yellow color. The dryback is a bit of a cruel misgnomer: younger individuals exhibit the behavior of excreting extra amounts of acid onto their back and will roll up to charge at hostile creatures like an acidic wheel. Central Gorgrond within the Cragplume Cauldron NPCs[163][164]


Flaming Goren Rare Predate upon fire elementals making their bodies be literally on fire. These goren are rare and require areas with a deep connection to the element of fire like Frostfire Ridge to live and breed in. NPCs[165]


Frostwall Goren Rare An underwhelming subspecies that originally densely populated caves in southern Frostfire Ridge but numbers were depleted when veteran adventurers established garrisons throughout that part of the region. After the garrisons were abandoned they may have replenished their numbers. These goren inhabited caves in southern Frostfire Ridge NPCs[167]


Gembiter Goren Uncommon Primal encroachment west of the Everbloom Wilds in Gorgrond NPCs[168]


Glowgullet Goren Locally Common Possess bioluminescence in their throat cavity (Conjecture) Northeast Talador NPCs[169][170][171]


Highland Breacher Uncommon While they tunnel close to the surface, this subspecies isn’t very aggressive and only seemed to appear due to primal encroachment above their burrow entrances. Easternmost end of central Gorgrond NPCs[172]


Icejaw Rockbiter Locally Common Shows signs of increased intelligence, engaging in enrichment activities of throwing snowballs between others of their kind. They share a range with the Acidmaw Goren that sometimes show up in their territory. Icejaw Rockbiters inhabit a mountain on the western border of the Magnarok region of Frostfire Ridge NPCs[173]


Ironchewer Goren Locally Common Like the Icejaw Rockbiter, Ironchewer Goren seem to roll down the slope leading to Magnarok for no other reason than personal amusement, a remarkable quality for the otherwise hunger-driven species. Within the location known as the Gate of the Breakers in Frostfire Ridge NPCs[175]


Kram'akan Meltmaw Rare Another subspecies, and one more reliably seen, that consumes fire elementals. I’m beginning to notice a trend here. One population can be found in the Melted Burrow in Frostfire Ridge where they occur sympatrically with the Ironchewer Goren just outside. NPCs[176]


Kron'akan Goren Uncommon Another subspecies of Magnarok, but is one less frequently seen than others Eastern Magnarok, Frostfire Ridge NPCs[178][179]


Longtooth Gorger Extinct Had noticeably longer teeth than most other subspecies but was driven extinct shortly before Azerothian forces invaded Draenor with the smaller Boneyard Goren taking over their former range whether it was the Boneyard Goren that displaced the Longtooth Gorgers or the Iron Horde in their conquest of Draenor remains a mystery. Longtooth Gorgers inhabited the Drywind Gorge in central Gorgrond NPCs[180]
Lunarfall Goren Rare Like the Frostwall Goren, the Lunarfall Goren found their numbers depleted when the Alliance built their garrisons across their range and cleared out their caves to establish mining operations. Lunarfall Goren made their homes in cave systems throughout northwestern Shadowmoon Valley NPCs[181]


Ore Eater Rare A diminutive subspecies not often seen except on occasion by adventurers mining exposed nodes of ore. Widespread throughout Draenor Companions[182]
Reeg'akan Acidback Uncommon Except for the colony broodmother this subspecies is often small and highly volatile bursting in a shower of acid upon death. Within the cave Reeg'ak's Nest in Frostfire Ridge NPCs[183][184]


Rubyspike Goren Locally Common Highly prone to spitting their acid saliva They make their homes in the Molten Quarry of southwestern Ashran NPCs[185]


Shardback Goren Common A widespread subspecies with crystal shards grown on their hides from hatching. Shardbacks can be found in eastern Frostfire Ridge into southern Gorgrond NPCs[187][188]


Slagmaw Goren Common Instead of acid, this subspecies carries within its viscera and maw molten magma that they can vomit out in a cone the lava flows of Magnarok, Frostfire Ridge NPCs[189][190]


Stonemuncher Goren Common The only goren subspecies to penetrate into Nagrand Northeastern Nagrand (alternate universe) NPCs[192][193]



Phytozoans are weird. Animals with plant and fungal convergence in their physiology (and by that I mean some of their physiology is literally plant and fungus). Needless to say the myriad species of phytozoa (most of which are draenic which makes sense given the planet’s history) are not solely influenced by evolution but also heavily by the element of Spirit

Total Species Diversity: 25


Bramblebacks (also known as bramblebears) are among the stranger beasts I have come across. Influenced by the deep and enigmatic magic of Drustvar[194] these bears appear (and probably are) part plant with limbs like tightly coiled tree roots, heads like a carved wooden mask and thick manes of fur made out of leaves. As of now almost all of these beasts are current afflicted by the curse of the drustvar coven[195][196]

Social Behavior
Like typical bears, bramblebacks are solitary animals.

Defensive Mechanisms
Bramblebacks, despite their appearance, do not differ from normal bears in their equipped arsenal. Be aware of the powerful limbs armed with dagger-like claws that could crush the ribcage of most humanoids shorter than a tauren and a jaw that very well do the same to a skull.

Bramblebacks are most likely omnivores like typical Ursids.

Bramblebacks are endemic to Drustvar.

Total Species Diversity: 1 (Monotypic)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Woodland Brambleback Common (The Woodland Brambleback npc doesn’t exist in game, but does exist in the files so I’m using it as what the species would be called if not cursed) native to the Crimson Forest of southwest Drustvar NPCs[197][198][199]


Thornclaws, like bramblebacks have been influenced by Drustvar’s magic to appear part-plant. The physiology of these cats overall does not differ significantly from the brambleback with a mask-like head and leaf-like fur on their manes and tails. Like the brambleback as well, their limbs look like they were formed from woody roots but this only covers the lower half of their legs and the roots are less bound with a large hole forming in between. Possibly to aid in their speed and agility?

Social Behavior
Like most felids, thornclaws are solitary animals.

Defensive Mechanisms
Like bramblebacks, thornclaw defensive adaptations are little different than that of typical cats.

Thornclaws are presumed to be obligate carnivores

Thornclaws are endemic to Drustvar.

Total Species Diversity: 1 (Monotypic)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Woodland Thornstalker Common (Name is a copy of what I did with the bramblebacks) endemic to the Crimson Forest of Drustvar NPCs[200][201]


Total Species Diversity: 23

Spore creature

Total Species Diversity: 23

Spore walker

Of all the creatures I shall describe in these writings I don’t think any of them can challenge the spore walker for the title of most bizarre. These alien lilypads on stilts traverse the fungal regions of Draenor (now Outland) in search of anything they can catch with their two thin tentacles[202] that they use to manipulate the environment around them.[203]

Social Behavior
Spore walkers are highly aggressive[204] and typically incredibly solitary though exceptions exist and there is even one case of two separate species forming a symbiotic relationship.

Spore walkers are known to lay eggs[205] but not much else is known about their reproduction. Given how solitary most species are the possibility of them reproducing asexually exists.

Defense Mechanisms
The bulbous apparatus that each spore walker possesses is known for being able to channel laser beams. Loa know how they are able to accomplish that.[206]

Much of the spore walker’s biology remains a mystery but while lacking cephalization they have a clearly recognizable brain[207] but many mysteries remain unsolved like how they perceive their environment (though the glowing apparatus at the front of their bodies might provide an answer) and even how they eat. On a side note, spore walkers collect spores on their tentacles acting as cross-pollinators for the giant mushrooms of the marsh.[208]

Spore Walkers are predatory creatures eating marsh critters fungal or otherwise[209]

Spore walkers are native to Draenor and unless we find a way back to the alternate Draenor, found only in the Zangarmarsh.

Total Species Diversity: 7

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Bog Strider Uncommon Often accompanied by the much smaller pond skipper found within the fungal marsh of Zangar Shore in Nagrand NPCs[210]
Coilfang Strider Uncommon the naga Lady Vashj actually granted this entire species psionic abilities They dwell within the former naga infested Serpentshrine Cavern within the Coilfang Reservoir NPCs[211][212]


Deep Strider Uncommon Deep Striders are true to their name and traverse the world deep beneath the waves. Deep Striders make their homes in the depths of the Zangar Sea but some individuals can be spotted at the edge of the Zangar Shore in Nagrand before the dropoff into the deeper ocean. NPCs[215]
Fen Strider Uncommon One of the most numerous and widespread of spore walker species Fen striders occupy much of eastern Zangarmarsh NPCs[216]
Marsh Walker Uncommon These spore walkers make their territories in western Zangarmarsh NPCs[217]
Pond Skipper Uncommon The smallest of all spore walkers, pond skippers are often seeing following closely behind the larger Bog Striders. While diminutive, pond skippers possess electrogenic organs within their tentacles and can deliver a nasty shock. These small spore walkers make their home within the fungal marsh of Zangar Shore in Nagrand NPCs[218]


Spore Strider Uncommon This species is lead by a broodmother known as the Black Stalker. Only one ever exists and upon the death of the Black Stalker one of her eggs will hatch into a new one. This species is also capable of firing bolts of lightning from its apparatus instead of lasers the underground cavern of the Underbog beneath Zangarmarsh is what this species calls home. NPCs[220][221]



While called “bats” sporebats look more akin to a flying stingray (Or more appropriately, a skyray, a group of organisms which will be brought up in volume seven) with clearly defined cephalization.

Social Behavior
There is a rumor spread that sporebats are next to always extremely vicious creatures[223] which I can only guess was used to drive up sales of sporebat pets when told that they are loyal and steadfast from an early age which is hogwash. In truth, sporebats are roughly evenly split in temperament with some species being relatively docile unless some external environmental factor stirs them up[224] while others are more territorial.

The pods upon a sporebat’s back may sometimes be in fact larval pods which house developing sporebat young. Creepily enough some people like to use these pods for jewelry[225]

Defensive Mechanisms
Sporebats are able to release clouds of spores from the pods on their back[226] that are incredibly irritating to other species’ lungs when inhaled.[227][228] This is not intended to kill the assailant however but more to weaken and distract so the sporebat can either flee or wrap a barb-lined tail around the foe and shred their flesh as they sting them.[224][229][230]

Sporebats are herbivorous with a preference for fungi.[231]

Sporebats make their homes in the fungal swamps of Draenor. In modern day Outland they are found only in Zangarmarsh and the underground ecosystem of Coilfang Reservoir.

Total Species Diversity: 15

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Common Sporebat Common Non-aggressive; subdivided into two subspecies: Lesser and Greater Sporebat. The Lesser Sporebat is smaller and blue in coloration and inhabits the eastern marsh while the Greater Sporebat inhabits the western marsh and retains the green juvenile coloration. This species was the only above-ground sporebat species to survive the cataclysm that turned Draenor into Outland Originally native to the Zangar Shore in Nagrand, in the present day this species has spread to inhabit the entirety of Zangarmarsh NPCs[232][233][234]


Fathom Sporebat Endangered These sporebats were heavily displaced by the naga, most of the few remaining made into pets. Fathom sporebats inhabited Serpentshrine Cavern but were displaced by the naga that invaded there, with the naga gone these sporebats may once again possibly flourish. NPCs[235]
Glowing Sporebat Data Deficient Non-Aggressive; A diminutive species with two distinct color morphs Draenor Pets[236]
Moonglow Sporebat Locally Common Non-aggressive[224]; Gloomshade Grove, Shadowmoon Valley NPCs[237]

Quests[224] Spells[227]

Serpentshrine Sporebat Endangered Another sporebat native to the cavern before the naga arrived. Most individuals not killed were turned into pets by the naga tamers. Like the fathom sporebat, recovery looks to be long for this species Serpentshrine Cavern, Coilfang Reservoir NPCs[238]


Shadow Sporebat Locally Common A diminutive species that occurs sympatrically with the Zangarra Sporebat Zangarra, Talador NPCs[240]
Sporebat Darter Locally Common Aggressive Amphitheater of Anguish, Ashran NPCs[241]


Spore Drifter Locally Common Aggressive; second highest flying species after the Zangarra Sporebat but still mostly prefers hovering just above the ground like most species Sporemist Shallows, Spires of Arak NPCs[243]


Toxic Sporebat Locally Common and Abundant The only remaining high-flying species and the only species of the Serpentshrine Cavern trio to not have had numbers depleted. These sporebats were actually capable of spitting toxic saliva (hence the name) like biological bombers Serpentshrine Cavern, Coilfang Reservoir NPCs[244]
Underbat Locally Common Aggressive; while sporebats are by no means solitary animals it is unusual to see a social species as is the case with the Underbat that will form pairs or trios as they glide through the underground ecosystem. The Underbog, Coilfang Reservoir NPCs[245]
Undertide Sporebat Rare (Never appeared it in-game, added for flavor) Draenor NPCs[246]
Vile Sporebat Locally Common Aggressive; incredibly small range Secluded Glade, Shadowmoon Valley NPCs[247]


Wandering Sporebat Rare True to its name, this species is vagrant and never stays in one location as it flits between fungal swamps (Never appeared in-game, added for flavor) Draenor NPCs[248]
Windswept Spore Drifter Rare (Never appeared in-game, added for flavor) Draenor NPCs[249]
Zangarra Sporebat Locally Common Non-aggressive; while most sporebats prefer to keep to the ground this species prefers to keep to the skies, and is the highest ‘flying’ species of sporebat known Zangarra, Talador NPCs[250]



A spore beast that adapted fully to the water to have an appearance convergent with fish.

Social Behavior
Sporefish are known to form schools.[251]

Sporefish, like most spore beasts can be found in the waters of Zangarmarsh and the Coilfang Reservoir beneath it. Before Draenor’s cataclysm they likely inhabited the Zangar Sea

Total Species Diversity: 1 (Monotypic)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Zangarian Sporefish Locally Common As stated in the family profile Items[252]


Total Species Diversity: 57


Fire spider

Fire spiders are really just like typical spiders with typical spider habits, but with fire and extreme temperature as icing on the cake.

Social Behavior
Fire spiders exhibit a great degree of variability in their social habits. However, it is generally accepted that the larger the species the more social it is. What drives this trend is unknown but it is well documented with the smallest fire spider species being largely solitary with the largest species forming multi-species broods.[253]. Only two broods have been described: The Echoweb brood of Pandaria and the Cinderweb brood of the Firelands. The Cinderweb brood is unique because of it being ruled by a broodmother that is similar in appearance to a nerubian and whose children are likewise. This breed of fire spider will not (as of now) be described as I am currently unsure as to their status of sentience and how exactly they fit among fire spiders as a whole.

Like typical spiders, fire spiders lay their eggs in squishy gel-like sacs.[254] Broods reproduce and tend to the eggs communally, all species will defend and tend to each other’s eggs as if they were their own making it hard to actually know which species an egg sac belongs to. Sometimes cinderwebs will even lay eggs on living hosts that die when the eggs hatch.

Defensive Mechanisms
Fire spiders spin webs[255], bite[256], and spit venom[257] like normal spider species.[258] However, their venom is boiling hot[259] with silk that sears flesh and possesses unparalleled viscosity.[260]

Fire spiders primarily feed upon elementals, sucking the magma and fire from their corpses[261] but will not shy away from eating actual flesh.[262]

While known primarily from the Firelands fire spiders can be found in any place with a high affinity with the element of fire such as the Searing Gorge, Ragefire Chasm and even Frostfire Ridge in Draenor.

Total Species Diversity: 15

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Blazing Cindercrawler Data Deficient Feeds upon insects like normal spiders Unknown Pets[263]
Cinderweb Crawler Rare (Never made it in-game, added for flavor) Firelands NPCs[264]
Cinderweb Creeper Common One of the larger cinderweb species that prefers to stick to the ground Firelands NPCs[265]


Cinderweb Recluse Rare Females eat the legs of males and lay eggs in their bodies. Firelands Pets[253]
Cinderweb Skitterer Common Firelands NPCs[267]
Cinderweb Spinner Common A mostly arboreal species that tends to the egg-sacs among the stone pillars of the Firelands. Instead of going to the prey like the cinderweb creeper, cinderweb spinners will shoot a webby net at their prey and pull it up to them to devour. When in special service to the broodmother, cinderweb spinners undergo a metamorphosis to make themselves more humanoid in appearance. Firelands NPCs[268]


Cinderling Common Smallest of all the cinderweb species Firelands and within the Bloodmaul Slag Mines NPCs[270]
Core Spider Uncommon Dwell within lava pools of the chasm where they ambush their prey Ragefire Chasm NPCs[271]


Echoweb Cinderfang Locally Common Smallest echoweb species, roam around in groups of three. Cavern of Endless Echoes, Valley of the Four Winds NPCs[273]


Echoweb Spinner Locally Common Like the cinderweb spinner, echoweb spinners do much of the caring for the eggs in the Echoweb brood. Cavern of Endless Echoes, Valley of the Four Winds NPCs[276]


Echoweb Toxiclaw Rare One of the largest species of fire spider known and the largest of the echoweb brood Cavern of Endless Echoes, Valley of the Four Winds NPCs[279]


Kindleweb Spider Common Unlike most fire spiders, the silk of this species is warm and threadable instead of searing and viscous. In future generations the Kindleweb Spider may very well become another fire spider brood, already having emerging subspecies of the creeper and skitterer. Great Sea islands of Molten Cay and Skittering Hollow NPCs[282][283][284][285]

Pets[286] Spells[287][288]

Magma Crawler Locally Common A small species that inhabits the lava flows of northern Frostfire Stonefury Cliffs, Frostfire Ridge NPCs[289]
Molten Spider Common Camouflage themselves by blending in with the surrounding magma Searing Gorge, Khaz Modan NPCs[290]
Moltenweb Devourer Rare One of only two species to have a purple coloration Unknown NPCs[291]


Lava Worm

Fire elemental analogues to the gyreworms. These large multi-segmented are built with four uniramous pairs of parapodia and four independently moving mouth-parts that imitate a jaw.

Social Behavior
Lava worms are largely solitary animals rarely seen interacting with one another.

Defensive Mechanisms
These creatures are known to spew[292] and spit lava[293] with wild abandon, even to the point of showering it in rapid succession[294].

Lava worms are carnivorous beasts that eat other pyrozoans or animal life.

These worms inhabit lava-pools of the Firelands and other regions that hold affinity with fire.

Total Species Diversity: 7

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Lava Burster Uncommon As far as lava worms go, lava bursters are comparatively small, but are among the most common of all the species Firelands NPCs[295]


Lava Dweller Uncommon Typically, among the smallest of all lava worms Firelands NPCs[296][297]


Lava Monstrosity Rare Occur sympatrically with lava dwellers but are much larger Firelands NPCs[298]


Lava Parasite Data Deficient They are endoparasites...I think that’s enough said about it Firelands presumably NPCs[299]


Molten Erupter Rare Superheated lava worms that will idly disperse heat in concentrated blasts Firelands NPCs[301]


Molten Spewer Rare Will launch a volley of magma if faced with multiple opponents Firelands NPCs[304]


Subterranean Magma Worm Rare sympatric with the lava burster but about three times the size and much more rarely seen. Firelands NPCs[306]



Total Species Diversity: 15

Fire hawk

Fire-based analogues to the elemental drakes of Skywall and Deepholm. These dazzling pyrozoans undisputedly dominate the skies of the Firelands soaring through the dense superheated air with ease and grace.[307] However, as beautiful as these creatures the old adage that the brightest flames burn the fastest holds true for these magnificent beasts. Within two days of hatching a fire hawk chick will reach full size and not living for much longer after that.[308] There must be some exception to this, as fire hawks are a popularly sought after mount among adventurers and would not hold near the weight they do if they lived as long as an insect.

Social Behavior
Fire hawks are solitary animals[307]

Like normal birds, fire hawks lay eggs[309], but also unlike normal birds, fire hawks do not exhibit biparental care (that can be seen).

Defensive Mechanisms
Their defensive abilities are relatively predictable often involving spitting balls of fire or raking with talons.

presumed carnivorous

Fire Hawks are endemic to the Firelands

Total Species Diversity: 7

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Blazing Firehawk Data Deficient Able to use its fiery feathers as projectiles Firelands Pets[310]


Blazing Firewing Rare An extremely hot species that will melt the rock beneath it. Cen'gar NPCs[312]


Blazing Monstrosity Rare Largest known species, be aware of the barrage of molten fire they can release Firelands NPCs[314]


Common Fire Hawk Common Type species Firelands NPCs[316][317][318]

Felfire Hawk Data Deficient A fel-corrupted species that, if tamed, can suppress it’s flames as to not incinerate its rider. Unknown Mounts[319]
Inferno Hawk Common Firelands NPCs[320]

Pureblood Fire Hawk Data Deficient Is said to be part of one of the earliest lineages of fire hawks. Firelands Mounts[321]


Flightless relatives of the fire hawks[322].

Social Behavior
no data, presumed solitary.

Flametalons lay eggs presumably

Flametalons are native to the Firelands and at least one molten world[323]

Total Species Diversity: 2

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Flametalon of Alysrazor Data Deficient Misleadingly named as the species predates Alysrazor, Alysrazor simply became the deemed matriarch Firelands Mounts[322]
Feltalon Data Deficient This species was experimented on by the Burning Legion to become what it is today. Unknown molten world Mounts[324]


I doubt much of anyone needs a description of what a phoenix is. These majestic birds of flame have long been summoned as pets and familiars by Azeroth’s and even Draenor’s mages. Yet, despite the length by which we have known of these creatures we have next to no published information on these animals. It could be most phoenix ‘species’ are not naturally occurring but merely elemental minions created by mages.

Social Behavior
Phoenixes are presumed to be solitary animals.

Phoenixes have a unique method of asexual reproduction endemic solely to them. When a phoenix dies, hatchlings are born from the ashes of the dead ‘parent’[325] or hatched from a singular egg the phoenix reverts to.[326] how the population dynamics work with this method is still a mystery.

Defensive Mechanisms
Their defensive abilities typically involve fire.[327]

Phoenixes are presumably native to the Firelands, but if they are then they are much rarer than the fire hawks.

Total Species Diversity: 6

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Blazing Phoenix Rare Can create flame geysers. Unknown, type specimens were found in Mount Hyjal NPCs[328]


Common Phoenix Uncommon Unknown NPCs[331][332]
Dark Phoenix Uncommon These creatures do not reproduce themselves but instead are born from the shadows of a dying phoenix Unknown Mounts[333][325]
Solar Flare Data Deficient A species that actually occurs by spontaneous generation, being born when a pile of ash is exposed to powerful fire magic of another solar flare. Spires of Arak, Draenor NPCs[334]

Solar Spirehawk Rare Spires of Arak, Draenor Mounts[335]

Thunder Phoenix Rare The most substantial proof that phoenixes are naturally occurring primozoans, however this species has become scarcely seen since the founding of Durotar. Durotar, Kalimdor Units[336][337][338]


Fire Turtle

Not much to say outside of them being turtles with a molten hot shell and small volcano on their nose. The species exhibits sexual dimorphism with males being larger than the females

Social Behavior
Fire turtles are relatively social, living in family groups consisting of a pair bonded male and female with developing hatchlings.

Fire turtles form monogamous pairs and exhibit biparental care (which any parental care at all is unique among non-archosaurian reptiles)

Defensive Mechanisms
Females and smaller males are capable of retracting into their shells and spinning to knock back aggressors[339] while fully grown males can breathe fire.[340].

Fire turtles are native to the Firelands.

Total Species Diversity: 1 (Monotypic)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Common Fire Turtle Uncommon Firelands NPCs[341][342][343]



Total Species Diversity: 16

Cinder Wolf

Take a wolf, imagine it being made of fire. That’s a cinder wolf.

Social Behavior
Like typical wolves, cinder wolves are social and operate in packs.

Presumably, they give live birth like normal wolves

Defensive Mechanisms
Pyrozoans seem to have an affinity for breathing fire and cinder wolves are no exception.[344]

Total Species Diversity: 1 (Monotypic)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Cinder Wolf Data Deficient Unknown NPCs[345]


Core Hound

Massive two-headed beasts of the Firelands with hides of molten leather[346] that exhibit continuous growth, the older the core hound the larger it is [347]

Social Behavior
Core hounds are mostly solitary (except when rearing young) but aren’t territorial and can sometimes be seen in close proximity.

Reproductive Behavior
Core hounds give birth to live young and form monogamous pairs by which they sire their young[348]

Defensive Mechanisms
Core hounds are notorious fire breathers[349] but can also hurl molten lava from their dripping maws.[350].


Core hounds roam the Molten Core and Firelands.

Total Species Diversity: 6

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Brimstone Hound Common They invaded The Regrowth in Mount Hyjal but it is not known where they dwell in the Firelands NPCs[352]


Common Core Hound Common type species Common core hounds are a widespread species found within the Molten Core and Firelands NPCs[354][355][356]


Core Rager Data Deficient Only two individuals known were pets to a magma giant Firelands NPCs[357]
Lava Hound Rare An exceptionally large species, possibly the largest Firelands NPCs[358]
Magma Hound Rare Firelands NPCs[359]
Molten Hound Domesticated A core hound with one head that so far has only been seen accompanying the Dark Iron dwarves. Blackrock Depths, Khaz Modan NPCs[360]


Hell hound

Skeletal hounds wreathed in fire, hell hounds have many look-alikes specifically the skeletal fel wolves (which I did not include in my previous volume due to my uncertainty as to whether they are simply demonically fouled wolf skeletons or just a plain demon) used by the Legion and the skeletal hounds of the Kvaldir

Social Behavior
Hell hounds are mostly large-scale pack hunters.

Defensive Mechanisms
Hell hounds are dangerous due to their forming large packs that can overrun individual adventurers as well as their fiery exteriors[362] and molten jaws.[363]


Hell hounds are native to the Firelands and several islands of the Great Sea.

Total Species Diversity: 8

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Blazehound Unknown A small species with teeth made out of obsidian Firelands NPCs[365]


Brimstone Hellhound Common Brimstone Hellhounds form highly complex packs that are divided by three roles.

The alpha is known as a lavamaw and is the largest and most powerful hound of the pack. Their howl alone can rend the earth asunder causing it to erupt. Trackers are visually distinct due to their red coloration and are self explanatory in their role to the pack being responsible for seeking out the pack’s newest prey. They are faster than the rest of the pack capable of short bursts of speed and even spitting bolts of lava. The rest of the pack are simple unspecialized hounds that make up the core of the pack’s hunting party.

Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[367][368][369][370]


Charhound Common Unless being employed by the Firelord, these hell hounds seem little interested in mortals and are not too aggressive. Molten Front, Firelands NPCs[374][375]


Flame Hound Common Unlike most hell hounds, flame hounds do breathe fire. Flame hounds are native to the Firelands but a population has become established in Ragefire Chasm NPCs[377][378][379][380]


Flare Mongrel Rare (Never made it in-game, added for flavor) Firelands NPCs[382]
Inferno Terror Rare Incredibly powerful species, like a brimstone hellhound in ability but solitary. islands of the Great Sea NPCs[383]


Smokehound Rare Possesses a rare blue coloration Firelands NPCs[384]
Tinder Hound Rare Unique in its bright blue flames Islands of the Great Sea NPCs[385]

Molten corgi

The objectively most adorable of all pyrozoans. They look exactly like a normal corgi corgis are remarkably friendly, making good pets with playful dispositions.

Social Behavior
Molten corgis live in loose packs.[386]

Like normal dogs, molten corgis are presumed to give live birth.

Defensive Mechanisms
Molten corgis are remarkably adept at herding behaviors, though it’s not known what the purpose is for.[387]


Molten Corgis roam around the Molten Core.

Total Species Diversity: 1 (Monotypic)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Molten Corgi Rare It’s adorable. Molten Core NPCs[388]



Molten steeds with manes of pure fire. Cindermanes are rumored to have been created by Ragnaros but I doubt such fables.

Social Behavior
Cindermanes presumably dwell in small herds like typical horses

Cindermanes presumably give live birth.


Cindermanes are native to the Firelands.

Total Species Diversity: 1 (Monotypic)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Cindermane Data Deficient Firelands Mounts[389]


Total Species Diversity: 2

Cinder cat

Cinder cats are relatively unremarkable (okay, aside from the fact that they're made of fire) appearing much the same to a regular cat.

Social Behavior
It is assumed cinder cats, like normal cats, are mostly solitary

Cinder cats presumably give live birth


Cinder cats are native to the Firelands.

Total Species Diversity: 1 (Monotypic)

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Cinder Cat Data Deficient Firelands NPCs[390]


Ancient cat-like pyrozoans with flaming spikes jutting out from their hips and shoulders as well as from their lower legs and nape.

Social Behavior
Flamesabers are assumed to be solitary

Flamesabers are assumed to give live birth



Total Species Diversity: 1

Back to the species list.

Name Appearances Status Unique Features Location Sources
Primal Flamesaber Data Deficient Firelands NPCs[391]


  1. ^ Adventure Guide entry for Altairus
  2. ^ Mount Journal entry for  [Reins of the Drake of the West Wind]
  3. ^ Spell frost chillingblast.png Chilling Blast
  4. ^ Spell nature lightningoverload.png Lightning Breath
  5. ^ Young Storm Dragon
  6. ^  [Reins of the Drake of the East Wind]
  7. ^  [Reins of the Drake of the North Wind]
  8. ^  [Reins of the Drake of the South Wind]
  9. ^ Storm Rider
  10. ^ Ability druid cyclone.png Cyclone Winds
  11. ^  [Reins of the Drake of the West Wind]
  12. ^ N [30-35 Daily] Fear of Boring
  13. ^ a b c d e Spell nature acid 01.png Acid Spit
  14. ^ a b Ability creature poison 01.png Caustic Spittle
  15. ^ Cavern Burrower
  16. ^ Ability vehicle sonicshockwave.png Sonic Call
  17. ^ Inv jewelcrafting gem 08.png Crystal Barbs
  18. ^ Colossal Gyreworm
  19. ^ Gyreworm
  20. ^ Enormous Gyreworm
  21. ^ Gorged Gyreworm
  22. ^ Endurite Gyreworm
  23. ^ Massive Endurite Gyreworm
  24. ^ N Blacksmithing [50] An Ear to the Ground
  25. ^ Burrowing Leyworm
  26. ^ N [45WQ] Leyhollow Infestation
  27. ^ Leyworm Tunnel
  28. ^ Ravenous Tunneler
  29. ^ Agitated Tunneler
  30. ^ N [30-35] Unsolid Ground
  31. ^ Tanzanite Borer
  32. ^ Spell shaman earthquake.png Rumble
  33. ^ Tunneling Worm
  34. ^ H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Trouble in the Mines
  35. ^ Azerite Borer
  36. ^ Azerite Gorger
  37. ^ Spell holy holybolt.png Azerite Barrage
  38. ^ Shalebiter
  39. ^ N [30-35 Daily] Specimen Request
  40. ^ Amber Parasite
  41. ^ Amber Rocktunneler
  42. ^ Kypari Crawler
  43. ^ Inv jewelcrafting gem 09.png Amber Shards
  44. ^  [Kyparite]
  45. ^ Amethyst Shale Hatchling
  46. ^  [Tiny Shale Spider]
  47. ^ a b c d e Inv misc stonetablet 07.png Shale Flurry
  48. ^ N [10-35] Calamity Jade
  49. ^ Shale spider beast lore
  50. ^ Amethyst Shale Hatchling
  51. ^ Azergem Shardback
  52. ^ Azergem Crawler
  53. ^ Azergem Crystalback
  54. ^ Aberrant Azergem Crystalback
  55. ^ Colossal Azergem Crystalback
  56. ^ Enraged Azergem Crystalback
  57. ^ Incandescent Azergem Crystalback
  58. ^ Jeweled Azergem Crystalback
  59. ^ Monstrous Azergem Crystalback
  60. ^ Azerite Nibbler
  61. ^ Azerite Gorger
  62. ^ Azerite Skitterer
  63. ^ Blightshard Skitter
  64. ^ Ability rogue deviouspoisons.png Choking Dust
  65. ^ Blue Shale Crawler
  66. ^ Crimson Shale Hatchling
  67. ^ Crimson Shale Spider
  68. ^ Darkshard Crawler
  69. ^ Darkstone Crawler
  70. ^ Darkstone Shardling
  71. ^ Deep Spider
  72. ^ Elementium Spinner
  73. ^ Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison
  74. ^ Spell nature web.png Web Shot
  75. ^ N [30-35] A Little on the Side
  76. ^ Emerald Shale Hatchling
  77. ^ Greenstone Gorger
  78. ^ Greenstone Terror
  79. ^ Greenstone Nibbler
  80. ^ Inv jewelcrafting gem 07.png Greenstone Shards
  81. ^ Inv jewelcrafting gem 07.png Terror Shards
  82. ^ N [10-35] Calamity Jade
  83. ^ Krasari Nibbler
  84. ^ Leystone Spiderling
  85. ^ Rock Borer (shale spider)
  86. ^ Inv misc monsterhorn 08.png Rock Bore
  87. ^ Shale Crawler
  88. ^ Shale Shards
  89. ^ Shale Skitterers
  90. ^ Shale Stalker
  91. ^ Shardback Spiderling
  92. ^ Shardback Skitterer
  93. ^ Inv misc monsterhorn 08.png Shard Bore
  94. ^ Tanzanite Skitterer
  95. ^ Topaz Shale Hatchling
  96. ^ Vileshard Crawler
  97. ^ Acid Splatter
  98. ^ N [30-35 Daily] The Restless Brood
  99. ^ N [30-35] Hard Falls
  100. ^ N [30-35] Steady Hand
  101. ^ N Shaman [10-45] Clutch Play
  102. ^ Aeonaxx
  103. ^ a b Inv stone 14.png Stone Breath
  104. ^ a b Spell fire windsofwoe.png Sand Breath
  105. ^ Spell fire rune.png Searing Breath
  106. ^ N [30-35] Big Game, Big Bait
  107. ^ Stone Drake
  108. ^ Aeosera
  109. ^ Crystalspire Stone Drake
  110. ^ Crystalwing Stone Drake
  111. ^ Phosphorescent Stone Drake
  112. ^ Sandstone Drake
  113. ^ Slate Dragon
  114. ^ Stonescale Drake
  115. ^ Stonescale Matriarch
  116. ^ Vitreous Stone Drake
  117. ^ Volcanic Stone Drake
  118. ^ Combat Hardened Creatures
  119. ^ A [10-40] Engorged Goren
  120. ^ Beasts of the Savage Lands — Gorgrond
  121. ^ Goren Eggs
  122. ^ a b Inv enchant shardshadowfrostlarge.png Crystal Shards
  123. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Ability creature poison 01.png Corrosive Bite
  124. ^ a b c Ability creature poison 02.png Retched Acid
  125. ^ Beasts of the Savage Lands — Gorgrond
  126. ^ a b Ability creature poison 06.png Acidback
  127. ^ a b Inv misc slime 01.png Acidic Charge
  128. ^ Oregorger
  129. ^ a b B [20-40] Gas Guzzlers
  130. ^ Jewelcrafting Waste Not, Want Not
  131. ^ Combat Frosty and Delicious
  132. ^ Beasts of the Savage Lands — Gorgrond
  133. ^ H [40] Garrison Campaign: Farseer's Rock
  134. ^ H [40] The Ascent
  135. ^ Deadgrin, Kuuro's Claim
  136. ^ Acidback Roller
  137. ^ a b c d Ability creature poison 06.png Acid Burst
  138. ^ Acidmaw Nibbler
  139. ^ Vicious Acidmaw
  140. ^ Rogue leeching poison.png Acid Trail
  141. ^ Acidmouth Breacher
  142. ^ B [15-40] Down the Goren Hole
  143. ^ Acidspine Gnawers
  144. ^ Acidtooth Corroder
  145. ^ Acidtooth Devourer
  146. ^ Boneyard Tunneler
  147. ^ Boneyard Gorger
  148. ^ Goren Iron-Eater
  149. ^ Goren Nibbler
  150. ^ Goren Gouger
  151. ^ Goren Shardback
  152. ^ Goren Burrower
  153. ^ Ravenous Goren
  154. ^ Gluttonous Goren
  155. ^ Crystalmaw Goren
  156. ^ Crystalmaw Spitter
  157. ^  [Crystallized Goren Scale]
  158. ^ a b c d e f Inv enchant shardshadowfrostlarge.png Crystal Shards
  159. ^ Darkshard Acidback
  160. ^ Darkshard Crystalback
  161. ^ Darkshard Gnasher
  162. ^ Spell shadow rainoffire.png Shard Volley
  163. ^ Dryback Acidroller
  164. ^ Dryback Devourer
  165. ^ Flaming Goren
  166. ^ a b Inv misc smallshard superior.png Fire Shards
  167. ^ Frostwall Goren
  168. ^ Enraged Gembiter
  169. ^ Glowgullet Devourer
  170. ^ Glowgullet Shardshredder
  171. ^ Furious Glowgullet
  172. ^ Highland Breacher
  173. ^ Icejaw Rockbiter
  174. ^ Inv ammo snowball.png Snowball Toss
  175. ^ Ravenous Ironchewer
  176. ^ Kram'akan Meltmaw
  177. ^ Inv elemental eternal fire.png Consume Elemental
  178. ^ Kron'akan Scavenger
  179. ^ Kron'akan Splinterback
  180. ^ Longtooth Gorger
  181. ^ Lunarfall Goren
  182. ^ Ore Eater
  183. ^ Reeg'akan Acidback
  184. ^ Broodmother Reeg'ak
  185. ^ Rubyspike Goren
  186. ^ Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison Spit
  187. ^ Shardback Breacher
  188. ^ Rolling Shardback
  189. ^ Burning Slagmaw
  190. ^ Slagmaw Nibbler
  191. ^ Spell shaman lavasurge.png Lava Spew
  192. ^ Greedy Stonemuncher
  193. ^ Voracious Stonemuncher
  194. ^ Ulfar#Quotes
  195. ^ Cursed Brambleback
  196. ^ Hexed Brambleback
  197. ^ Cursed Brambleback
  198. ^ Hexed Brambleback
  199. ^ Woodland Brambleback
  200. ^ Hexed Thornclaw
  201. ^ Woodland Thornstalker
  202. ^  [Fen Strider Tentacle]
  203. ^ Adventure Guide entry for The Black Stalker
  204. ^ Legs
  205. ^  [Black Stalker Egg]
  206. ^ The Ebon Hunter
  207. ^  [Brain of the Black Stalker]
  208. ^  [Fertile Spores]
  209. ^ H [50-70] Stalking the Stalker
  210. ^ Bog Strider
  211. ^ Coilfang Strider
  212. ^ Coilfang Stalker
  213. ^ Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Mind Blast
  214. ^ Spell shadow psychicscream.png Panic
  215. ^ Deep Strider
  216. ^ Fen Strider
  217. ^ Marsh Walker
  218. ^ Pond Skipper
  219. ^ Spell nature lightning.png Shocking Touch
  220. ^ Spore Strider
  221. ^ The Black Stalker
  222. ^ Spell nature lightning.png Lightning Bolt
  223. ^  [Tiny Sporebat]
  224. ^ a b c d A [10-40] The Sting
  225. ^  [Sporebat Larval Pod]
  226. ^  [Sporebat Sporepod Ring]
  227. ^ a b c d e f Inv enchant duststrange.png Peculiar Spores
  228. ^ Spell nature regenerate.png Spore Cloud
  229. ^  [Pristine Sporebat Stinger]
  230. ^ [Barbed Stinger]
  231. ^ Sporebat Beast Lore
  232. ^ Sporebat
  233. ^ Young Sporebat
  234. ^ Greater Sporebat
  235. ^ Fathom Sporebat
  236. ^  [Glowing Sporebat]
  237. ^ Moonglow Sporebat
  238. ^ Serpentshrine Sporebat
  239. ^ Spell nature abolishmagic.png Spore Burst
  240. ^ Shadow Sporebat
  241. ^ Sporebat Darter
  242. ^ Inv enchant duststrange.png Spore Spray
  243. ^ Spore Drifter
  244. ^ Toxic Sporebat
  245. ^ Underbat
  246. ^ Undertide Sporebat
  247. ^ Vile Sporebat
  248. ^ Wandering Sporebat
  249. ^ Windswept Spore Drifter
  250. ^ Zangarra Sporebat
  251. ^ Sporefish School
  252. ^  [Zangarian Sporefish]
  253. ^ a b Cinderweb Recluse
  254. ^  [Cinderweb Egg]
  255. ^ a b Inv misc volatilefire.png Fiery Web Spin
  256. ^ Inv misc boilingblood.png Burning Blood
  257. ^ a b c Spell fire fireball02.png Burning Acid
  258. ^ Deldren Ravenelm#Quotes
  259. ^  [Flame Venom]
  260. ^  [Searing Web Fluid]
  261. ^ Beth'tilac
  262. ^ N [35 Daily] Wicked Webs
  263. ^  [Blazing Cindercrawler]
  264. ^ Cinderweb Crawler
  265. ^ Cinderweb Creeper
  266. ^ Spell fire flamebolt.png Flame Injection
  267. ^ Cinderweb Skitterer
  268. ^ Cinderweb Spinner
  269. ^ Ability hunter pet spider.png Entangling Net
  270. ^ Cinderling
  271. ^ Core Spider
  272. ^ Spell fire moltenblood.png Ignite Blood
  273. ^ Echoweb Cinderfang
  274. ^ Spell fire moltenblood.png Cinder Fangs
  275. ^ Spell burningsoul.png Burning Blood
  276. ^ Echoweb Spinner
  277. ^ Spell brew bolt wheat.png Echoweb Toxin
  278. ^ Ability ensnare.png Web
  279. ^ Echoweb Toxiclaw
  280. ^ Ability creature poison 02.png Acid Breath
  281. ^ Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Instant Poison
  282. ^ Kindleweb Clutchkeeper
  283. ^ Kindleweb Creeper
  284. ^ Kindleweb Skitterer
  285. ^ Kindleweb Spider
  286. ^  [Kindleweb Spiderling]
  287. ^ Inv misc questionmark.png Burning Fatigue
  288. ^ Inv misc web 01.png Web
  289. ^ Magma Crawler
  290. ^ Molten Hatchling
  291. ^ Moltenweb Devourer
  292. ^ a b Spell shaman lavaburst.png Lava Spew
  293. ^ a b c d Spell shaman lavaburst.png Lava Spit
  294. ^ a b c d Spell fire moltenblood.png Lava Shower
  295. ^ Lava Burster
  296. ^ Lava Dweller
  297. ^ Ancient Lava Dweller
  298. ^ Lava Monstrosity
  299. ^ Lava Parasite
  300. ^ Ability hunter pet worm.png Parasitic Infection
  301. ^ Molten Erupter
  302. ^ a b Spell shadow rainoffire.png Molten Blast
  303. ^ Spell shaman lavasurge.png Molten Bolt
  304. ^ Molten Spewer
  305. ^ Spell shadow rainoffire.png Molten Volley
  306. ^ Subterranean Magma Worm
  307. ^ a b Arthorn Windsong in the Molten Front
  308. ^ N [35 Daily] Fire in the Skies
  309. ^ N [35 Daily] Starting Young
  310. ^  [Blazing Firehawk]
  311. ^ Inv feather 06.png Fire Quills
  312. ^ Blazing Firewing
  313. ^ Spell fire moltenblood.png Burning Steps
  314. ^ Blazing Monstrosity
  315. ^ Spell fire fireball02.png Molten Barrage
  316. ^ Fire Hawk
  317. ^ Fire Hawk Hatchling
  318. ^ Fire Hawk Matriarch
  319. ^  [Felfire Hawk]
  320. ^ Inferno Hawk
  321. ^ Pureblood Fire Hawk
  322. ^ a b  [Flametalon of Alysrazor]
  323. ^  [Frenzied Feltalon]
  324. ^  [Frenzied Feltalon]
  325. ^ a b  [Dark Phoenix Hatchling]
  326. ^ Phoenix Egg
  327. ^ a b Spell fire flamebolt.png Fireball
  328. ^ Blazing Phoenix
  329. ^ Spell fire volcano.png Gout of Flame
  330. ^ Spell fire volcano.png Shower of Flame
  331. ^ Phoenix
  332. ^  [Phoenix Hatchling]
  333. ^ Dark Phoenix
  334. ^ Solar Flare
  335. ^  [Solar Spirehawk]
  336. ^ Greater Thunder Phoenix
  337. ^ Lesser Thunder Phoenix
  338. ^ Thunder Phoenix
  339. ^ Shell Spin
  340. ^ [Flame Breath]
  341. ^ Fire Turtle Hatchling
  342. ^ Matriarch Fire Turtle
  343. ^ Patriarch Fire Turtle
  344. ^ Charring Breath
  345. ^ Cinder Wolf
  346. ^ core leather
  347. ^ Ancient Core Hound
  348. ^ Beauty
  349. ^ a b Ability hunter pet corehound.png Flame Breath
  350. ^ a b Spell fire windsofwoe.png Lava Breath
  351. ^ Core Hound Beast Lore
  352. ^ Brimstone Hound
  353. ^ a b Spell fire volcano.png Fireball
  354. ^ Ancient Core Hound (Firelands)
  355. ^ Ancient Core Hound (Molten Core)
  356. ^ Core Hound (Hyjal)
  357. ^ Core Rager
  358. ^ Lava Hound
  359. ^ Enraged Magma Hound
  360. ^ Molten Hound
  361. ^ Inv darkirondwarfcorehound.png Burning Bite
  362. ^ a b c Spell fire immolation.png Fiery Pelt
  363. ^ a b Inv elemental mote fire01.png Molten Jaws
  364. ^ Adarogg
  365. ^ Blazehound
  366. ^ Inv ore obsidium nugget.png Obsidian Bite
  367. ^ Brimstone Pup
  368. ^ Brimstone Hound
  369. ^ Brimstone Tracker
  370. ^ Brimstone Lavamaw
  371. ^ a b Spell fire volcano.png Volcanic Howl
  372. ^ a b Spell fire burnout.png Blazing Adrenaline
  373. ^ a b Spell shaman lavaburst.png Molten Blast
  374. ^ Charhound
  375. ^ Ancient Charhound
  376. ^ Spell fire fireball.png Flame Lash
  377. ^ Flame Hound
  378. ^ Flame Hound (The Deaths of Chromie)
  379. ^ Adolescent Flame Hound
  380. ^ Mature Flame Hound
  381. ^ Spell fire burnout.png Flame Breath
  382. ^ Flare Mongrel
  383. ^ Inferno Terror
  384. ^ Smokehound
  385. ^  [Tinder Pup]
  386. ^ Ability warlock burningembers.png Puppies of the Flame
  387. ^ Spell beastmaster rylak.png Inferno Herding
  388. ^  [Molten Corgi]
  389. ^  [Cindermane Charger]
  390. ^  [Cinder Kitten]
  391. ^  [Primal Flamesaber]