Blood Theory

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NeutralBlood Theory
Start Thressa Amberglen
End Thressa Amberglen
Level 10-30
Category Desolace
Experience 2,900
Reputation +250 Cenarion Circle
Rewards 35s
Next N [10-30] Calming the Kodo


Collect 10 Blood-filled Leeches.


The land is not all that has changed in Desolace. Here, the wildlife has responded to their new environment in strange and sometimes exciting ways.

I am particularly interested in the Rejuvenated Thunder Lizards that roam just to the west.

I need a sample of their blood.

You may begin helping me by using this jar of leeches on a few of them.

Once they've filled on the blood of those beasts, return them to me.


You will receive:


Were you able to recover the samples I require?


This should be enough.

Thank you, <class>.


  • The Bottle of Leeches has a 30 yard range. Throw the bottle at a Rejuvenated Thunder Lizard to aggro. The thunder lizard will have the buff:
  • Leech Infestation
  • When killed, a blood-filled leech will crawl from the lizard's corpse.
  • When the infested thunder lizard is killed, a neutral leech will spawn from the corpse. Right-click the leech to loot it.


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