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Cold welcome, to be sure.

Wrath of the Lich King campaign covers the zone and patch storylines of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (and, by extension, Wrath of the Lich King Classic).


The pre-expansion story part consists of two parts - the pre-expansion event and an intro to a new class.

The Scourge Invasion

Main article: Zombie Infestation
Main article: Scourge Invasion

The first part of prelude is a pair of world events. The first is a zombie plague that sweeps across the land, starting with Booty Bay. Infected players eventually transform into zombies unless cured, and can further spread the plague until they finally get taken down. With every day, the plague becomes harder and harder to deal with, until eventually the cure is discovered and the plague ends.

The second event is a second Scourge Invasion which starts halfway through the plague, where necropolises float around capital cities, and periodically drop undead for players to kill, many new bosses appear through classic dungeons and also in Karazhan, and periodically the Scourge will attempt to invade Stormwind City and Orgrimmar outright.

There are many different quests during the Scourge invasion, though none are really connected.

Loading screen of the Scarlet Enclave

Death knights

Main article: Death knight starting experience

The second part of the prelude is the story of the Death knights of Acherus as they enter service of the Lich King, decimate the Scarlet Crusade forces at New Avalon and Tyr's Hand before ultimately betraying/being betrayed during Battle for Light's Hope Chapel. Enraged at the Lich King's decision, the death knights decide to ally with the newly formed Argent Vanguard to fight against their former master.

The death knights then retake Acherus from the Lich King's minions before sending emissaries to Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. Their service to Alliance or Horde has begun.

While storywise the events at the Scarlet Enclave happen shortly before Northrend campaign, level-wise the newly created Death Knights are not yet sufficient. Off to Outland you go, young death knight, see The Burning Crusade campaign for that.

Northrend - the home of the Scourge

Map of Northrend
Northrend loading screen

The leveling campaign of Wrath of the Lich King takes place on Northrend - a frozen continent in the northern parts of Azeroth. This cold, undead-infested continent nontheless has plenty of charm to it.

Borean Tundra

Main article: Borean Tundra quests

The first leveling zone. A sprawling tundra, with little place to hide. The main opponents here are the Scourge forces, with Blue dragon forces and Mechagnomes under command of Gearmaster Mechazod being secondary antagonists.

The Coldarra instances (dungeons Nexus and Oculus and raid instance Eye of Eternity) are located in this zone.

After finishing up, the player is directed east, to Dragonblight.

Howling Fjord

Main article: Howling Fjord quests

The alternative first leveling zone. A massive, forested fjord located on southermost point of Northrend. The main opponents here are various Vrykul clans, with Iron dwarves acting as secondary antagonists. This zone is the first hint that there is some other force that can rival the Lich King being at play.

The dungeons Utgarde Keep and Utgarde Pinnacle are located in this zone.

After finishing up, the player is directed west via a flight path, to Dragonblight.


Main article: Dragonblight quests

A huge zone that serves as a focal point of dragon influence in Northrend. The massive Wyrmrest Temple at its center cements it as such. The zone essentially has a rotating antagonist, starting with Blue dragons, moving on to the Scourge, moving on to the forces of Scarlet Onslaught, before returning to the Scourge.

The dungeons Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, as well as the raid instance Naxxramas are located in this zone.

After finishing up, the player is directed east, to Grizzly Hills.

Grizzly Hills

Main article: Grizzly Hills quests

A massive borean forest. The failed World Tree Vordrassil dominates its center. The main antagonists in this zone are Arugal's Wolfcult, the Iron dwarves and the Drakkari tribe trolls.

The dungeon Drak'Tharon Keep is located on the edge with Zul'Drak.

After finishing up, the player is directed north, to Zul'Drak.

Map of the Crystalsong Forest

Detour - Dalaran

Around this point the player will get enough experience to be contacted by one of the Kirin Tor archmagi, who will offer to teleport the player to their headquarters in Northrend - to the now-floating city of Dalaran. Once there, the player will be asked to learn how to enter and leave Dalaran "the magical way", as well as to investigate the disturbance in the Violet Hold.

The initial Dalaran quests are:

  1. B [10-30] The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran / N [10-30] The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran
  2. N [10-30] Learning to Leave and Return: the Magical Way

The Violet Hold quests are:

  1. N [15-30D] Discretion is Key
  2. N [15-30D] Containment

After finishing, the player should make their way to Zul'Drak by whatever means and entrances they want.


Main article: Zul'Drak quests

The temple city of the Drakkari tribe. Under siege by the Scourge since the fall of the defenses of Drak'Tharon Keep. The main enemies here are the Scourge and the Drakkari trolls, with the player being caught in the crossfire.

The dungeon Gundrak is located in this zone, while Drak'Tharon Keep is located on the edge with Grizzly Hills.

There is no direct follow-up to this zone. Make your way back to Dalaran and proceed to Sholazar Basin from there.

Sholazar Basin

Main article: Sholazar Basin quests

Strangely verdant basin in western Northrend. Obviously another playground of the Titans. The only major enemy fought here is the Scourge.

There are no instances in this zone. The most notable landmark is the Waygate to Un'Goro Crater.

There is no direct follow-up. Head back to Dalaran and proceed to Icecrown or Storm Peaks from there.

Storm Peaks

Main article: Storm Peaks quests

A frozen and stormy mountain range in northeast Northrend. Nearly impossible to navigate without a flying mount, the player can loan one from "Honest" Max should they lack any. The main enemies in this zone are iron dwarves, now identified as serving Loken, and to a lesser extent, the Vrykul.

The Ulduar instances (dungeons Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning, as well as the eponymous raid instance) are located in this zone.

This is one of the end-of-leveling zone, as such no follow-up is necessary.


Main article: Icecrown quests

The final goal. A glacier in northwest Northrend, and the home base of the Scourge. Obviously, the Scourge is the main opponent here, but there are also many Vrykul for the player to fight, along with a surprising resurgence of the Scarlet Onslaught.

The Argent Tournament instances (dungeon Trial of the Champion and raid instance Trial of the Crusader/Trial of the Grand Crusader) and Icecrown Citadel instances (dungeons Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection, along with the eponymous raid instance) are located in this zone.

This is one of the end-of-leveling zone, as such no follow-up is necessary.

Initial endgame progression

The Wrath of the Lich King endgame progression is much more non-linear compared to The Burning Crusade. In particular, attunements are minimal.

Endgame dungeons

The first thing to do at maximum level is finish the three remaining dungeons. Two are located in the starting Northrend zones, while the last is at the Caverns of Time.

Borean Tundra - The Oculus

The second Coldarra dungeon. Quite unpopular among players thanks to required usage of vehicle mechanics.

The quests associated with the Oculus are:

  1. N [20-30D] The Struggle Persists
  2. N [20-30D] A Unified Front
  3. N [20-30D] Mage-Lord Urom
  4. N [20-30D] A Wing and a Prayer
Howling Fjord - Utgarde Pinnacle

The second Utgarde Keep dungeon. In it, the player finally deals with King Ymiron and the vrykul, as well as encountering the Lich King at work for another time.

The quests associated with Utgarde Pinnacle are:

Caverns of Time - Culling of Stratholme

This time the bronze dragons want to ensure that Arthas makes his fateful first step on a road paved with good intentions. Sometimes the price of the stability of the timeline is steep.

The quests associated with the Culling are:

  1. N [25-30D] Dispelling Illusions
  2. N [25-30D] A Royal Escort


Now that the player has done the dungeons, they can start grinding reputation. Reputation factions can not only provide some decent starter gear, they can provide additional recipes. Most factions reputation can only be grinded via daily quest, though some can also be championed, allowing the player to gain their reputation via dungeons.

Alliance Alliance Vanguard / Horde Horde Expedition and their subfactions

The primary factions for one each side, consisting of four subfactions. The player champions them by default, by not wearing any championing tabard. The player can also gain reputation with the Vanguard / Expedition by gaining reputation with the subfactions:

  • Alliance Valiance Expedition / Horde Warsong Offensive - the primary army of the Alliance / Horde. The daily quests for them consist of PvP quests in Grizzly Hills, along some quests in Icecrown, with Valiance Expedition also having a single quest in Storm Peaks.
  • Alliance Explorers' League - An Alliance faction, dealing with archaeology. Their sole daily quest (A [10-30 Daily] Steel Gate Patrol) is located in Howling Fjord.
  • Alliance Frostborn - A Dwarf-adjacent race, that consider the dwarves their kin. Their sole daily quest (A [25-30 Daily] Pushed Too Far) is located in Storm Peaks.
  • Alliance Silver Covenant - A faction of High elves residing in Dalaran. While they don't have any daily quests yet, Patch 3.1 added many.
  • Horde The Taunka - A Tauren-adjacent race that decided to ally with the Horde. They have no daily quests, once you do all regular quests, further reputation is only available via Horde Expedition spillover.
  • Horde Hand of Vengeance - A faction of the Forsaken, fighting in order to have vengeance against the Lich King. They have no daily quests, once you do all regular quests, further reputation is only available via Horde Expedition spillover.
  • Horde The Sunreavers - A faction of Blood elves residing in Dalaran. While they don't have any daily quests yet, Patch 3.1 added many.
Argent Crusade

The merger of Argent Dawn and Knights of the Silver Hand, the Argent Crusade serves as the vanguard against the Lich King. They have two daily quests focusing on them, with Patch 3.1 adding more. The player can also champion them reputation from dungeons by wearing the  [Tabard of the Argent Crusade].

  • N [20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol daily quest chain in Zul'Drak, consisting of four randomly chosen quests, and an additional quest (N [20-30 Daily] Congratulations!) if the player finished them all in 20 minutes.
  • B [25-30 Daily] Slaves to Saronite in Icecrown.
Kirin Tor

A faction of mages that command Dalaran. The questing way of getting reputation with them is daily Cooking, Fishing and Jewelcrafting quests. Kirin Tor can also be championed for reputation from dungeons by wearing  [Tabard of the Kirin Tor].

Wyrmrest Accord

A faction of dragons opposing Malygos. Their daily quests consist of two in Borean Tundra, and one in Dragonblight. Wyrmrest Accord can also be championed for reputation from dungeons by wearing  [Tabard of the Wyrmrest Accord].

Knights of the Ebon Blade

A faction of death knights who split off from the Lich King and now fight for vengeance, and because it is what they know best. Their daily quests are all located in Icecrown. Death Knights can earn additional reputation in Patch 3.1. Knights of the Ebon Blade can also be championed for reputation from dungeons by wearing  [Tabard of the Ebon Blade].


A faction of Tuskarr living in Northrend. Their daily quests are located in Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord and Dragonblight. Kalu'ak cannot be championed, and thus these quests are the only way to earn reputation once the regular quests are exhausted.

Sons of Hodir

A faction of Frost giants in Storm Peaks. It is also where all their quests, daily or not, are located. Sons of Hodir cannot be championed, but there are repeatable quests that can be used to earn reputation. Some quests are reputation gated.

Obsidian Sanctum loading screen

Ready for Raiding

Wrath of the Lich King starts with four raid instances, one of them requires attunement, the others don't. One of them will be talked about later.

Obsidian Sanctum

The first raid, a Black dragonflight nesting grounds, is located underneath the Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight. It is very short, consisting of a single, huge, room and a single boss. This raid is the first example of an Elite mode - if the player doesn't kill the mini-boss dragons before engaging Sartharion, they will join the fight, and if the party succeeds despite that, the loot from the boss would be better.

There are no related quests.


The return of the necropolis, now situated in Dragonblight! While largely the same as original Naxxramas, there are enough differences that matter.

The related quests serve as attunement for the next raid:

Eye of Eternity loading screen
Eye of Eternity

The conclusion of the Nexus War, in it, the players face off against Malygos and puts an end to maddened aspect with the Red dragonflight's assistance. Players must first attune to the Eye of Eternity by defeating Sapphiron in Naxxramas - and in order to access Heroic version of Eye of Eternity, Sapphiron must also be defeated on Heroic.

There are two quests involving defeating Malygos on different difficulties:

Red vs. blue

The PvP in Wrath of the Lich King have recieved two additions: a new battleground and an entire zone focused on World PvP.

Strand of the Ancients
Strand of the Ancients loading screen

An "Assault"-style battleground, where the team on offense has to use Battleground Demolishers to break down gates in order to invade the fortress and capture the relic within, while the defenders fight to prevent that with the assistance of mountable Antipersonnel Cannons for a certain period of time. After a successful capture or defense, the two teams switch places, and the new time limit would be however long it took for the first time to end (for example, if the offense team won in 3 minutes, they would only have to defend for 3 minutes, where if the defense team successfully run the time out in the first round, they will have the full time limit for next round). Whoever wins the second round wins.

There is a single quest involving winning the battleground:

Main article: Wintergrasp quests

A mostly frozen lake concealing a titan complex. The fortress constantly changes hands from the Alliance to the Horde and back. Only accessible via flying mounts or portals.

Every 2 hours 30 minutes, Wintergrasp becomes a raging battleground, with players currently in control of the fortress attempting to defend it from the other side. Attacking side has to break through three layers of protections (walls to outer courtyard, walls to inner courtyard, and the gate to the inside of the keep) in order to reach the relic inside. Defending side mostly has to defend, however they can reduce the time limit by destroying the attacking side's towers in the southern part of Wintergrasp. Both sides can use various siege engines to their advantage, although they first have to kill a number of enemies in order to attain the rank necessary to pilot those vehicles, with the limit being tied to how many Goblin Workshops are under that faction's control.

When the battle for Wintergrasp is not going on, players are free to go around and do various weekly quests and collect resources. In addition, the side that currently controls the fortress is given access to the Vault of Archavon.

Vault of Archavon loading screen
Vault of Archavon

A unique raid instance located in the Wintergrasp fortress. It is only accessible to players currently in control of the fortress. It evolves through the expansion, with more bosses being added as it goes on. For now, only one boss is present - Archavon the Stone Watcher.

There are no quests associated with the Vault.

Patch 3.1.0 - Secrets of Ulduar

The first major patch of Wrath of the Lich King, focused on finishing the Old God storyline of the expansion, while laying steps towards taking down the Lich King.

The Argent Tournament Begins!

Main article: Argent Tournament

The first part of the patch is the Argent Tournament - a permanent world event in north-eastern Icecrown. In it, players can participate in Jousting - a unique type of mounted combat. There are also many daily quests - some take place in the Argent Tournament Grounds, some require taking fight to Scourge strongholds, and some take place in other zones.

While the tournament has already started, the colliseum is still under construction. The player can aid in its construction for the duration of this patch by doing daily quests for the Blastbolt brothers.

  1. N [80] The Blastbolt Brothers
  2. N [80 Daily] A Chip Off the Ulduar Block & N [80 Daily] Jack Me Some Lumber
Ulduar loading screen

Secrets of Ulduar

Since neither Horde not Alliance can trust each other to not stab them in the back in the aftermath of Wrathgate, it's up to Kirin Tor and the adventurers to take the fight to Ulduar, and neutralize the darkness within.

Ulduar is a 10 or 25-man raid instance located in northern Storm Peaks. Players have already visited sections of Ulduar, (Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning), but this is the main complex, and it is much more defended.

One unique mechanic of Ulduar is Elite mode - almost every boss has a unique mechanic, that makes the fight harder if performed (or not performed), and if the boss is successfully defeated, will provide better loot. Defeating most bosses with Elite mode conditions is necessary to face the strongest boss of the instance, Algalon the Observer.

There is a quest chain to gain access to Algalon, with there being separate chains for Normal and Heroic modes.

  1. N [30R] Archivum Data Disc / N [30R] Heroic: Archivum Data Disc
  2. N [30R] The Celestial Planetarium / N [30R] Heroic: The Celestial Planetarium
  3. Complete all of
  4. N [30R] Algalon / N [30R] Heroic: Algalon
  5. N [30R] All Is Well That Ends Well / N [30R] Heroic: All Is Well That Ends Well

The Storm Watcher

A new wing of Vault of Archavon has been opened. Emalon the Storm Watcher awaits all those who wish to challenge him.

Trial of the Champion loading screen

Patch 3.2.0 - Call of the Crusade

The second major patch, focusing on the Argent Tournament.

The Argent Tournament Continues!

With the completion of the Crusaders' Coliseum, new content has been added to the tournament. The most casual of said content is the completion of The Black Knight quest chain, and new daily quests, though said quests have some requirements (Silver Covenant/Sunreavers quests require one to be Exalted with them, as well as Champion rank with one city, while Crusader quests require Champion rank with every city).

The less casual addition is the Trial of the Champion - a 5-man instance located within the Coliseum. Notably, its first boss requires players to make use of Jousing, so be sure to train up on that. It ultimately concludes with the Black Knight crashing the trial, leading to the participants firmly putting an end to his story.

The only quest for the dungeon was added in Patch 4.3.0: N [25-30D] Champion of the Tournament

Trial of the Crusader

Trial of the Crusader loading screen

The new raid of the patch is the Trial of the Crusader, a raid instance located within the Coliseum. It includes fights against ferocious beasts, Lich King's servants, an Eredar out of nowhere, a pseudo-PvP boss fight and a surprise appearance of a foe thought defeated.

New to this raid was a separation of quantity of players from diffuculty - the Heroic difficulty, dubbed the Trial of the Grand Crusader, required the completion of the normal mode, before it could be attemplted. Another new addition to Heroic mode is the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest and a limited amount of attempts the players have - players have, at most 50 attempts to complete the Heroic difficulty of the raid, with the chest spawning if at least 25 attempts were left.

There are no quests associated with the Trial of the Crusader

The Isle of Conquest

Isle of Conquest loading screen

PvP players were not left without additions, thanks to the addition of the Isle of Conquest - an "Warfare"-style epic playground situated on the island off the coast of Icecrown. The win condition for the battlefield is to exhaust the enemy reinforcements, or defeat the general of the other faction. To get to the general, players need to breach one of the three gates of the keep, which can only be done with siege weaponry and explosives.

Main conflict of the battleground revolves around a trio of capturable locations located in the center of the map, and the various vehicles they provide. The workshop, located in the center, is the most straightforward, with its demolishers and siege engines being able to batter down the gates, while  [Seaforium Bombs] allow players without a vehicle to deal damage to the gates as well. To the west are the docks - the glaive throwers can be used to attack the enemy keep from afar, or to snipe the defenders, while the catapults can be used to launch players behind the walls to wreak havoc (and use the opponent's stash of bombs against them). To the east is the Hangar - capturing it allows players to make use of the gunship and its cannons to bombard enemies from the sky, or to parachute into the keep to try and take down the walls from within.

Unlike other epic battlegrounds, there are no quests on the Isle of Conquest.

The Flame Watcher

A new wing of Vault of Archavon has been opened. Koralon the Flame Watcher awaits all those who wish to challenge him.

Onyxia Returns!

Patch 3.2.2 came with a surprise rework of an old raid instance - Onyxia's Lair. While similar to how it was before, the new version of Onyxia's Lair has been adjusted to fit the times.

There only quest is the reward for beating Onyxia. Much like the original, delivering the Head unlocks a leatherworker-only quest that awards a pattern for  [Onyxia Scale Cloak].

  1. B [30] A Most Puzzling Circumstance
  2. B Leatherworking [30] The Journey Has Just Begun