Algalon the Observer (tactics)

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This article is about the Ulduar boss encounter. For character biography, see Algalon the Observer. For the quest, see N [30R] Algalon.
BossAlgalon the Observer
Image of Algalon the Observer
Race Constellar (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The Celestial Planetarium, Ulduar
Status Defeatable

Algalon the Observer is an optional boss in Ulduar.

Gaining entry to the Celestial Planetarium

Algalon is located in the Celestial Planetarium, off the main Antechamber of Ulduar. Activating the console next to the Planetarium's door will spawn the encounter. Unlike most boss fights, Algalon is actually neutral until he is attacked. Originally, Algalon could only be accessed if at least one member of a raid had obtained the  [Celestial Planetarium Key] or the  [Heroic Celestial Planetarium Key], but both keys were removed in Patch 4.2.0.

Players previously had a one-hour window to defeat him per lockout period, starting upon first initiation of the encounter.[1] Blizzard has sardonically referred to him as "Algalon the Raid Destroyer". This one hour window was removed in patch 4.0.1.

  1. Completing  [I Choose You, Steelbreaker (10 player)] /  (25) or  [I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (10 player)] /  (25) enables one  [Archivum Data Disc] to drop (It is not party loot).
  2. The N [30R] Archivum Data Disc quest from the disc directs the player to the Archivum, located beyond the Assembly of Iron.
  3. After listening to the Archivum Console speak, Neutral Prospector Loren offers N [30R] The Celestial Planetarium quest, asking the player to locate the Celestial Planetarium and return to her. Completing this enables four quests to obtain the Watchers' sigils, which may be performed in any order:
  4. Completing all four quests enables the quest N [30R] Algalon. Returning to the Archivum Console rewards  [Celestial Planetarium Key].

Adventure Guide

Loken's death triggered a failsafe mechanism warning the titans that Azeroth had lost its foremost guardian. Algalon the Observer has been sent to examine the situation and, if necessary, transmit a reply-code that will restructure the entire world, wiping out all of its current inhabitants.[2]



Algalon dual wields and his swing speed is extremely fast, with ~27,000 main hand and ~15,000 offhand swings coming every second or less.

The Collapsing Stars have 1,764,000 life in 25-man.

  • Spell Fire Burnout.png Cosmic Smash – Calls 3 abyssal boulders from the sky that each deals 53,625 to 56,375 Fire damage.
  • Spell Shadow Shadowfury.png Black Hole Explosion – Instantly casts 20,475 to 21,525 Shadow damage to enemies.
  • Ability Warrior PunishingBlow.png Quantum Strike – Strikes 34,125 to 35,875 Physical damage within a 5-yard radius.
  • Spell Holy DivineSpirit.png Phase Punch – Massive blow that inflicts 8,788 to 10,212 damage within a 5-yard radius, and slowly fades the target to another plane of existence.
  • Spell Holy SurgeOfLight.png Big Bang – Inflicts 107,250 to 112,750 Physical damage to nearby enemies. 8-second cast with a 3-second cooldown.
  • Berserk - Algalon the Observer enrages after 6 minutes.
  • Spell Holy HolyGuidance.png Ascend to the Heavens – Is a 2-second cast that inflicts 655,500 to 724,500 Arcane damage to enemies.


Algalon dual wields and his swing speed is extremely fast, with ~18,000 main hand and ~10,000 offhand swings coming every second or less.

  • Spell Fire Burnout.png Cosmic Smash – Calls an abyssal boulder from the sky that deals 41,438 to 43,562 Fire damage.
  • Spell Shadow Shadowfury.png Black Hole Explosion – Instantly casts 16,088 to 16,912 Shadow damage to enemies.
  • Ability Warrior PunishingBlow.png Quantum Strike – Strikes at an enemy, inflicting 15,675 to 17,325 Physical damage within a 5-yard radius.
  • Spell Holy DivineSpirit.png Phase Punch – Massive blow that inflicts 8,788 to 10,212 damage within a 5-yard radius, and slowly fades the target to another plane of existence.
  • Spell Holy SurgeOfLight.png Big Bang – Inflicts 76,313 to 88,687 Physical damage to nearby enemies. 8-second cast with a 3-second cooldown.
  • Berserk - Algalon the Observer enrages after 6 minutes.
  • Spell Holy HolyGuidance.png Ascend to the Heavens – Is a 2-second cast that inflicts 655,500 to 724,500 Arcane damage to enemies.


Phase 1

Algalon transforms the arena into space and immediately begins attacking the player with the highest threat. Algalon hits very hard and fast; he casts Quantum Strike on the tank with high frequency, so healers must ensure that the tank remains at full health at all times. All DPS merely attack the boss the best they can. Algalon can be positioned anywhere, as he has no frontal cleave or cone attacks.

After 15 seconds, Algalon begins casting Phase Punch on the current tank every 15 seconds and also summons four Collapsing Stars. Once the tank gets 5 stacks of the Phase Punch debuff, that tank is ported out for 10 seconds as if he stepped into a Black Hole, whereupon the debuff is completely removed. Algalon then switches to the second highest on his threat table. Your off-tank should be ready to taunt, with healers ready to change targets, as the off-tank begins taking substantial damage very quickly. Algalon will be Phase Punching the tanks throughout the fight; tanks must keep switching after.

Assign one or two ranged DPS to kill the Collapsing Stars one at a time. Since they slowly lose health on their own (1% health per second), if left alone, they will all explode at the same time and wipe the raid. Alert the healers so they are ready before a Collapsing Star is killed, as the entire raid takes roughly 16,000 shadow damage regardless of positioning (a tank who is too low on health when a star explodes can die and likely cause a wipe). When a star dies, it leaves behind a Black Hole, which is both a void zone and a portal to another realm. Collapsing Stars keep spawning throughout the fight until Phase 2 and should always be killed.

Every 25 seconds, Algalon casts Cosmic Smash on a random player, including a tank. This appears as a red fissure, which explodes after a few seconds. Everyone—not just the targeted player—should move away from the red fissure, as it causes splash Fire damage, based on player distance with the impact point.

Note: On 25-man, Algalon casts three separate Cosmic Smashes on three random players.

Fifty seconds after the initial pull, Algalon summons three Living Constellations that cast Arcane Barrage on random players and have normal threat tables. It is unnecessary to DPS a Living Constellation. Instead, a single player can aggro these and run behind any available Black Hole, as any Living Constellation that passes through a Black Hole dies instantly, causing that Black Hole to disappear. The player assigned to do this should be careful to run around a Black Hole instead of through it to avoid being portaled. Death Knights are an ideal choice for this, as they can stand behind Black Holes and use Death Grip to pull the Constellations into the hole.

Every 90 seconds from the initial pull, Algalon begins casting an 8-second lethal spell called Big Bang. To avoid getting hit by Big Bang, everyone must enter a Black Hole created by a killed Collapsing Star except for one person. For this reason, all players should be aware of the location of remaining Black Holes after Living Constellations are killed. Players need not enter the same Black Hole as everyone else; all Black Holes lead to the same dark realm. Once inside the Black Hole, players take roughly 1,500 Shadow damage per second and must avoid elite adds called Dark Matter scattered throughout the realm until Algalon finishes casting Big Bang, and automatically portals everyone back to the normal realm.

If everyone enters the Black Holes and Algalon has no player in the normal realm to target, he kills the raid with Ascend to the Heavens, then resets. For this reason, one player must remain in the normal realm to eat the Big Bang. A player protected with a Holy Priest's [Guardian Spirit], a Shadow Priest casting [Dispersion], a Fire Mage with [Cauterize], or a tank blowing all cooldowns are all capable of eating the Big Bang. Note: Big Bang ignores immunity effects such as Hand of Protection, Ice Block, and Divine Shield.

Entering a Black Hole also resets all threat of the player. If the currently Phase Punched tank stays outside to eat the Big Bang, the off-tank can taunt to gain all the threat he had upon return to the normal realm, ensuring that the rest of the raid doesn't pull aggro.

This phase continues until Algalon reaches 20%.

Phase 2

When Algalon reaches 20%, Collapsing Stars and Living Constellations despawn and stop respawning, and all open Black Holes disappear. Algalon continues to cast Quantum Strike, Phase Punch, Cosmic Smash, and Big Bang.

Algalon then summons four new Black Holes in a square pattern. Every 30 seconds, four Unleashed Dark Matters will spawn, one from each Black Hole. The off-tank needs to pick these up and tank them to the side for the rest of the fight, and DPS must burn down Algalon before these adds pile up and become too much to handle.

When this phase begins, consider swapping tanks, as the current tank will very likely have the Phase Punch debuff and the off-tank will have a hard time surviving if he has to tank the adds and Algalon together. If you swap once the Black Holes spawn, you'll be given about 45 seconds to defeat Algalon before a forced tank-swap which should be long enough. Players also need to keep alert about Cosmic Smashes as Algalon will still be using this.

Once Algalon reaches 1-2%, he is defeated, all adds and Black Holes despawn.


Main article: Gift of the Observer

Related achievements


Brann Bronzebeard yells: We did it, lads! We got here before Algalon's arrival. Maybe we can rig the systems to interfere with his analysis--
Brann is cut off by a blinding flash. The Observer has arrived.
Algalon the Observer says: Translocation complete. Commencing planetary analysis of Azeroth.
Algalon the Observer says: Stand back, mortals. I'm not here to fight you.
Algalon the Observer says: It is in the universe's best interest to re-originate this planet should my analysis find systemic corruption. Do not interfere.
Brann Bronzebeard says: I'll head back to the Archivum and see if I can jam his signal. I might be able to buy us some time while you take care of him.
Brann walks out of the planetarium.
Your actions are illogical. All possible results for this encounter have been calculated. The Pantheon will receive the Observer's message regardless of outcome.
Engaged for the first time
See your world through my eyes: A universe so vast as to be immeasurable - incomprehensible even to your greatest minds.
Summon Collapsing Stars
The stars come to my aid!
Casting Big Bang
Witness the fury of the cosmos!
Phase 2
Behold the tools of creation!
Killing a player
  • Loss of life unavoidable.
  • I do what I must.
You are out of time.
Analysis complete. There is partial corruption in the planet's life-support systems as well as complete corruption in most of the planet's defense mechanisms.
Begin uplink: Reply Code: 'Omega'. Planetary re-origination requested.
Farewell, mortals. Your bravery is admirable, for such flawed creatures.
Algalon returns to the center of the room as Brann runs back in. Brann comes up to Algalon, who kneels.
Algalon the Observer yells: I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers' flames, their denizens fading without so much as a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and razed in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once. Yet all throughout, my own heart devoid of emotion... of empathy. I. Have. Felt. Nothing. A million-million lives wasted. Had they all held within them your tenacity? Had they all loved life as you do?
Algalon the Observer yells: Perhaps it is your imperfections... that which grants you free will... that allows you to persevere against all cosmically calculated odds. You prevail where the Titan's own perfect creations have failed.
Algalon the Observer yells: I've rearranged the reply code - your planet will be spared. I cannot be certain of my own calculations anymore.
Algalon the Observer yells: I lack the strength to transmit the signal. You must... hurry... find a place of power... close to the skies.
Brann Bronzebeard yells: I know just the place. Will you be all right?
Algalon the Observer yells: Do not worry about my fate, Bronzen. If the signal is not transmitted in time, re-origination will proceed regardless. Save... your world...

Sound Files

See Sound Files of Ulduar: Algalon the Observer


10-man encounter

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25-man encounter

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Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-20): Melee damage has been reduced by 40%.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Despawn timer removed.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-05-20): Some issues were fixed and Algalon the Observer should now properly reset every time a raid wipes.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Added.


  1. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Valnoth 2009-04-21. 44. Re: Algalon only allows 1 hour of attempts. Archived from the original on 2009-04-25. Retrieved on 2016-11-23.
  2. ^ Underdev/Ulduar Bosstiary

External links

fr:Algalon l'Observateur