A Most Puzzling Circumstance

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AllianceA Most Puzzling Circumstance
Start  [Head of Onyxia]
End Zardeth of the Black Claw [40.1, 85.3]
Level 30 (Requires 30)
Category Stormwind City
Experience 1g 98s at level max level
Rewards One of:
 [Polished Dragonslayer's Signet]
 [Sparkling Onyxia Tooth Pendant]
 [Purified Onyxia Blood Talisman]
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [30] A Most Puzzling Circumstance.
For the original version of this quest, see A [60] Victory for the Alliance.


Take the Head of Onyxia to Zardeth of the Black Claw in the basement of The Slaughtered Lamb in Stormwind.


You have accomplished the truly impossible. The brood mother of the Black Dragonflight lies dead at your feet. Seize her head and deliver it to Zardeth of the Black Claw.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv jewelry ring 27.png [Polished Dragonslayer's Signet] Inv jewelry necklace 09.png [Sparkling Onyxia Tooth Pendant]
Spell shadow lifedrain.png [Purified Onyxia Blood Talisman]


By Nozdormu's Teeth!


What? How did you get this? Isn't she... Never mind the details, I suppose. You'll be wanting one of these baubles as recompense, no doubt.


The reason that this quest doesn't turn in at King Varian Wrynn (or Bolvar Fordragon in earlier versions of WoW) and does not give a city-wide buff as it did in the level 60 version is because in Patch 3.2.2 Onyxia is officially dead according to Warcraft lore. Though players still have the ability to kill Onyxia as a boss, in Warcraft lore she was killed by a party led by Varian Wrynn, Broll Bearmantle, Valeera Sanguinar and Thargas Anvilmar. This would also explain why the quest name has changed to "A Most Puzzling Circumstance" and why Zardeth shows such surprise upon seeing the head of Onyxia.

Blizzard put in a number of rather subtle "jokes" into the quest such as stating in the quest text that "You have accomplished the truly impossible," referencing of course that although Onyxia is still a level 80 raid boss, she is officially dead according to lore.

Patch changes

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